2nd epoch, part 2, ch 7-10: #yall #myheart #herewego #buckleup #percypigcatcheslaura #interceptsanotefromanne #thinkslauraknowstheSecret #firesfanny #abuseslaura 🤬#locksherup #countporkchopanddeadeyestakemariansside #ordotheyidonttrustthem #deadeyesspies #marianwriteslettersforfannytodeliver #thecountfollowsher #didheintercepttheletters #icanttell #percypigandporkchopmeetinthelibrary #marianspiderclimbstospy #soproud #talkofdebt #talkofmurder ⬇️
BarkingMadRead #percypigseemsagainstit #porkchopismoreinvolvedthanithought #bleedingthewomensmoneydry #pouringrain #marianmakesitback #writesitallup #andpassesout #porkchopfindsthediary #hisnotationisdiabolical #myheartlegitstopped #staytuned #hashtagbrigade 6h
BarkingMadRead @bookwormjillk @bklover @mcctrish @librarybelle @sace @clare-dragonfly @ruthiella @roary47 @catlass007 @elizamarie @quietjenn @dabbe @kwmg40 @rubyslippersreads 6h
BarkingMadRead @kao @barbarajean @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @samanne @kathywheeler @leftcoastzen @kspenmoll @graciouswarriorprincess @morr_books 6h
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Clare-Dragonfly I‘m so proud of Marian for being so proactive and brave. The Count is so evil! I‘m worried about what will happen to Anne 😬 He keeps finding things Marian has written and not destroying or messing with them even if that would be the smart thing to do… because he‘s so diabolical he thinks he‘ll get away with it anyway! I hope he doesn‘t! 6h
Clare-Dragonfly Any guesses on #percypig‘s Secret? I wonder if he isn‘t really who he says he is… maybe a bastard or the product of an affair? 6h
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly ohhhhhh I wonder! Because Anne‘s mom knew the secret first! I can‘t wait to find out 5h
mcctrish #percypig #countporkchop #countessdeadeyes what a trio of terror 4h
ElizaMarie Cringy! #DontWriteInMyJournal 2h
ElizaMarie I wonder if somehow Percy is related to Anne? Or had impregnated her? Ahhh I need to know how damaging this secret is!? Its got to be juicy with all this talk of murder! Oooo maybe they know Percy murdered someone (Ann‘s daddy?) 2h
Leftcoastzen Greedy & creepy they are ! 2h
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