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A fascinating look at the strain caused by tabloid journalism in the early 2000s. Covers a range of women from Brittany Spears to Chyna to Jennifer Aniston.

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I should have read this book ages ago, but better late than never! I see the drawbacks of Friedan‘s approach, how she focuses on a very narrow subset of women for her work, but I do think it‘s full of important criticism. I saw myself in these pages, much more than I‘d like. Definitely worth a read.

TheDaysGoBy It‘s on my TBR. I‘ve never read it either 3w
GingerAntics I remember reading this for a class in grad school, but for the life of me, I remember very little of it. 3w
Singout I‘m listening to Doppelgänger by Naomi Klein right now… she talks about this era of feminism. 3w
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(Inset from Rollo May, “Contributions of Existential Psychotherapy)

Friedan uses this in her argument against housewives “adjusting” to their limited existence, but it really struck me how this applies to LGBTQ+

Bookwomble I want to read some Rollo May - he's often referenced in other books I've read, but I've not managed to get around to him. I see here what I'm missing! 3w
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Beautiful Morning for an #audiowalk

Kappadeemom Beautiful!! 3w
bookandbedandtea Wow! 😍 3w
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Just got this from the library!

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Loved this look at the toxicity famous women faced in what she calls the “upskirt decade” from 1999 to 2013. It was a time of upheaval in how celebrity news was covered and privacy rights. She writes about Amy Winehouse and WWE‘s Chyna‘s descent into addiction and death. She covers the sexualization of Britney and Lindsay, and Paris and Kim‘s sex tapes. She also looks in on the impact of older stars Janet Jackson and Jen Aniston. Highly recommend!

squirrelbrain Oh sounds great! Stacking, although I definitely don‘t need any more books! 🤣 2mo
squirrelbrain Damn! Just went on Amazon to see when the paperback is coming out (ages away) and the hardback is (c8, so I bought it! ?‍♀️ I‘ve been working solid all weekend (and Easter too) so I reckon I deserve it. Even if it languishes on the shelf until after the paperback comes out. ? 2mo
Megabooks @squirrelbrain it‘s totally worth (c8!! And of course you deserve it!! ? 2mo
BarbaraBB Sounds real good!! 2mo
Meshell1313 Sounds interesting! Stacked! ✅ 2mo
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I‘m struggling to articulate this one. Important; intersectional; staunchly anti capitalist and decolonial. I‘m in agreement with much of the book. A lot of it is very academic in language, and very French in its history covered but not inaccessible. A summary could be single issues will not win in struggles for equality, decolonisation must be strived for and respectability politics is futile. I need to read some fiction to feel less glum now.

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The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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Here are the #Roll100 books I‘ll be choosing from in November. I‘ve already started The Feminine Mystique even though it‘s still October. I‘m still reading but struggling to express myself or concentrate with the brain fog caused my chronic illness relapse. I find myself staring at the TV, not even following programs. Just normalizing struggling! I‘m sorry if anyone else is rn, too! 💕💕💕

Ruthiella I hope you mind clears up soon. When I am ill, I can‘t concentrate on anything either. ❤️ (edited) 8mo
TrishB Hope you‘re feeling better soon ❤️ 8mo
shortsarahrose I totally relate. I was in a bad Crohn‘s flare earlier this year and couldn‘t focus on reading (I watched a lot of mindless TV). Hope things improve for you soon 🩷 8mo
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AmyG Do what you need to do. I hope you are feeling better soon. 8mo
Deblovestoread Hope it passes soon. Take good care of yourself 💜 8mo
squirrelbrain Hope you start to feel better soon. 😘 8mo
BarbaraBB So sorry you‘re still brain foggy. Take care dear Meg 💕💕 8mo
LeahBergen Here‘s hoping you feel much better soon. 😘 8mo
CarolynM Hope you‘re feeling better soon💕 8mo
sarahbarnes I‘m so sorry. Take care of yourself. ♥️ 8mo
Megabooks @shortsarahrose ugh, I‘m sorry! 💕 My Crohn‘s marker is elevated, but they can‘t find a spot in my digestive tract. (I‘m having a GI flare now.) Plus I have some other symptoms that don‘t 💯 fit with Crohn‘s, so we can‘t quite figure out what‘s up. It‘s been frustrating. Thanks for the support. 🫶🏻 8mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB thanks 💜 I‘ll email you back soon. I was really happy to read what everyone is up to! 8mo
Megabooks @Ruthiella @TrishB @AmyG @Deblovestoread @squirrelbrain @LeahBergen @CarolynM @sarahbarnes thanks to each of you for the kind words and support! It means a lot! 💕💕 8mo
shortsarahrose That sucks so much 😿 I hope you can get things figured out and get out of your flare. 🩷 I‘m luckily feeling somewhat better after switching medication a few months ago, though I still haven‘t been able to get off prednisone. I have a colonoscopy next week after which my GI and I will decide whether I need to switch again or not. 8mo
Megabooks @shortsarahrose thanks! 🫶🏻 I hope you‘re able to find something that works consistently. I have a colonoscopy next week, too. I hope yours has good news!! 8mo
shortsarahrose Thanks! Good luck with yours as well! 8mo
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Some helpful info in here but also several things you‘ll probably just toss to the side. Certainly worth reading and taking what works.

The Feminine Mystique | Betty Friedan
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#WondrousWednesday on a Friday, I've had a busy week 🙃

(1) The Feminine Mystique
(2) About 4 months (War and Peace), if we don't count the books that I tried to pick up several times and ended up bailing on
(3) 18 years (and counting) in teaching

Thanks for the tag @Eggs 💕

Eggs Congratulations #3 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 10mo
eeclayton @Eggs Thank you ☺️ 10mo
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