I‘ll admit I almost gave up half way through this but I did make it to the end. Not a bad book. She admits that a lot was made possible cause of the priv they have which is a breathe of fresh air.
I‘ll admit I almost gave up half way through this but I did make it to the end. Not a bad book. She admits that a lot was made possible cause of the priv they have which is a breathe of fresh air.
He knows he is it and a bit! Enjoying the afternoon sun on my window. Keeping me company.
ETFs are the way to go.
Oh how I wish I could go back in time ✨
I downloaded this at bed time last night:) thought it would make a good read when I‘m struggling with sleep.
I‘m cheating a little on this answer. This isn‘t the last book I bought. However, it‘s the next book I‘m buying. I ordered it several days ago from the bookstore, and I expect they will have it in pretty soon.
I started reading it on Libby a while ago, but I realized it has a lot of “exercises” that were awkward to do in that format. I finally got around to ordering my own physical copy! It‘s probably even more relevant these days.
Still working slowly through King. Loving the Sense & Sensibility adaptation. Starting the audio today. Hope to start Margo today, too. On the Calculation is the only Booker International Longlist book my library has and I‘m trying not to buy new books. The Women‘s Prize Longlist drops the 4th and it may change all of the above 😂
Might get that feeling? That the rich exploit their employees?
I wish more companies were like Dr. Bronner‘s. They implement a salary cap. The highest paid employee‘s salary is limited to 5x that of the lowest paid employee. Imagine if all companies adopted this model. What a difference that would make in everyone‘s quality of life.
Authors list several characteristics of millionaires. I laughed when I read this one. The good old days of pension plans. Even when I was teaching and money was deducted from my paycheck for state pension, I never relied on them managing that money well.
Meh. Most recent research was from mid-90s to early 2000s, so examples are outdated. In 2025 the authors & the millionaires come across to this Gen Xer as out-of-touch Boomers. Basic concept is live below your means. Stealth wealth. Lots of pages on car buying habits and how to raise kids to become wealthy w/o relying on cash infusions from parents. Nothing really new here. Some of the anecdotes were amusing. #ReadYourEbooks
Current read reflecting on the financial aspects of a life well lived. I'm glad it acknowledged very early on that globally a privileged few actually have disposable income with which they could take on board his viewpoint.
Already this is starting to feel like a lot of padding to get his central idea to book length though.....i think this will be a skim read.