"They came with the storm."
"We beg our readers' indulgence for any mistakes or negligence which they find in this book; for our memory is weakened and it strength spent as a result of the great weariness brought about by voyages which have taken us by sea from one country to another and by land across extensive desert."
Opening line of a short selection of entries from Baghdad-born Mas'üdī's lengthy account of his 10th C. CE travels.
#FirstLineFridays @shybookowl
Alison Dawson can never cross Old Kent Road without thinking of Monopoly.
A great read, ends with an unknown so I'm hoping that means a new series.
“Damira followed the blood down the hill.“ #FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
The phone rang. Again.
Love me some Inspector Gamache.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
"The banthas plodded in single file, leaving only a narrow trail of scuffed footprints across the dunes."
People who include sightseeing in their travels can scarcely avoid visiting churches.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
“I have to admit, it was a lovely wedding.”
“The day before the disaster, Iris Carr had her first premonition of danger.”