Medical Terminology - Key Words from Assignment 2
#handlettering #calligraphy #freestyle #dippen #medicalterminology #makerswap
Medical Terminology - Key Words from Assignment 2
#handlettering #calligraphy #freestyle #dippen #medicalterminology #makerswap
My reading challenge for 2018 is to read whatever I want, whenever I want....and do a lot of it. To continue indulging my fiction addiction! (Picture of my TBR pile, the one next to my bed.....there are piles like that all over my house).
#2018Goals @Wbabdullah
1️⃣ Be more organized & procrastinate less.
2️⃣ A TBR jar pick! I need to tame that growing stack of books 📚
3️⃣ #FreeStyle reading! I‘m skipping challenges & group reads, but will continue #LMPBC. 30 pages/day.
4️⃣ #CupidGoesPostal #SummerSolsticeBookExchange
5️⃣ Skip the arm chair, I like to read in bed! So blanket and pillows as accessories.
6️⃣ @Kelican17 ❤️
So I‘m wrapping up my #LMPBC read for #GroupR and also trying to decide on what to do for my bookmark exchange matches. I‘ve also got a few unfinished books that I want to finish before New Year‘s Day. I think 🤔 I‘m going to skip challenges and read-a-longs in 2018 and read #FreeStyle