Taking a bit of a break with a light read. So far there seem to be quite a few differences from the movie, which I saw several times when younger but probably 15 years ago, and I also can't remember whether I ever read the book 😊 #gettingoldsucks
Taking a bit of a break with a light read. So far there seem to be quite a few differences from the movie, which I saw several times when younger but probably 15 years ago, and I also can't remember whether I ever read the book 😊 #gettingoldsucks
So excited, only 12 more days until our BIG PHILLY MEET UP😁 spoke with the Rosenbach Museum today and unfortunately they can't accommodate groups that are larger then 10 pple, without a pre-paid reservation ☹️so we are going to meet at B&N on RittenHouse Sq. where we can mingle, grab a bite & browse/shop. It's going to be a fun chance to put a face to a name. I hope I've tagged everyone, please feel free to repost & tag others I may have missed.
In "Getting Old Sucks" News, the eye strain of small print in the hardback I own of The Path of Daggers forced me into reading the ebook version so I can have bigger print. I'm just glad the ebook was available to borrow from the library. I just got new glasses this past September, for pity's sake. #Grrrrrr #GettingOldSucks #EyeStrainMakesMeSleepy #EpicFantasy #fantasy #RobertJordan #TheWheelOfTime #WoT