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The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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Thrillers are not my favourite reading. This one was okay, I guess, it kept me turning the pages. The writing is pretty ordinary (almost every character was introduced with a perfunctory physical description such as "plump" or "well-built", a reference to age, a reference to their nationality/ethnicity - so lazy!) & some events stretched credibility. I knew pretty much where it was going very early, but there was an extra twist. #LMPBC #GroupZ

LeeRHarry My thoughts exactly - I had heard so much praise for this one that I thought it was worth a shot - thrillers really aren‘t my thing, I should just come to terms with that 😏 3y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry It's good to read different things from time to time🙂 Every now and then I come across a thriller I enjoy, but I suspect most thriller fans wouldn't think much of the ones I like. 3y
TheLudicReader That book was a lot of fuss for nothing, imho. 3y
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AlaMich I didn‘t get the hype about this either. 3y
Cathythoughts I do like a good literary thriller.. I bailed on this one 👍🏻 3y
CarolynM @Cathythoughts Good call👍 3y
Tanisha_A Super review! I didn‘t get the hype either, it was okay 3y
Amiable Great review! 3y
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The Silent Patient | Alex Michaelides
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Getting started. #LMPBC #GroupZ

The Inland Sea | Madeleine Watts
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Of all the books I've read recently about messed up young women engaging in self destructive behaviour, this is far and away the best. It is beautifully written and uses the backdrop of the harsh landscape & climate of Australia, growing relentlessly more severe as global warming intensifies, most effectively. It was on the Miles Franklin Shortlist but didn't win. I'll have to read the winner now!
#LMPBC #GroupZ

Ruthiella Stacking! Those books are like catnip to me! 3y
CarolynM @Ruthiella I'd definitely recommend this one. Unlike most of the others, there was nothing gratuitous and I never felt that the author was just trying to shock. While I didn't like the narrator's choices, I always felt sympathetic to her. 3y
JamieArc That cover isn‘t bad to look at either 😍 3y
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LeeRHarry Ooh I‘m looking forward to reading this even more now - I‘ve finished my book too, just need to get to the post office somehow to post it 😬 🤞end of the week. 3y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry No rush🙂 3y
LapReader I‘m almost done with mine. Can‘t wait to hear what you guys think. It goes with your theme that‘s for sure! 3y
Centique That‘s high praise! I would stack it on that wonderful recc but I already have it stacked 😍 3y
Centique How are you doing? I hope you‘re able to keep your spirits up. It sure is an emotional rollercoaster to go through these lockdowns. 😔 Wishing you and yours all the best xxx 3y
CarolynM @Centique I think @JennyM gave it a rave review too, that's probably when you stacked it. Thanks for thinking of us 😘 We're OK here (apart from my daughter having injured her foot, but that's another story). It looks like we'll be out of lockdown soon, touch wood. Sydney, on the other hand, will be suffering for a while. 3y
JennyM I‘m so glad you enjoyed it, too. One of my fave books from last year. Hope the end of lockdown is coming for you soon 🤞 3y
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I‘ve been flat out at work but I finally made it to my #lmpbc book for this month! I‘m not the ideal reader for this, I‘ve already learn a lot of this info through work and I think that‘s why I found it repetitive and a smidge preachy. I may have enjoyed it more if I was going into it fresh. The information is good, it‘s well written and that cover 😍😍😍 - it‘s just not the book for me. Still, glad I read it, that‘s the joy of book clubs!

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Music and Freedom | Zo Morrison
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I didn't really enjoy this. There wasn't enough substance to the central character to make me care about what happened to her (except in principle because it shouldn't happen to anyone), the husband wasn't fully convincing and the plot was contrived. Also, I don't think the structure worked very well - it felt quite disjointed. Disappointing.
#ozfiction #lmpbc #groupz

I'll send it back to you next week Lee.

LeeRHarry Thanks, just realised that I never rated it on Litsy but it was a so-so for me too - your book was my fave @CarolynM 😊 looking forward to reading everyone‘s comments! 😊 4y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry There was an interesting story to be told there. A good editor could have made it a lot better. 4y
rockpools That‘s sad. But the bookmark‘s lovely! 4y
thegreensofa Whoops I don‘t think I rated it either!! 🤭 I will now. I must say I learnt so much more about classical piano, I was you tubing everything! It was a great education 😯👌🏻 4y
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Table for Eight | Tricia Stringer
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A nice light read, a kind of Australian version of a Maeve Binchy novel. Surprisingly enjoyable. #LMPBC #GroupZ

Crazeedi I have a cup just like yours! And I'd like to have a cupcake just like yours!😉❤🥰 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Now I need a cupcake! 🧁 😋 5y
Cathythoughts Lovely pic 💕 5y
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Eggs Lovely photo! 5y
LeahBergen This is so inviting! 💕💕 5y
TrishB Perfect pic 👍🏻 5y
CarolynM @Crazeedi I have 2 of those mugs, I wish I had a whole set. The cupcake is red velvet from the Hummingbird Bakery recipe book. My daughter is brilliant at making them🙂 @erzascarletbookgasm 5y
CarolynM @LeeRHarry I put it in the post to you this morning. 5y
LeeRHarry @CarolynM thanks Carolyn I‘ll keep my eye out for it 😊 5y
Crazeedi @CarolynM I have 2 also, my sister gave them to me for Christmas and they are my favorites💕💕 5y
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