Wonderful!! Highly recommend.
What an interesting story with wonderfully strange characters! I devoured this one pretty quick (for my personal speed).
For my book club we read Red Rabbit, which I would characterize as a spaghetti horror western. A ragtag group set off across the plains to collect a bounty on a witch, running into all sorts of horrors along the way. It was a bloody ride! But there‘s more at play than the group realizes. I loved the two cowboys, Ned and Moses. This is a genre I would love to read more of! The cover is also gorgeous.
#Top24of24 + 1!
I love deep thoughts of contemporary lit, and I love interesting themes given wit and care. Make me laugh, make me cry, be silly, #FoundFamily #ExquisiteWriting, daring and considerate treatment of the human condition.
Eliza and Will have made a lovely home for themselves and their two children in Kansas but when Will goes to fight for the Union against the “seceshes” (secessionists), Eliza must run the farm mostly alone and face life as “just a woman,” in a very man‘s world. She must decide whether to help an escaped slave, how to deal with brutal thugs who would as soon kill her and her kids as look at her, and whether she should let a secesh help her when ⬇️
Audiocrafting gets quite messy!
#letterQ #Christmasatoz #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #littenlisten @aperfectmjk
My next audiobook #letterQ #Christmasatoz #xmaschacha #wintergames @StayCurious #littenlisten @aperfectmjk
I read this a while ago. It left me feeling that the author tackled a twisted theme using expert storytelling. Building up characters, a family history, and the readers abject horror with a mounting unease. Excellent book. Dissecting a family and generations of trauma that impacted each woman, all inflicted by one man.