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Repost for @katy4peas

Hey Knittin‘ Littens!

Check out this event:


Free on Zoom March 9th Canadian Time
#knittersoflitsy #wartime #codebreakers #codemakers #knitters

Codebreakers have infiltrated the public imagination of wartime efforts - but what about code-makers?

katy4peas Thanks for the repost! 3y
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Hey Knittin‘ Littens!

Check out this event:


Free on Zoom March 9th Canadian Time
#knittersoflitsy #wartime #codebreakers #codemakers #knitters

Codebreakers have infiltrated the public imagination of wartime efforts - but what about code-makers?

katy4peas Historian and knitter Kristen Howard will explore the role knitting played in wartime codes and correspondence, from providing a cover for women spies in WWII to the use of knitting to disguise or amplify messages. 3y
julesG Very cool. Thanks for sharing. I'm tagging @LitsyEvents - please spread the word. 3y
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Romance with impulsive TSTL heroine and grumpy cowboy. Loved the yarn content (apart from the jab at crocheters). Baffled by reviews elsewhere complaining it's too steamy - it's not fade-to-black, but the sex scenes are brief and largely described with metaphors. Did they expect zero sex just because there's a knitter involved? Haaaave they met knitters?

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Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen
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CrowCAH That‘s such a beautiful pattern! 😍 4y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 4y
PurpleTulipGirl That‘s beautiful! 4y
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sprainedbrain I need to learn to knit. That‘s lovely! 4y
MicrobeMom Love this! I don‘t think my knitting skills are up for the lace on this one! 4y
MicrobeMom @sprainedbrain if you really want to learn, I love Kirsten of Studio Knit on YouTube. She has a great beginners knitting series. 4y
julesG I need to find this pattern. #knittersofLitsy 4y
katy4peas It‘s in Jane Austen Knits 2011 magazine. I love this pattern. I want to make one. 😍 4y
julesG Thanks 4y
CrowCAH @katy4peas thanks! I don‘t knit, but crochet. I‘ll have to see if there‘s patterns for crochet. 4y
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I love a handicraft novel. This one has a little extra charm. All the required trappings, HEA, wish fulfillment, steamy love scenes, etc, but it‘s not a vanilla, sanitary story, which can often be the case with craft related stories. Newsflash: knitters/quilters/etc aren‘t all elderly & many of us make questionable choices & say fuck, shit & damn. 🤷🏻‍♀️🖤 This author gets it. Get print or ebook. The audiobook narrator ruins it completely imho

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Thanks to @BookaholicNatty for the post re: Literary Yarns. I submit this for the #Knitters amongst us. Great fun. You can even knit a Moosehead for the wall. #MakerSwap

Craftylikefox Love this! 6y
CaitlinR @craftyfox The patterns are well written and easy to follow. 😀 6y
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Okay don‘t judge me. I found this on audio through my library and I‘ve been listening to it since last night while I finish knitting a pair of socks. I don‘t know what it is about it, but I am really enjoying it. Am I lame? Yeah. That‘s okay. It‘s been a long day, and sadly another death in the family has occurred. My heart hurts so very much.

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For all the #knitters out there, this one‘s for you! Out on Nov 14 from @Bloomsbury_Publishing

BookishMarginalia My friend Sheri also recommends 7y
julesG Both stacked. 😁 7y
Emily92Bibliophile @BookishMarginalia Are you organizing another Christmas Secret Santa Gift exchange this year? I really liked the one you organized last year and would love to participate again 🙂 7y
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laurencjay This is very cool 7y
BookishMarginalia @Emily92Bibliophile I can‘t this year, but @mrbook and @bookbabe have graciously stepped in to make it happen! Head over to their feed right now for the signup link. 7y
Nerdfins Neeeed! 7y
Crystalblu Must have! 7y
Wbabdullah @BookishMarginalia thank you so much for this! I think it‘s going straight into my library!! 7y
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The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol. 1: Squirrel Power | Ryan North, Steve Ditko, Will Murray
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My favorite thing so far about Squirrel Girl so far is her roommate.
#unbeatablesquirrelgirl #knitters

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