Hmm, does anyone notice a vague trend towards books about kick-ass women in my #lastbooksstacked? 😁
Hmm, does anyone notice a vague trend towards books about kick-ass women in my #lastbooksstacked? 😁
My children and I have enjoyed Granenstein's kids books immensely. Earlier today I saw he had written for adults too and stacked this immediately. We had a fun family day, but we are back home and I saw that this is just 99cents on kindle so I bought it a few minutes ago. #lastbooksstacked #laststacked #seasonsreadings2016
My most recent #tbr ! I'm happy that my interests are broadening with the help of all of you wonderful people! ❤️#seasonsreadings2016 #day28 #lastbookstacked #lastbooksstacked #blameitonLitsy
My #lastbooksstacked. I'm very interested in reading more about the Maori people and indigenous stories in general. #SeasonsReadings2016
So these are my #lastbooksstacked on my TBR pile. As you can see, a lot of Victorian fiction and historical romance. What can I say? I have a type.😍 #seasonsreadings2016
This was my last physical book stacked! This is my "priority TBR" pile - it usually consists of library books and book club books, and it's not to be confused with my other TBR stacks. It's smaller than it usually is right now, so I might actually be able to put a good dent in my other TBR piles in January! #lastbookstacked #lastbooksstacked #seasonsreadings2016
#lastbooksstacked #seasonsreadings2016 A small sampling of my tbr for 2017.
#seasonsreadings2016 day 28 #lastbooksstacked
Silly me, I went through quite a few of your posts (stacking as I went, naturally) and so of course my last books stacked reflect some of yours.
My lists on Litsy (especially the "read" list) is never as accurate as GR but I just have fun stacking interesting books - and I think it may help w others' Litfluence (?). I wouldn't have noticed some of these books if you guys didn't post them!