My paperbacks are here! Look for yours on June 12.
#Carolinerevisited #littlehouserevisited #carolineingalls #maingalls #liw #lauraingallswilder #littlehousebooks #lhotp #lhop #littlehouseontheprairie #littlehouserevisited
My paperbacks are here! Look for yours on June 12.
#Carolinerevisited #littlehouserevisited #carolineingalls #maingalls #liw #lauraingallswilder #littlehousebooks #lhotp #lhop #littlehouseontheprairie #littlehouserevisited
Well, rock my seat and poke a badger — it‘s Laura Ingalls Wilder‘s birthday! Don‘t do anything Half-pint wouldn‘t do!😉
#liw #lauraingallswilder #littlehousebooks #lhotp #lhop #littlehouseontheprairie
This was amazing: Lee, a second generation Vietnamese young woman and her search for a phenomenal connection between her family and a beloved American author.
William Morrow sent me a big box of pretty new hardcovers...so I built myself a little house of Caroline!
#Carolinerevisited #carolineingalls #maingalls #liw #lauraingallswilder #littlehousebooks #lhotp #lhop #littlehouseontheprairie
This book is truly the Go Set a Watchman of the #lhop series. It was discovered in her papers after her death and only published after the death of Rose. Completely unedited or revised, this book is more a collection of brief memories with little description or linking besides the characters. I would like to see what this would have become with edits and revisions; it is truly a disappointment as it is. Also: is Almanzo a compulsive shopper? 👇🏻
If someone takes a picture of Melissa Gilbert holding your book, you must show it to the internet, right? Also: WOW.
#Carolinerevisited #carolineingalls #maingalls #liw #lauraingallswilder #littlehousebooks #lhotp #lhop #littlehouseontheprairie #melissagilbert
This was always my least favorite of the series-it was so boring compared to the rest! Will that change as an adult reader? Stay tuned…
Today's #lhop anecdote: before I had corrective lenses, I once held either this book or The Long Winter so close to my face that I ended up with ink on my nose! In my defense, the print gets a lot smaller as Laura ages.