Daffy Duck is my favorite Looney Tunes character. He still makes me laugh so hard!
#duckonthecover #bloomingbibliophiles
Daffy Duck is my favorite Looney Tunes character. He still makes me laugh so hard!
#duckonthecover #bloomingbibliophiles
I just now licked the last envelope for my #jb #justbecause letters. I‘ve now written to everyone on the list at least once. Feeling pretty pleased with myself but holy sore hand, Batman! Now I‘ll get back to answering the lovely letters I‘ve been getting too.
“My name is Elmer Fudd. He‘s Batman. And we‘re hunting wabbits.”
😂😂😂😂😂 #Batman #looneytunes #thisisridiculous
Not bad since I had to work and got called in again tonight. Maybe next time. #24in48
PoP Culture moment brought to you by Acme Co. Ooohhh do I want thisssss.
And that‘s all for #24in48 July 2018! I didn‘t go through as much of my physical TBR cos I picked 2 great audiobooks. I had one DNF (Magnificent Vibration).
Final tally:
Over 27 hours ~ calling it done at 45 h mark
1,039 pg
12h 34 m listening time
5 books ✅
3 comics ✅
2 audiobooks ✅
And 5 short stories, finishing the volume ✅
Thanks again to all who chimed in with support 😘
Reviews to come - I read some great stuff 🙂
I love team ups. The more crazy the better, if it‘s with another company even better. Nothing is sacred in my eyes, let‘s bang them together and see what happens! This is one of the most bonkers ones I have read so far. They have mad meet ups like Batman with Elmer Fudd. The nice thing is they do a gritty dc style story, then a looney tunes variation. If you hated the changes made with scooby doo then avoid this! Otherwise it‘s a great oddity.
Time for me to bow out of the readathon. Nowhere near 24, but I'm very happy with 14!! I read 2 books, and am over halfway through the 3rd. I'm already looking forward to the next one! #24in48 #readathon