I‘m over 3 decades late to the train, but I am loving the Dinotopia series. The story is interesting, the illustrations are amazing. I‘m in awe on every page. I want so many hung up on my walls!
I‘m over 3 decades late to the train, but I am loving the Dinotopia series. The story is interesting, the illustrations are amazing. I‘m in awe on every page. I want so many hung up on my walls!
Stumbled upon this on Amazon the other day and couldn‘t resist buying it. I don‘t remember anything about it except that I loved it as a kid… if nothing else, the kids will enjoy flipping through it
New book in! I love the art by james gurney and I love dinotopia.
#jamesgurney #artbook #dinotopia #newin #bookhaul
25/150 I can't believe how much I did not like this book. I love the premise, like a sequel to Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World, they were returning the last surviving Dinosaurs back to El Grande. However the books pace is grindingly slow, almost 3/4 over before reaching the Lost World. Once there, it's more like Jurassic Park, lots of running from dinosaurs. 2 ⭐⭐💫
2nd book finished for #FabulousFebruary @Andrew65
3/10 #bookbuyingdiet
Had to treat myself to the Folio Society special edition of The Lost World by Michael Crichton especially as have the first book edition. I look forward to the illustrations and beauty. #foliosociety #specialedition #dinosaurs #lostworld
On the last day of school, after walking to the old brownstone building on 85th where they had an apartment, Peter's father told him that they would be going away for a few months.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
(1974) Sequel to Farmer's "Hadon of Ancient Opar", though it's not so much a sequel as book two of a two-volume novel, which is not so much a novel as a long piece of Tarzan/Quatermain fanfic. It's okay for what it is. I expect it would appeal most to those who know the Burroughs and Haggard novels well enough to catch the references better than I do.
Hadon leaned on his sword and waited for death.
This one hasn't aged well. It's full of racism, sexism, and I didn't find the story too compelling, either. I'd expected it to be a quick read, but it took me several days to finish it, because I wasn't too eager to continue.
This is a translation/adaptation of a 1922 French lost-world novel. The setting is imaginative and richly detailed but the plot mostly consists of white men killing things in mysterious Africa. The English is by Philip Jose Farmer, who has clearly altered the text, at least to add references to his Wold Newton universe. I'd have preferred a more straightforward translation.
This was my #DoubleSpin book for May