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Rapture | Carol Ann Duffy
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#lovesick #poetrymatters
Another brilliant one from Rapture.

merelybookish She is so good! 5y
TheSpineView Love this one!❤ 5y
Reggie Holy wow!!!😵 5y
TrishB @merelybookish she definitely is 😁 5y
TrishB @Reggie still the best set of love poems ever! 5y
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Reggie Ohhhh, awww, I really like this!!❤️ 5y
TheSpineView 😊 5y
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Dear Darkness | Kevin Young
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TheSpineView 😊 5y
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Home and Away: Poems | Rachel Wetzsteon
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The World Had Fled
The world had fled, with all its silly cares
and questionable aches, and in one swoon
we rose above its stupefying airs
like flying lovesick pigs up to the moon.
In that blue light where two lives equaled all,
our souls looked down upon a spinning ball.
Complete poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/53945/the-world-had-fled
#lovesick #poetrymatters @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Love the imagery!💜 5y
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Essential Blake | William Blake
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Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare
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#PoetryMatters #Lovesick

Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or if thou wilt not , be but sworn my love
And I‘ll no longer be a Capulet.
Tis but thy name that is my enemy ...

... What‘s in a name ? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet ....

LeahBergen This is my favourite version of the movie ❤️ 5y
Cathythoughts @LeahBergen me too ♥️♥️♥️ 5y
batsy @LeahBergen @Cathythoughts I love this version too 💘 5y
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Cathythoughts @batsy yes! ♥️💕 5y
Centique Me three! Or four! @LeahBergen @batsy @cathythoughts I think I said before that I used this theme music at my wedding 😍😍😍 Nobody recognised it but me of course! 5y
Cathythoughts @Centique your wedding sounds beautiful 🎻🎼✨✨ 5y
TrishB Cool 👍🏻 5y
batsy @Centique That's lovely 😍 5y
TheSpineView Beautiful!❤ 5y
LeahBergen @Centique Ohhhh!! 😭😭😭 5y
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Lovesick | Tonya Hurley
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The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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OK I need a moment...this book is REALLY good. I can see why it has been heaped with so much praise. There is one thing though I can't get Brad Pitt out of my head 😍

#LoveSick #Mythology #Booknerd #Bookaholic #Achilles #Troy #Obsessed #TeenageCrush

Liatrek Lol😊 6y
AmyG Ha! My book club just picked this. Now I will have Brad Pitt in my head too. 🤣 6y
Chelsea.Poole 😍beautiful 6y
tournevis Is the wig in the book too? Cause the wig, The Wig, stopped me from enjoying the movie. 6y
JaneyWaneyB Lol the wig 😂 see past the wig @tournevis if you can't read the book it is a very different take on Achilles but I bet you will still see a young Brad Pitt. You'll have to let me know who you see as Patroclus @AmyG he is the storyteller so no big descriptions of him 6y
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Cupid's Secret | Buck Kalinowski, Kim Miller
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It's that time again 💕💕💕 @MrBook has asked me to repost and share the news #CupidGoesPostal #ValentinesBookExchange is open for registration 🙌🏻Act quick as the deadline is January 6!!! You can register here:
❤️ https://goo.gl/forms/287RwSYgcxUeK7tM2 ❤️
#LitsyLove #LitsyHappenings

Avanders Thanks for reposting!! 💖💖 7y
Cinfhen @Avanders of course!!! You guys are nuts!!! So much work involved 😘 7y
LeahBergen Will you be doing this one? 😀 7y
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Avanders @Cinfhen lol yeah... but it's worth seeing happy littens!! 💗 7y
Cinfhen @LeahBergen 👋 Happy New Year 😘😘😘I promised hubby I would take a {{small}} break from exchanges....shipping is like private school tuition 🙄😬 7y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen I bet it is!! 😮 7y
TrishB I said I was taking a break after #muglove - but I‘m tempted....will see..... 7y
Cinfhen I'm doing #muglove too @TrishB but I'm skipping this one 🙈I promised hubby I'd slow done a bit 🙊 7y
TrishB I‘m away again in the middle of Jan so would need to do very quickly so I will prob give it a miss and just enjoy the pictures on 14th Feb! 7y
batsy Lol @Cinfhen you're so right. I'm tempted but shipping is astronomical 😓 7y
Cinfhen We can all be #lovesick together @batsy @TrishB 😉 7y
saguarosally I‘m tempted. I have no time, but if you don‘t need anything handmade... 7y
Cinfhen It‘s up to you what you wish to include.... @saguarosally ~ it‘s always a fun swap 💕💕💕 7y
TrishB It‘s a plan👍🏻 7y
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