Not really book related. I convinced the 4 year old to watch #Labyrinth! I know there are Littens who can relate to how happy this makes me. #parentingwin #MagicDance #mychildhoodobsession
Not really book related. I convinced the 4 year old to watch #Labyrinth! I know there are Littens who can relate to how happy this makes me. #parentingwin #MagicDance #mychildhoodobsession
#catchingup on #septembowie #day14 - #magicdance
Not technically a book, the new #homestuck game has as much reading as one, and also features loads of references to nostalgic '80s kids films. Plus, you interact with your environment by dancing!
I do love Robert E. Howard, he was a fantastic storyteller with a great sense of action and the wonder an a higly visualizza style, but l have to admit l do have some issues with his contemporary stories. 1930s Texas was a problematic place.
Black Canaan is the best of Howard's contemporary stories. The core is a #MagicDance of a voodoo witch, a strong era character than the author meant to be, in my opinion.
#septembowie #magicdance
I was going to tag a book with a magic dance in it but then I realised it was a bit of a spoiler! So instead let's agree that dancing with fairies is generally something to be avoided no matter how pretty it looks ? As Allingham says "Up the airy mountain, down the rushy glen, we daren't go a-hunting, for fear of little men"
(Image: Margaret Tarrant vintage bookplate via Google)
There's lots of magic in this series, and even a little dancing. 😉💃🕺✨💫 #MagicDance #Septembowie @Cinfhen @Marchpane
On the Discworld, the eighth son of an eighth son wields the power of a wizard, but when little Eskarina ends up being the eighth daughter of an eighth son this #babewiththepower upsets the traditions of the stuffy wizards of Unseen University. #MagicDance
I feel like everyone who cares knows these Signature editions are gorgeous, but can we talk about how perfect they FEEL? Just the right size, weight, and texture. Perfect.
Marco and Celia are magic personified. When the two finally dance with each other, sparks fly! #septembowie #magicdance
I picked this up as an ARC years ago and have not read it yet. But, it sounds like a fascinating book - a woman, who dances, suffers a tragic accident and must pick up the pieces of her life. #magicdance #septembowie
#SeptemBowie #day14 #MagicDance The first thing that comes to mind when you say Magic dance is the Haka, the ritual dance that Maori warriors did to scare their enemies,now kiwi sports teams routinely perform before games. It's supposed to strike fear into their hearts and make them lose,so I reckon it counts as a magic dance. These are some photos from different hakas, but to truly get it you need to see it performed