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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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I never did end up sharing my final #MidyearRush stats, so here they are!

Time: 134 hours 14 mins
Total Books Read: 68
Audiobooks: 30
On Track or Completed Challenges: 16/20
Best Book: The Friend Zone
Worst Book: the Case of the Late Pig
#UndreadShelfProject: 32 during #MidyearRush, and 132 year to date.

Librarianaut Gorgeous journaling! 4y
jb72 Wow 😯 great job and a wonderful journal spread. 4y
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Sabrina & Corina: Stories | Kali Fajardo-Anstine
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Oops, forgot to post this one! I read it during #midyearrush and I have to say, a lot of these #shortstories really hit you in the feels. They're short but tell SO MUCH. They are also very sad, telling the struggles Latina women go through in white communities, in their own, and usually at the hands of men. That said, the stories also feel very hopeful. Many potential triggers like abortion, abuse, sexuality, etc #fiction

Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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#MidyearRush #CYOReadathon

Wow! I finished not only the above books. I also: finished ‘The Guardians‘ (forgot to add it to my collage🤦🏻‍♀️) & 2 random reads on my e-reader; Started both a new audiobook & my June #BookSpin 📚🎧

Thanks so much @Clwojick @Sace 🥰❤️

DieAReader 15% of ‘American Rebel:‘ done & 110 pages remaining of 4y
Clwojick Way to go! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
DieAReader @Clwojick Thanks! I read lots & enjoyed every minute! 4y
GHABI4ROSES Resurfacing yet again! Miss and love you, I am ready. So proud of you! 4y
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Just checked my totals for the #MidYearRush Readathon that finished yesterday, I met all four goals and altogether during the 15 days I read for a total of 93 hrs 14 mins and finished 12 books.

wanderinglynn Way to go 🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Andrew65 @wanderinglynn Thanks 😊👍 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Thanks 😊👍 4y
janeycanuck Wow, 94 hours?! That‘s amazing. 4y
Andrew65 @janeycanuck Thanks 😊👍 4y
Clwojick 🎉🎉🎉🎉Awesome!!!! 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Thanks 😊👍🥰 4y
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We Didn't Mean to Go to Sea | Arthur Ransome, Ransome
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Final update for the #MidyearRush!! I definitely stayed up past my bedtime in order to achieve my 5000pg goal, but I am very proud of myself!! I've tried several readathons, and this is the first time that I felt like I found the balance between challenging and doable! I finished 17 books and got caught up on several challenges, so I say this readathon was a success!! Thank you so much for hosting @Clwojick !!!

Gissy Congratulations! 🎉👏👏👏👏 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Gissy - Thank you!!! 4y
Clwojick Yay!!! Way to go! Congratulations on hitting your goals! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 4y
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VeganCleopatra Happen to know if this type of challenge is going to be occurring again soon? A page count challenge rather than a couple day readathon (at times when I never get time to read) might help give me a push. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - Yes!! @Andrew65 is hosting another one July 11-19 where you set your own goals, be it page numbers, books read, time spent reading, whatever works for you!! I'm going to repost his graphic this morning & I'll tag you when I do!! 4y
Andrew65 @VeganCleopatra You‘d be very welcome to join us 😊 In fact we‘d love to have you join us. You can set your own goals and I always set a pages count goal. Although thinking of just using @TheAromaofBooks goals as on this one we virtually set the same target 5000 pages v 5026 pages and both read about the same amount of pages. (edited) 4y
Andrew65 Well done, a fantastic total 👏👏👏🙌🍾🥂🥳😍 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - for these longer readathons, aiming for about 350pgs/day seems to work - it's a bit more than usual but not unattainable! 4y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Yes same for me, balancing out work days and weekends but still takes some getting. 4y
VeganCleopatra @Andrew65 Thank you! I'm considering joining...I just never seem to have enough reading time these days so I'm wondering if a push like this would help. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - it took me a few readathons to find the best style of goals that actually meant I read more, if that makes sense, so I recommend choosing a goal that is easy to track and gives you just a little push - if I make my goal too intense I get way behind and then don't even try! 4y
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Big Summer: A Novel | Jennifer Weiner
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I‘m calling it at 3.5 books for #midyearrush since I‘m not as far along in my next read as I‘d thought I‘d be by now. It will disappear from Libby tomorrow. Oops!

Meanwhile, the tagged book took an unexpected turn at the halfway mark that seemed a good place to pause. I‘m not crazy about the audiobook narrator, but it‘s not so annoying that I can‘t finish.

Clwojick I‘m hoping to listen to this audiobook this month! Can‘t wait to see what you think of it. 4y
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These are the books I finished during #MidYearRush Readathon

Overview of Goals

1 ✔️Read 5114 / 5026 Pages

2. ✔️ Read 12/11 Books

3. ✔️ Read 4 / 4 #NordicNoir Books

4. ✔️ Finished the Joona Linna Series

That was fun. Now what do I do with myself ?!? 🤷‍♂️

Clwojick Yesssss! You are the #ReadathonKing! You killed it! 🎉🥳🎉 I guess you could always crack open another book, in celebration! 😂 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick Thanks, also 2/3 way through the last Percy Jackson, frustrated as tried to finish that one as well today, but work got in the way. Caught up right at the end. 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick If I‘m the #ReadathonKing, you must be the #ReadathonQueen! 4y
Clwojick Hahahha! The only kind of Queen, I‘d ever want to be! Except maybe a Crazy Cat Queen 😂 I really gave up my pace these past few days, since a handful of things came up. But I‘m happy with what I managed to read and the challenges I completed! ♥️ 4y
Andrew65 @Clwojick You did brilliantly and excelled so much in the early part of the Readathon that you could choose to take it easy at the end! 🙌🙌🙌👏👏👏🥳 Crazy Cat Queen sounds great 🤣 (edited) 4y
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The Toymaker | Liam Pieper
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This book just didn‘t do it for me and can‘t decide if it was the narrator or the book. Rarely do I pan a book but never really felt engaged in the story and actually quite bored by it. I do feel it could have been written in a better way. However don‘t let this put you off it may just be me or a book you need to physically read and not do by audiobook. Some just don‘t work in that format.
Book 12 complete for #MidYearRush

Andrew65 Now at 8.30 pm on the final day of the Readathon now met all four targets for #MidyearRush. @Clwojick (edited) 4y
TrishB I was just thinking I don‘t think I‘ve seen you pan a book before! 4y
Andrew65 @TrishB It is rare!, just didn‘t engage me at all. (edited) 4y
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MsMelissa @TrishB I was thinking the same as soon as I saw this! I mean, someone else must have taken over Andrew‘s account if this is a pan. He never pans 😂 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa 🤣 This is true, especially where historical fiction is concerned - those are often some of my highest ratings. Think only panned two books whilst on Litsy. 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa @TrishB I tell a lie, just checked Litsy. Out of the 526 books I have rated I have actually panned 5 books (around about 1%) and bailed on two. Interestingly the two I bailed on was because of the sex in the books. 4y
MsMelissa That‘s crazy! You obviously do a good job of selecting books you know will work for you. I need to work on that @TrishB 4y
Andrew65 @Book_Fiend_Melissa I am quite good, in the main, about knowing what books I‘ll like. Very rare for me to bail unless it has too much sex in. Could also say you and @TrishB are far more selective and hold books to a higher standard. (edited) 4y
MsMelissa And I just bailed on a book 🤣 Yup, I‘m pretty picky! 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa @Andrew65 I think I have only panned one, but I tend to bail on a lot more. They‘re gone if they don‘t hold my interest! Especially these days! 4y
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