More pink and yellow book covers please 💝💛 #irishwriters #summerreading #ConversationswithFriends #SallyRooney #Milkman #AnnaBurns
More pink and yellow book covers please 💝💛 #irishwriters #summerreading #ConversationswithFriends #SallyRooney #Milkman #AnnaBurns
Burns' descriptions of male control had a huge emotional impact on me and resonated deeply. I've never heard or read such an accurate description of the subtle ways women can be made to feel vulnerable by predatory men. It's a difficult read stylistically and takes some perseverance to begin with but is well worth the effort #AnnaBurns #Milkman #patriarchy #ireland #troubles #violence #control
Bad Bitches drink tea and read books on icy rainy
Drink tea, read books, be happy.
I feel as though this book is a “must-read” simply for its thought-provoking nature. The style of writing itself is extremely difficult to read (for the first time in my life I switched to an audio book which was far more enjoyable!), however whenever I put it down again I had something new to mull over and reflect on. Gorgeous cover 😍 and genius writing, but not an easy read by any means.
#milkman #annaburns #manbookerprize #bookclubread
So I‘m currently forcing my way through this book for a book club I‘m hoping to join and I really am finding it difficult to enjoy it. Has anyone else struggled with this one or is it just me? 🤷🏼♀️
#milkman #annaburns #thestruggleisreal
a tiny glimpse of my #tbr. i'm in #amazon and #barnesandnoble gift card heaven so I'll be book hoarding. obvi. 🤓😍 which book should I start the new year with? #themapofsaltandstars #thesilentpatient #educated #circe #imthinkkingofendingthings #mindhunter #milkman