Ch 13:
They waded across, Mogget clinging to Sam‘s shoulder and the Dog swimming in the middle. Unlike most dogs, Lirael noticed, her friend actually stuck her whole head underwater, ears and all. And whatever power fast-moving water had over the Dead and some Free Magic creatures clearly didn‘t apply to the Disreputable Dog.
“How come you like to swim but hate baths?” asked Lirael curiously as they reached dry ground and found a sandy patch between the rocks to set up a makeshift camp.
“Swimming is swimming and the smells stay the same,” said the Dog. “Baths involve soap.” 1w
“I understand. It‘s just not that simple...” the Major began. Then he paused, and his red face went blotchy and pale at the temples. Lirael watched his brow furrow up as if a strange thought were trying to break free. Then it cleared. Carefully he put his hand into his pocket, then suddenly withdrew it and punched his newly brass-knuckled fist into the Bakelite exchange board,
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its delicate internal mechanisms exploding with a rush of sparks and smoke.
“Damn it! It is that simple! I‘ll order the company to go. After all, the politicos can only shoot me for it later if we win. As for you, Private, if you mention a word of this to anyone, I‘ll feed you to the cat thing here. Understand?”
“Yum,” said Mogget. 1w
Not that landing in the Old Kingdom would be easy. Touchstone looked at the fabric wing shivering above him and hoped that most of the plane was man-made. For if parts of it were not, they would fall apart too soon, the common fate of Ancelstierran devices and machinery once they were across the Wall.
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“I am never flying again,” muttered Touchstone. Then he remembered Ellimere‘s message. If they did manage to land on the other side of the Wall and get to Barhedrin, then they would have to fly somewhere in a Paperwing, to engage in a battle with an unknown Enemy of unknown powers.
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Touchstone‘s face set in grim lines at that thought. He would welcome that battle. He and Sabriel had struggled too long against opponents manipulated from afar. Now whatever it was had come out in the open, and it would face the combined forces of the King, the Abhorsen and the Clayr.
Provided, of course, that the King and the Abhorsen managed to survive this flight. 1w