For me, "douche canoe salesman sleeps around while bitching that his ex-wife doesn't want him back" is definitely #NotYourNormalGenre. #BackToReading
For me, "douche canoe salesman sleeps around while bitching that his ex-wife doesn't want him back" is definitely #NotYourNormalGenre. #BackToReading
#BackToReading | #NotYourNormalGenre | #GraphicNovel - #BadGirlsThroughoutHistory 100 Remarkable #women who changed the world | by #AnnShen #TBR $2.99 on kindle ?
"To be a bad girl is to break any socially acceptable rule... Everything we've gained has been hard-won by a woman who was willing to be bad in the best sense of the word." #AugustGrrrl Challenge #BadGirls
I've been trying to read more poetry, so in august I have been trying to read at least one poem a night and I started with this book! The tagged book is not this book because I can't find it in the data base, but it is another book by the same author! #notyournormalgenre #backtoreading
#backtoreading #notyournormalgenre
Westerns are definitely not my normal genre.
#backtoreading #notyournormalgenre
Historical romance is not my cup of tea.
@Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck
#BackToReading #day12 #NotYourNormalGenre Poetry is not a genre I normally read. Whilst I do like some specific poems, there's a lot of mediocre stuff out there. I like epic poems like The Lady Of Shalott & Ulalume by Edgar Allen Poe. But these poems are short & sweet. Very moving & full of emotion. I'm now a big fan.
I know it's become hugely popular, but when I first started reading post-apocalyptic & dystopian fiction at the tender age of seven in the late 1980s, it was definitely #notyournormalgenre.... & to be fair, I still read more of it than the average reader. #whatcanisay #imdarkandtwistylikethat #thisshelfismissingabouttenfavesthatareoutonloan #alsomissingmykindlebooksfromthissubgenre
#BackToReading #AugustGrrrl
Earlier this year you'd have been right if you'd said to me "Graphic novels are #NotYourNormalGenre." They held no appeal for me and you could have hardly made me read one. Now, over half way through the year and I find myself turning #TimeAfterTime to this genre willingly and eagerly. I don't remember which title it was that drew me in, but I'm here to stay! ?
These ones I've already got copies of. Thanks NetGalley!
China Miéville's works are #notyournormalgenre. Blending and blurring the lines of fantasy, horror, science fiction, and magic realism, they have been categorised as 'new weird' fiction. I have yet to read any of his books. Any fans here?
#backtoreading @Tiffy_Reads @JoeStalksBeck