Desert .... it‘s where I live
Prickly pear ... especially in the form of cider or margarita
Gila Monster... javelinas are mean
@ReadosaurusText @saguarosally
Desert .... it‘s where I live
Prickly pear ... especially in the form of cider or margarita
Gila Monster... javelinas are mean
@ReadosaurusText @saguarosally
A little reading fatigue after Lethal White...hopefully this will help #amreading
Surprise at the library today....but did any one know this thing is over 600 pages????? Weekend is booked now.
Got Book Mail today....will start this sometime this weekend
Happy Mother‘s Day!!! Best thing I saw on twitter today from one of my favorite authors❤️
Been away for awhile... life happens!!!! Really getting back into a mystery grove and this book was right on track. #movingforward
Haven‘t been this excited about weekend reading in a while .... but this was in the mail today from the UK #bookmail
Oldest left for AF Basic Training this month... reading was slow and not enough escape - missing him a lot. A few great books this month #FebStats #ReadingStats
After the car accident I was concerned about my ability to focus on reading... apparently I just have to start 3 books for every 1 I finish... but I am getting books read. #January #bookstats
#sundayread Really excited this came in to the library for the weekend.
Last book for 2017.... I went ahead and finished it.. the last 25 pages took forever to read ( my problem not the books ). Bring on the new year and light fluffy books.
So we were rear ended 2 weeks ago today... I haven‘t been on Litsy much since or reading for that matter. We all walked away with out major injury... but reading is harder now. Reading after trauma ... thoughts???
#2017review Goodreads 2017 Review. Think I will get at least 2 more in before 2018
#readingstats Can not believe how close we are getting to 2018
Made my contribution to small business Saturday at the #indiebookstore ... 1 for my husband and a couple of gifts ( not pictured )... and murder for me #PoisonedPen
Look folks I know I am supposed to be getting into the Christmas boxes today but with this weather I am considering putting a palm tree up instead and a hammock and reading the whole month....🌴
Guess the library wants me to get into the spirit of the season...
#sundayreading Also check out Joe Ide NPR interview from November 10 if you get a chance
Back from cruise since Monday..read 3 books on trip. Can‘t even finish a Stephanie Plum because I still have vertigo from coming off ship. Loved the cruise... hate vertigo
Going on 5 day cruise + 2 travel days in the Florida / Caribbean— so 1) How many books?
2) What kind of book? ( Title suggestions are great ) .... taking The Vacationers I think ... and I don‘t know #readingproblems
Guess what came off my hold list today... looking forward to work tomorrow ( my listening place )....
Youngest son is brown bell testing today... seating in courtyard reading. #sundayreading
Library Haul ... lovely books. Not sure I can get these done in 2 weeks
September was a great month but it was a quality over quantity month.... Fabulous books this month. #septemberstats #bookstats
This is book hit all the marks for me! Loved it!!!! And it was 100 for the year... so everything now is bonus reading
Ms. Locke referenced this line when she spoke last weekend at Poisoned Pen. It gave me chills when I read it in the book.
Listened to this amazing woman tonight at Poisoned Pen tonight. Grateful for the opportunity to hear from her about this project and how she got to this project... Thank you @Liberty for talking about this on ATB 😊
So I just learned that she is going to be at Poisoned Pen this week.... may have to make this happen
"Well, if I were going to throw somebody off a train, I'd throw them off the back."
Plotting and logical--- yep.
Short but powerful... micro memoir is a good description of the content. Parts have got my mind cranking ... looking for other work by Fennelly.
#confession: I may leave an hour early for work because traffic is a crap shoot or my built in emergency time may actually be built in reading time away from text and stupid questions... ARC in the mail yesterday. Have a great day ☀️
I guess I decided to weed the #TBRpile ... I put all the books on my coffee table last night so I would do it today......
@Wife This is "my" quilt... the first one I made just for me... the one I read under. Shortly after my 30th birthday I took this as a class ... it's called My 3 Stars