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New York | Edward Rutherfurd
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Repost for @Mitch :

So .... I‘m going to be in New York for a few days - March 3-6th. Wondered if anyone wanted to meet-up - open time all ideas! #newyorklittens #nyclittens. Please feel free to copy, tag and share with anyone who might be interested.

New York | Edward Rutherfurd
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So .... I‘m going to be in New York for a few days - March 3-6th. Wondered if anyone wanted to meet-up - open time all ideas! #newyorklittens #nyclittens. Please feel free to copy, tag and share with anyone who might be interested.

Fridameetslucy I will be at my you-know-what-awful - job until 4 each day. I live a few blocks from the strand bookstore. Do you need a place to stay ? And of course let‘s meet up. @Mitch (edited) 5y
julesG March is your meet-up month? 5y
cariashley How great, I‘m interested but am probably going to be traveling that week! Will watch your posts though in case that changes 😊 5y
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Crazeedi Wish I lived closer to NYC!! 5y
KatieDid927 Ah I live in NYC but will actually be traveling myself those dates. 5y
Mitch @julesG Now there's a plan - a whole month - one meet-up to the next! 5y
Mitch @KatieDid927 Next time! 5y
AmyG Omg. I don‘t know if I can do this, but we will need to be in touch. My grandson is arriving somewhere around then...so I am not sure if I will be available...but it‘s a possibility! My email, so you have it is amy.goldsmith58 gmail (edited) 5y
phatsallylee I can head into the city for this. Tag me if a time and place is decided. 5y
MicheleinPhilly Don‘t know whether I can swing a weekday visit but maybe. @mrozzz @swishandflick 5y
Mitch @Fridameetslucy Id love to meet up....thanks honey 5y
Mitch @phatsallylee 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 5y
Mitch @MicheleinPhilly 🙌 🙌 🙌 5y
Mitch @AmyG Thought it was a long short - but lets see what pans out over the next month or two xxxx 5y
j9brown I live in NYC, would love to chill with some Littens one evening if you can keep me in the loop too 😁 5y
Mitch @j9brown Brill- will do 👏 👏 👏 5y
mrozzz Ahhhh I would love to but I‘m going to AWP that week! 5y
Susanita I wish! *mutters about stupid work* 5y
akadavis Yes, would love this! 5y
Kaylamburson Yes! Please keep me updated. We have sales conference that week, so I'll likely have work events every night, but I would love to try! 5y
MaGoose Yes, I'd love to. 5y
ScientistSam I may have a work conflict but if not I'd love to see you! 5y
Mitch @Kaylamburson 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Mitch @MaGoose 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Mitch @ScientistSam 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
Mitch @akadavis 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
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Book Fair Day | Lynn Plourde
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The Goddard Riverside Book Fair is back for its 32nd year this weekend!! I hope to see a bunch of NYC Littens!!! I'll be working 9-2 on Saturday. All books are 50% off retail, and all proceeds go to support this incredible charity that supports homeless, elderly, schools, and more! #nyclittens #nycmeetup

Kaylamburson @swishandflick @mrozzz @CoffeeCatsBooks @NCNY @MrBook @BookBabe please tag other NYC littens! I need a master list Haha. 6y
Cinfhen Sooooo jealous😭😭😭😭😭wish I could be there!!!!! 6y
Kaylamburson I wish you could, too!!! @Cinfhen 6y
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Cinfhen Awwww, thanks 😘😘maybe next year 🤞🏼🤞🏼 6y
Kaylamburson That would be so great!! @Cinfhen 6y
CoffeeK8 I‘m NYCish... I live in Rockland and used to live in the city. How have I never heard of this before, i‘ll have to make it next year. 6y
Kaylamburson Oh nice!! And it's such a great time! Almost always the weekend before Thankgiving, so you should def keep it in mind for next year! @CoffeeK8 6y
MrBook 😱😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
mrozzz How cool!! Unfortunately I‘m busy all weekend but thanks for the tag!!! 6y
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Sour Heart: Stories | Jenny Zhang
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My two favorite things, books and food, combined?!?? 🤗🤗 This is so awesome. I will probably try to drag my husband with me but if any other #nyclittens are interested, we should link up! It‘s $100 a ticket which is steep, but includes a 3 course dinner, cocktails AND the book!


IamIamIam ooooOOOOOooooo!!!!! 7y
cariashley Also tagging @NCNY!! 7y
Notafraidofwords Ooohhhhh!!! I‘m gonna look into it. 7y
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Cinfhen Thanks for the tag! Sounds awesome but I‘ll be in Miami for a wedding that night!!!! I get to NY on Thursday evening March 8 7y
mrozzz Whoa! Thanks for thinking of me! 7y
cariashley @Cinfhen ah ok I knew you‘d be here the following weekend but wasn‘t sure when you‘d arrive! 7y
PirateJenny sadly that's too pricey for me right now. But it sounds fantastic so anyone who goes, let us know how it is! 7y
LeahBergen That sounds amazing! 7y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Wow!!! This does sound amazing!! Thank you for tagging me!! I‘m lazy until about May, but maybe one of these days I would do it !! 7y
NCNY Very cool idea! Can't make this one. Hope you enjoy! 7y
Lmstraubie Sounds fantastic! Thank you for the tag ☺️ I'm going to have to miss this one, but please keep sharing!! 7y
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My Big Art Show | Susie Hodge
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Spending the night at my brother's girlfriend's art show!!! #NYCLittens, hit up Treehaus at 470 42nd St to check out the great stuff here! $5 gets donated to helping New Yorkers with depression. 😃 #patronofthearts #supportartinNYC

The Dewey Decimal System | Nathan Larson
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The lines were too long for @Timg138 and I to play Connect Four so I had to settle for looking over a card catalog in the periodicals reading room! *drool* #NYPLAfterHours #NYCLITTENS #booklife #NYCLife

Astor Orphan | Alexandra Aldrich
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A bit of #NYPL #libraryporn before I get let in to hang out after hours!!! #NYCLife #NYCLittens #literaryNewYork #NYPLafterhours

Dragonfly in Amber | Diana Gabaldon
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Watching the finale of Outlander season 2 (was saving it since I know what happens) and wondering if it's possible for me to tear up for 90 min straight. Because emotions. 😢

Leelee08 I think I literally cried from the time the episode started until the time it ended.😍❤️💔 8y
cariashley @Leelee08 yup I cried the whole time pretty much. Although hard to hear the second half over sirens (am fine but a few blocks away from whatever the f is going on in NYC right now. Hoping all #nyclittens are ok.) 8y
Leelee08 @cariashley I just read that something blew up around a night club. I'm glad you're ok.... 8y
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Brooklyn Follies | Paul Auster
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Hey, NYC-area Littens! Is anyone else going to Brooklyn Book Festival? I'll be at the Brooklyn Indie Party at Greenlight Bookstore on Friday and around all day Sunday. Let's grab a drink (Friday) or coffee (Sunday) and talk about books! #brooklynbookfestival #BKBF #nyclittens

MrBook Wish I could go 😕. 8y
MrBook Have a drink and book on me 8y
katedensen @MrBook Absolutely. Don't worry, I'll post plenty of pics. ☺️ 8y
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MrBook 😊👏🏻👍🏻 8y
Marchpane Oh hey, I'm only 9630 miles from Brooklyn, so maybe I'll swing by? 😂 8y
katedensen @Marchpane Easy peasy. 8y
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