@Mommamanzi I love all of my gifts- thank you so much!! Plenty of reading for my winter break!
@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
@Mommamanzi I love all of my gifts- thank you so much!! Plenty of reading for my winter break!
@MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
This package arrived yesterday- so excited to open it up in a few days!!!
#secretsantagoespostal #wintersolticebookexchange
@BookBabe @MrBook @Avanders
@Bookishgal71 Santa sent a package your way today! Should be to you by Friday- enjoy!
#secretsantagoespostal #wintersolticebookexchange @MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders
Ok here we go!
Used or new 🎄series and stand alones 🎄tea and hot chocolate 🎄candles 🎄bright and neutral colors 🎄socks and blankets 🎄 no Pop figures
Pretty excited for this event today!
This is a reread for me and I‘m loving it just as much the second time!
You guys- I'm only 49 pages in and it's so, so good!!
Home from vacation and I find two weeks worth of #bookmail - now what should I read first?
75 pages in and I can tell I'm going to have to stay up all night reading this one.
@steverogers thank you for all of the great gifts!! I love everything and can't wait to read these books!
So this happened today, on Just the Right Book Podcast... so cool!!!
I always like a cup of tea when I'm reading, but when the book is set in London, it's a must! #currentlyreading #mystery #gemmajames #duncankincaid
Loved this one! If you liked the Nightingale, the Book Thief, and Everyone Brave is Forgiven, this ones for you! Two stories intertwine- one from WWI and one from WWII. I could not put this one down!
Time to pick book #100! Any suggestions?
#goodreads #readingchallenge #100books #cantstopreading #currentlyreading #summerreading #read
The Dry was my favorite read this month, although I think the book I'm reading now (The Widow Nash) might top it- I just didn't get through it in June!
Placidia's story is told through letters and diary entries, which is a great structure for this novel. It was far more interesting that just a straightforward telling of the events. We learn about what happened to Placidia in bits and pieces and this historical fiction novel takes on the air of a work of suspense. I haven't read a lot of historical fiction lately, and this book reminded me of why I love the genre so much.
This is non-fiction that reads like fiction. The author's writing style has something to do with that, but it's also because it's so hard to believe that these poor people were being killed off and nothing was being done about it. The older I get, the more I realize that so much was left out of the history lessons I learned in school, which is why books like this one are so important.
Preliminary pile of books to take on next month's vacation- plus the kindle. Obviously.
Any others I should add to my stacks?
This is the perfect summer read! I read it in one sitting (although I was on my couch, not at the beach!)
A little extra time on my hands this afternoon + a gift card burning a hole in my pocket = new books!
This is the perfect beach read. It was so funny that I literally laughed out loud, not once, but multiple times. There's enough of a plot to keep you interested, but not enough to make you think too hard. The characters are fun, quirky, and sometimes just plain weird, the way your friends in real life actually are. If you're looking for a fun book you can read in a day, this is it.
So... this just happened and I am so excited to chat with Roxanne!! I love her podcast!
I was smiling the entire time I was reading this- such a fun read!
Read this book! 😊 It is fantastic, a beautiful, heartbreaking, hopeful book.
This guy waited patiently while we went to 5 NYC bookstores today- he's a keeper!
Check out this beautiful journal my mom made me for my birthday! It actually has four little journals inside; a datebook, a reading journal, and two blank journals. All the charms are book related- I love it!
This was a quirky fun read but also very touching. 4 stars.
Such a nice idea! #itsnotyouitsme
I'd love a chance to win Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk, the Animators, or the Sisters Chase- thank you!
I read mixed reviews on this one, so I wasn't sure what to think when I started, but I really enjoyed this. I read it in one sitting and although sometimes the characters made me want to scream in frustration, I think the author did a great job portraying these two flawed individuals and their friendship.
This was a fun, quick read. The characters were all pretty self absorbed, and not super likable but that made it more fun when they self- destructed. A great book for your beach bag.
*note to any sensitive souls out there- quite a lot of sex and foul language in this one
True crime story set in 1950's Glasgow. Got the ebook from NetGalley. Loved the writing, didn't love the story or the people it portrayed. A very dark, bleak book.
Caught this cool number- I am so happy to have discovered Litsy!
Rereading a childhood favorite!
A pretty good month for reading! I listened to Hourglass on audio too.
This one has been on my TBR list for along time. I enjoyed it but I did think that the main character was frustratingly naive, so much so that she was not really a believable character for me. Not sure if I should read Glory over Everything or pass on it. Thoughts?