#BookMoods #600+pages My friend loved it but at 860 pages , it is a commitment! It keeps calling my name !
#BookMoods #600+pages My friend loved it but at 860 pages , it is a commitment! It keeps calling my name !
I liked this a lot. This author is sort of a genius. And his research is next level. He hits most of the really important parts of the city's history. And the #audiobook is only about 37 hours. Nbd.
#litsycrafters check in! I may have gotten in over my head with this. I just finished the 7th page of instructions. Only like a bazillion more to go. But it's a good excuse to listen to audiobooks. The tagged is 37ish hours. I just listen in parts. It always seems to be available at the library.
@Catsandbooks @curiouserandcurioser
So this is rather random, but are any of my Litsy friends from New York and would you be able to possibly answer a few questions that I have in relation to a book sample I'm translating?
Thank you, my wonderful swap partner @Dostoyes for all these great books and treats! I can‘t wait to travel east...to go “home” for a visit. The books are perfect. I LOVE the tea- we don‘t have that flavor here! The syrup is for Sundays when we always make a big breakfast (the VT daughter always comes over). And you already know I adore chocolate. You‘re the best! 😘
#staycationintimeswap @Chrissyreadit
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want.
This is day 9 #bookstoread #tbrpile
More like since last year... 😆😆 #slowlybutsurely #bigbooks Even though this is a big book, I‘m still thoroughly enjoying it! Sometimes I‘ll go a few weeks without picking it up, but when I do, I jump right back in without missing a beat #bookhumor
#MarchTBR #currentreads #springreads
I‘ll need to do the bulk of my reading in the first part of the month because I don‘t know how much reading I‘ll do once March Madness 🏀 is upon us!
• Giovanni‘s Room - James Baldwin
• La Ciudad y los Perros - Mario Vargas Llosa
• House of Salt and Sorrows - R. Erin Craig
• New York - Edward Rutherford
• La Isla Bajo el Mar - Isabel Allende
• Middlemarch (not pictured) - George Eliot
Great weekend in NYC! #ToKillAMockingBird #TheStrandBookstore #DinnerInLittleItaly Now a 90 min train ride home with a great black and white cookie and an audiobook! #relisten
Just doing some needlework while I #readandlisten - I love relaxing Saturdays. 🥰 #audiobook #newyork
Repost for @Mitch :
So .... I‘m going to be in New York for a few days - March 3-6th. Wondered if anyone wanted to meet-up - open time all ideas! #newyorklittens #nyclittens. Please feel free to copy, tag and share with anyone who might be interested.
So .... I‘m going to be in New York for a few days - March 3-6th. Wondered if anyone wanted to meet-up - open time all ideas! #newyorklittens #nyclittens. Please feel free to copy, tag and share with anyone who might be interested.
Almost halfway through this mammoth of a book...looking forward to when I get to the chapter “Lincoln.” #historicalfiction #newyork #bigbooks
Blast from the past, anyone?? I found this when cleaning out my closet. It's a Love's Baby Soft beach towel I've had since I was about 10. 😱
The #bookhaul was from a Half Price Books run with my daughter. She bought more than I did!! Maybe I'll post her haul too. It's so much fun #raisingreaders ❤️❤️❤️
Currently reading “New York”. Right now I‘m reading about the American Revolution. A French aristocrat came to the American side and started training the rebels/Patriots. This part made laugh about how he drilled them and cursed at them in three different languages. And all the while I was reading this passage, Mulan‘s “I‘ll Make a Man Out of You” also kept playing in my head! 😆😆 #letsgetdowntobusiness #historicalfiction #fridaynightread
Starting this one today... I loved his book #Paris so I‘m looking forward to this one! #bookcovers #summerreading #historicalfiction
This will likely be one of the best books I read this year. I was amazed how well the families wove in and out of each other‘s lives throughout the entire 400 years / 824 pages of this story. That‘s no small undertaking. Some characters I loved and wished I could have followed them longer, some I disliked but they won me over later. Once I finished, I immediately looked up what other books he‘s written and can‘t wait to pick up another!! I ❤️ NY!!
Overshare- Got a colonoscopy today, which wasn‘t the most fun I‘ve ever had but also not as terrible as people led me to believe it would be. Upside is bonus reading, crocheting and kitty cuddle time. I‘m really enjoying this book! It‘s amazing to see how all the stories link together. #lennox #catsoflitsy
A cuddly kitty, a crochet project and a little reading. Multitasking at its best. Pleasant way to spend a chilly and gray Thursday. #lennox #catsoflitsy
Using a sticker to help hide bits, though it‘s historical fiction and this page is about the British coming, which we‘ll all aware of. Anyhoo, made a quick trip to Buffalo,NY for the weekend and was able to enjoy reading on both flights while listening to the Brain Food playlist on Spotify. Anyone else like to listen to ambient music while reading on a plane?
Off of work for Good Friday and getting a perfect start to the day. Nothing beats coffee (or tea, but it‘s coffee today), a book and my little furry lap warmer keeping me company. #lennox #catsoflitsy
I listened to the audio, and for me, audios narrated by a male voice aren‘t always exciting for me; add to that, the length of this one (I also tend to have trouble with very long audios), and I was pleasantly surprised. In some ways, with the different characters (though all family), it felt a bit like short stories – some situations and characters I found more interesting than others. It did end on a strong (but very difficult) note with 9/11.
Reading my book, cuddling with my cat, and sipping warm tea. Warm and comfy, despite the snow. #currentlyreading #bookworm #catsofLITSY #CHATTYCATTY #teamug🦔 ❤️📚🐛❄️😺
I liked this a lot. It is full of history, drama, and family. My only complaint is that there were so many storylines that it was inevitable that some would be dropped. I regret the untold stories. I would have liked to hear more of Hudson and Salvatore and their families.
The commute inspires reading and snack time. #coconutflavoredwater #sweetplantains #carpediem #bookworm #currentlyreading 📖🖤😜
It‘s never too early to start planning the 2019 vacation. Especially when you have some new page flags ( thank you ❤️ @leslieseidel ) to put to good use!
I adored this book. I very nearly cried at the end - reading about 9/11 always makes me emotional. I love the interwoven stories of all the families throughout the history of the city. This was an absolutely fantastic read, and I think it will stay with me for a very long time.
Starts in 1664 when New York was New Amsterdam and ends with the falling of the Twin Towers. History of New York. You follow the legacies of families that are part of a historical story. Fun way to recall everything you should have heard about in American History class.🤔. If you know NYC you will really love this, easy 800 pages to read!
Even though I still have done nothing this weekend, I haven‘t gotten nearly as far as I wanted to in this book. Only on page 312 out of 860. At least I have one more full day ahead of me! Yay three day weekend!
Starting my #LRC prompt for over 600 pages. This one is 860! Challenging myself to read the whole thing during this lovely three day weekend!
Balcony sitting and reading a book. #achievementunlocked #sunnyday ❤️📚🐛😁
For someone that has quite an impact on history, that is quite an ignominious introduction. Any guesses from the Littens who this is? #currentlyreading #HistoricalFiction 😊❤️📚🗣️🎩
December 1774. Knowing history, the stage is set and tempers are flaring. But the most arresting quality of this quote is its unfortunate timelessness. #currentlyreading #HistoricalFiction #foodforthought 👌😊🤔
I adore the way this man writes. Learning history is absolutely effortless. And the characters are fascinating and relatable. #currentlyreading #bookonKindle #love #HistoricalFiction 🖤❤️📚
I've heard good things about London: The Novel so I'm going to try this one since it's on sale. Currently $2.99 for ebook on all platforms.
Morning view!
Thanks again to Goodreads for sending me emails when something on my TBR list is on sale. 👍 #BookSale
1) Big City! I grew up in a tiny town and always wanted to escape to the big city. Living in NYC has been a dream of mine since I was a teenager, though at this point I would settle for a visit...
2) Rock, definitely.
3) Literary Fiction.
4) I love pineapple, but never on pizza. I'm not a big fan of most sweet & savory food combinations...
5) Mr. Darcy.
#thisorthat @readherwriteher
Advice from New York Littens please? I'm heading to New York for work, but my hotel and meetings are near JFK in Queens. I may not have time to escape to Manhattan and lose myself in the Strand. So, is there anything interesting to see/visit/walk around, nice areas, nice food, nice bookstores etc to visit within a short taxi ride from JFK? Here's hoping 🤞
I‘ve always enjoyed family sagas. This one is set against the backdrop of New York and all of its complicated and diverse history. It‘s a riveting read, and I couldn‘t put it down when I read it years ago. A fun historical novel that shows the growth of a fascinating city.
I really love this city and am grateful to be living here! In today's #SpotAReader #TheBookCam we've got little fun going on :)
spot EDIT in this picture? #letsplay #bookishgame #litsyfun
#fallintobooks #thisshouldbeatvseries
I would love to see one of these chunksters turned into a series.
New book sleeve in store now, meet "New York, Water colour looks good on you"! Premium cotton this #bookgogo is sublime -take a look http://etsy.me/2gtzUUz
This water coloured beauty is in the country! @sisilia I should have it in my hands by the end of the week! I can not wait to stitch this up!!! #bookgogo #booksleeve #protectyourbook if you would like one too let me know