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Stumbled across this one at work! It's part list, part cookbook, and part essay collection about food from Jewish culture. The essays are laugh out loud worthy. I know very little about Jewish cuisine so I am very excited.

#foodie #omnomnom #new2me #librarybook

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Ruin and Rising | Leigh Bardugo
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Day 7: Snack Time

"We read to know we are not alone." -CS Lewis

#Libaray30 #OmNomNom #SweetTreats #YA #LibrariansofLitsy #LitsyLovesLibraries

The Atrocities | Jeremy Shipp
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@Avanders You are so sweet! Thanks for the wonderful goodies with my #HGPBC package! I am so excited for this dark chocolate while I dig in to this book, you have no idea 😂 #horrorgoespostalbookclub #teamjaws #omnomnom

Avanders Yay!! And let me know what you think about the chocolate! They also make this chocolate almond that is 🤤 6y
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I've been so flippy floppy with my reading lately. I just started going keto and although my energy is high my concentration is damn near impossible. So hopefully I'll be able to read more regular soon! This here is some steep tea and dark af chocolate! #muchlove #crabcup #omnomnom #rainydays #monday

JoScho I just started this one last night. So far so good. Also my friend was talking about the keto flu. I hope it passes soon 🖤 6y
BookBoggart @JoScho Thank-you! 💕 6y
elyseh How did you like this one? 6y
BookBoggart @elyseh I actually never finished it. I had massive concentration issues and then ended up working a ton. Still on the list though! 😂 6y
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Love it when my late night snack matches my book. That never happens! ☺❤🍨 #nightowl #yum #omnomnom #muchlove #librarybook

BookishMarginalia I loved this book! Enjoy! 6y
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A smashing success of baked goodies! Homemade small batch vanilla cupcakes (made 5 in total). I didn't make the icing though, still super yummy! Accompanied with some timmies steeped tea ☕. #romeoandjulietquote #muchlove # skulllinings #omnomnom

MrBook Whoooaaaaa!!!! Ummmmm, where do you live? 😁😇😆 6y
BookBoggart @MrBook Alberta, Canada. Come on by! ☺☕🍮 6y
Samplergal Now I‘m hungry. Looks great. 6y
MrBook Of course you are, of course. 😂👏🏻 6y
Crystalblu I am all about that mug!!! 6y
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The Chalk Man | C. J. Tudor
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As promised, my first batch of cookies! Made half and put half in the fridge to make tomorrow! #weekendplans #muchlove #baking #omnomnom

Isle of Winds | James Fahy
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Those moments when you open a jar on your office desk thinking ‘What the heck did I put in this one?‘ and find your own secret stash of chocolate that you hid there before Xmas break and had completely forgotten about. 🤣🤣 #bliss #omnomnom #byebyenewyearsresolutions

nickimags Brilliant 😂 7y
Cinfhen Niiice!! 7y
damyantig Just the kind of surprise I like! 7y
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JazzFeathers And happy new year! 😂😂😂 7y
Laura317 SCORE!!! 7y
DivineDiana 👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻 7y
Mdargusch It‘s going to be a great day! 🌞 7y
Zelma Winner winner chicken dinner! 7y
Jamesfahyauthor Whenever I do that it's usually full of old staples 😋 happy reading 🙌🏻😊 7y
BkClubCare Hi, apologies for not writing yet - found yr latest letter and will write SOON! In meantime, will put postcard in the 📬 7y
scripturient @BkClubCare No worries, it‘s all fun so don‘t stress. :) 7y
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Obasan | Joy Kogawa
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Which is why I'm outside hoping to finish up the last half of this book. If I'm really lucky today's weather will carry over to this weekend (instead of the rain they're calling for). International Food Fest starts tomorrow at 11 who's going this weekend? #londonon #forestcity #foodfest #omnomnom

Behind Closed Doors | B. A. Paris
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Happy Valentines Day!!!! As you can see I'm eating a heart shaped pizza. I'm also watching Legends of the Fall. Anyone else watching some romantic tear jerkers as well?! #muchlove #heartshapedpizza #omnomnom #romanticsadmovie

Reviewsbylola We had pizza tonight too! 8y
BookBoggart @Reviewsbylola it's the best! I'm on a plane super early tomorrow. So I wanted something dishes free. 😂 8y
ErinC I'm watching Wayne's World! Does that count? 😂 (edited) 8y
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BookBoggart @ErinC Wayne's World always counts! ❤ 8y
LiteraryinPA Heart shaped pizza is a great idea! 8y
TheLibrarian I had pizza tonight too but mine wasn't heart shaped (which is awesome!) 8y
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