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Such Big Teeth | Gabby Hutchinson Crouch
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Also has anyone read the #darkwood series please? Any opinions? Please and thank you #reviews #opinions #recommendation #bookseries #bookthoughts

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Has anyone read either of these books please? Wondering if they're worth getting. Please and thank you 😊 #recommendation #bookthoughts #reviews #opinions happy reading 📚 ❤📖

KristiAhlers I‘ve read Beast and the Beauty and it‘s DARK! But totally different from what you‘d find in normal retelling. 3y
KristiAhlers I liked it for how different it was but this isn‘t going to be for everyone. 3y
hannah-leeloo Thanks for the warning @Katbooklover 3y
KristiAhlers @hannah-leeloo no worries. 3y
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Twilight | Stepheni Meyer
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Hey littens your opinion please. Are the Twilight books worth reading❓❔❓I've watched the first film but haven't tried the books although have been tempted occasionally. What do you all think? Are they any good? Please and thank you #opinions #reviews #twilight

LibrarianRyan Honestly, not really. There are better vampire books. I get why Twilight is so popular and I have read the first 4 original books, but I didn't love them. If it wasn't for book club I would never have read them. Plus the first 200 pages of New Moon is almost as bad as the first 200 pages of gone with the wind. The difference, GWTW is a great book, the others, not so much. 3y
hannah-leeloo Thank you @LibrarianRyan I've never been keen on the films but was just checking that the books weren't better 3y
LibrarianRyan @hannah-leeloo For me personally, I think the movies are better. They gloss over some of the more cringy or eye rolling stuff. That being said, I have not seen the last 2 movies'. 3y
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hannah-leeloo That's still more than me lol @LibrarianRyan 😅 thank you 3y
Catsandbooks I actually enjoy the books! I was I fan when they first came out so my recent reread of the series was a bit of nostalgia. Also I hate the first movie but think the rest of them were good. They're not typical vampire lore, but if you enjoy fantasy and supernatural stuff I think you'll like em. 3y
hannah-leeloo See my normal go to genres are YA, fantasy and fairy tale so I can't decide @Catsandbooks 😅 3y
Catsandbooks @hannah-leeloo I'd say try them. If you don't like it you can always bail. It's not gonna be great literature but they're fun. 3y
hannah-leeloo Fair advice thank you @Catsandbooks 😊 3y
zezeki @Catsandbooks I actually love the first movie and don't like the others. 😅 I feel like the first one had the right amount of darkness, while the others were just too bright, the colours just didn't sit right with me. 3y
zezeki When it comes to books, I love do love them, but they have a lot of flaws. I reread them two years ago as a comfort read, and I was able to enjoy them. If you don't mind love at first sight and teenage angst, and all that cheesy/borderline creepy stuff that come with it, I say go for it. 3y
hannah-leeloo Oh no I'm no good with lovey stuff 🤣🤣 @zezeki 3y
Catsandbooks @zezeki haha I can see that. For me the first movie just felt awkward 3y
wanderinglynn I agree with @LibrarianRyan – there are better vampire and shifter books out there. I picked up the first book when they started to get a lot of attention because I love paranormal/urban fantasy books. But I couldn‘t get through it. It‘s so poorly written, I wanted to take a red pen to it. 3y
Kimberlone I still appreciate the first one and would recommend trying it out if you are interested (my 15 yo self loved it when it first came out), but the rest of the series is unreadable for me as an adult (didn‘t even really like the sequels as a teenager). I did feel obligated to read Midnight Sun (twilight from edward‘s perspective) but found it to be non-essential since it repeats all the events of the first book without adding much new material. 3y
DarkMina The books are good for what they are. I agree with the others who said there are far better vampire/shifter books. I personally thought the movies were garbage. I did only see the first two. 3y
TheLudicReader Twilight is the book I always mock in my Young Adult Lit class because vampires don‘t sparkle, people! There are other reasons, of course, but it‘s hard to not be offended by that. Still, you could read the first book in a couple hours. I couldn‘t get through the rest. 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Opinions please 🙏🏻 I'm getting this night light for my kids to settle them whilst we read before sleep. Has anyone used one before and find it relaxing? Would anyone use it for reading too to help relax and create a calm environment??? My 2 are struggling with the dark and restless dreams 😔 Any opinions greatly appreciated thank you 🤗👩‍👧‍👦❤ @Cupcake12 @Jackal121 @tpixie #litsylove #litsyhelp #opinions #nightlight

Roary47 We have had different styles of a similar concept. I haven‘t been able to read with it on to my littles, but it does help both of them settle. 3y
tpixie Haven‘t used, but if you just want a colored light without music, buy a HUE light You n may want the music also though (edited) 3y
Jackal121 Not sure if it'll be bright enough to read by. I hope it is 3y
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curiouserandcurioser @hannah-leeloo i havent used that one, but have used a different one-kiddos loved it bc it was relaxing and calmed fears of the dark. When im having a bad day myself, it is really comforting💜 3y
RaeLovesToRead I have a similar one that does soothing patterns. My only criticism is that the motion makes (some) noise as it works. Some of them play music too though, so that would help. It is really nice watching the patterns and colours ❤ 3y
mandarchy We just started using the Christmas lights that look like dots. We keep it in the bathroom and my son can see it from his bed. He hasn't noticed the noise it makes. 3y
Cupcake12 My youngest has a similar one, it really has helped her get to sleep peacefully. She also likes to listen calm/soothing music e.g. waves, rainforest etc. 3y
hannah-leeloo Thank you so much @Roary47 @tpixie @Jackal121 @curiouserandcurioser @RaeLovesToRead @mandarchy and @Cupcake12 I really appreciate all the feedback it sounds worth a try and thank you for the noise warning. It has 3 brightness levels @Jackal121 so maybe that'll help. Fingers crossed for the kiddos ❤❤❤ 3y
Jackal121 I hope it's good @hannah-leeloo 3y
hannah-leeloo I'll let everyone know on here @Jackal121 I'd try anything to keep the kiddos happy and comfortable 🤞🏻 3y
Jackal121 @hannah-leeloo I know 3y
Roary47 @hannah-leeloo yes, please let us know. I‘m in the market for a new one. My Oldest broke ours recently. 🤦‍♀️ 3y
hannah-leeloo Oh no @Roary47 I managed to find this one on amazon, I'll let everyone know ❤ 3y
tpixie @hannah-leeloo good luck! My daughter has 20 month old twins. One is harder to get to sleep, and cries out at night. As babies she used to use a multi colored light spotlight on the ceiling for them. Makes me wonder if she should try out this! 3y
hannah-leeloo It may help @tpixie I'll be posting my results here and @Cupcake12 says her kids love it. Sounds good and worth the try 🤗 congratulations to your daughter ❤ 3y
tpixie @hannah-leeloo awesomeness & thanks! (edited) 3y
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This adorable picture book is fantastic and, one could argue, very timely. There‘s lots of hilarity to be had and an important lesson to learn as some robots teach young readers about the difference between a fact and an opinion. Colorful, entertaining and educational. A fun read aloud on its own. It would also be great paired with Vote for Me by Ben Clanton for some election season fun. Great addition to the library. Highly recommended.

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Long time no see! Been so busy with exams. Has anyone read this book? If so, opinions??? #misslitsy #reading #opinions #litsy #solong #book #tattooist #auschwitz

BookNAround I liked it but didn‘t love it. It‘s based on a true story. 6y
nerdymsft @BookNAround I imagine it was emotional? 6y
BookNAround @nerdymsft Yes. It was. 6y
nerdymsft @BookNAround thanks for your insight 💙 6y
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Red Rising | Pierce Brown
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Should I read it or go for one of the other ones? #opinions please!

Owen | Kevin Henkes
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Mrs. Tweezers has lots of #opinions about Owen and his blanket Fuzzy.
One of my favourite Kevin Henkes's picture books!
#150pnpcoverparty #catchingup @LeahBergen @CrowCAH

CrowCAH Beautiful illustration! 7y
ChrysFey I loved this book! 7y
LeahBergen Cute! 7y
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What are young men to rocks and mountains? - P&P
Facts are such horrid things! - Lady Susan

Using my sister-in-law‘s copy of Austen to do a bit of photo challenge catch-up. Isn‘t it lovely?! #letters #opinions #piano #aunts #tours #150pnpcoverparty

BookBabe Beautiful edition! 😍 7y
LeahBergen So pretty! 7y
CrowCAH Very beautiful! Another “collection” edition that needs the be added to the museum! 7y
CrowCAH Yes, still very beautiful, even three months later!!! 😍 (and still need that addition in the collection lol) (edited) 6y
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A Confederacy of Dunces | John Kennedy Toole
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Day 20: #Opinions

I can‘t think of anyone more opinionated than Ignatius J Reilly! I feel like I reference this book a lot...I feel no shame in this and I‘m totally not gonna stop, I just know I reference it a lot...😂😂😂

batsy Boy, does he have opinions 😂 Great choice. 7y
AshleyHoss820 @batsy Right!? 😄😂 Thank you!! 7y
LeahBergen Perfect!! I‘m reading it right now for the first time (and just laughed at him screaming his opinions at the movies 🤣). 7y
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vivastory If they ever make a film adaptation, Nick Offerman MUST play him! I'm a little annoyed with myself for not knowing about the statue of Ignatius when I visited New Orleans in 2012. I will definitely be looking for it next time I visit! 7y
AshleyHoss820 @LeahBergen YES! I forgot about that part!! Oh my gosh! I don‘t think I‘ve ever openly guffawed at a book until CoD! 😂😂😂 7y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory No joke! I saw the pictures of the play and I desperately want to see it! ??? I didn‘t know there was a statue there either! ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ #VacationGoals I also want to see the Mütter Museum, but that‘s a horse of a different color... 7y
vivastory The Mütter Museum would be a blast! I've never been to Philadelphia. 7y
AshleyHoss820 @vivastory Neither have I! The east coast is on my bucket list. My Aunt lives in Boston. My Mom is a professional photographer and the pictures she took while visiting make me travel-happy! 😄 7y
DeborahSmall @vivastory I was in New Orleans 2 years back and was there 16 years ago too. No clue about his statue!! Determined to go back in next couple of years just to find him! My favourite comedic novel ever ❤️ 7y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen are you enjoying it? One of my favourites 💕 7y
CrowCAH Heard great laughs are had form this book; can‘t wait to read it! 7y
AshleyHoss820 @CrowCAH It‘s true! I thought people were exaggerating when they said they laughed out loud, but they weren‘t! 😄 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall I‘m absolutely LOVING it! I can‘t believe I waited this long. 😘 7y
KVanRead Perfect 👌 7y
AshleyHoss820 @KVanRead 😄😄😄Thank you! 7y
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