Another farmers‘ market morning means another friends of the library book sale! #BookHaul
Another farmers‘ market morning means another friends of the library book sale! #BookHaul
Great account of both sides approach during the last two years in the Pacific during WWII.
3.5⭐️ There were aspects of the book that I liked, but there were also aspects that I didn‘t enjoy. I also felt that the book read slower than I expected. #2023 #bookclub #wwii #pacificwar #fiction #historicalfiction #bookreview
I had two solid A‘s (4.75) in this grid and both with a WWII setting. I‘m tagging the nonfiction because I will be haunted by the honesty in its brutal telling for a long time.
5* = Loved It, want to shout out loud about this book! I do/will own/keep a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Avg C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F
I took my bff to a favorite local book thrifting spot where he saw this book and noted it was among his favorite, and possibly favorite, WWII books. He‘s a retired Army general so I had to go there. Well, this is not Great Aunt Sally‘s Hist Fiction collection. Parts are brutal. Encouraged by his wife, written by an enlisted marine, it recounts his experience on the ground in Peleliu and Okinawa. ↓
Good read about the history of Pearl Harbor and the blame game after it.