Chapter 3: in which we found out Polly‘s age 🎉🎉 and how obsessed she has become with Graham…. #girlfriendneedsalife #tooattachedtograham #onherwaytopapa #finallyknowsheis6 #precocious #whatkindofadultwillshebe #pemberlittens
Chapter 3: in which we found out Polly‘s age 🎉🎉 and how obsessed she has become with Graham…. #girlfriendneedsalife #tooattachedtograham #onherwaytopapa #finallyknowsheis6 #precocious #whatkindofadultwillshebe #pemberlittens
Chapter 2: we meet papa and Graham, who are apparently the only people Polly will talk to 🤷🏻♀️ #precocious #howoldisshe #imgoingtoaskgoogle #googleisuseless #whatarabbithole #grahamwasfunthough #pemberlittens