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Joined February 2022

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#Naturalitsy July #buddyread

Since starting this book, I have been paying more attention to the sky. I've spent many moments cloudspotting, although I remain a novice.

I like the poem by James Russell Lowell (p.89)

"Who knows whither the clouds have fled?
In the unscarred heaven, they leave no wake,
And the eyes forget the tears they have shed,
The heart forgets its sorrow and ache. "

From The Vision of Sir Launfal.

kspenmoll I just saw this review in Marginalian by Maria Popova An Illustrated Field Guide to the Science and Wonder of the Clouds – The Marginalian https://www.themarginalian.org/2024/07/13/cloudspotting-for-beginners/ 5d
AllDebooks @kspenmoll that's a great article, the illustrations are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. 😊 5d
Avanders Ooh this book has been on my list for a while! ☁️🩵 5d
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It's that day of the week for a little focused rest and relaxation. Are you joining our communal read tonight? #Hyggehour is an hour set aside each week to unwind.

I'll be reading the #NaturaLitsy #buddyread (tagged), hopefully while outside cloudspotting.

What are your plans?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Bookwormjillk I can‘t wait! 6d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Hahaha, I've done the same @TheBookHippie 🤣
Now I have huge regrets, especially as I can't see my bed and I'm soooo tired. #Bookseverywhere

TheBookHippie Yes this is me exactly 🫣🤣😵‍💫😅 6d
Texreader Good gosh. I‘ve done this on occasion and regretted it too. To make matters worse I use the bed to organize all of them so there‘s no going to bed until it‘s done. Good luck!! 6d
kspenmoll Oh no! I can relate! 6d
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I've finalised our reading list for the #VirginiaBloomsberries starting with the tagged on the 1st of August. I researched the best way to approach VW's work and made the decision to go the chronological route.
1915 - The Voyage Out
1917 - Two Stories
1919 - Night & Day
1919 - Modern fiction
2020 - Square Haunting: Five women, freedom, and London between the wars by Francesca Wade.

All are welcome to join us.


AllDebooks Cont. I thought it best to mix VW's works with the Bloomsbury set. I hope that's ok with everyone. Please do let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist. 7d
Librarybelle Sounds perfect to me! Thank you for doing this!!! 7d
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AllDebooks @Librarybelle I'm glad to have you join me. I'm really looking forward to it. I last VW as part of school curriculum, way back 😅 7d
Librarybelle I read Mrs. Dalloway maybe 20 years and have wanted to explore more of her works and those of the Bloomsbury set. This is perfect! 7d
AllDebooks Modern fiction is not in Litsy database. It will probably be in essay collections. Is availanle online as a pdf too. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Virginia-Woolf-Modern-Fiction-Susan/dp/0713165618 7d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle 💚😊💚 7d
IndoorDame What a great list! I‘ll at least join you guys next month 😄 7d
Cuilin I‘ve read some of these but haven‘t heard of Modern Fiction. 7d
AllDebooks @Cuilin it's one of her essays 7d
Cuilin @AllDebooks wonderful. 7d
AnneCecilie I might join you for this. 6d
AllDebooks @AnneCecilie Great! The more the merrier 😊 6d
PurpleyPumpkin Ooh looking forward to this!🤩 6d
25 likes18 comments
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Time for a brew and catchup for this week's #SaturdayChatterday

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

@dabbe @Deblovestoread @TheAromaofBooks @TEArificbooks @Soscha @Cazxxx @DebinHawaii

AllDebooks I have a Litsy day planned, finishing up the spreadsheet for #LitsyEvents It has been a task! Also, making final plans for my new #buddyreadgroup #VirginiaBloomsberries starting in August. I've spent the last week in deep dive down the rabbit hole that us Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury set. Really looking forward to it. 7d
AllDebooks Recommendations - I finished my best read of the year so far yesterday. Highly recommended https://litsy.com/p/OThRSmpnWnNi 7d
IndoorDame @AllDebooks looking forward to seeing what you chose from the Bloomsbury set! They‘re such a cool group! I‘ll have to check out The Children‘s Book, it looks fab! 7d
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IndoorDame I finally spent a day with my bff yesterday that we‘ve been been putting off and trying to reschedule all of last week so that was really nice. I‘m feeling really run down so my weekend goal is just alternating this week‘s installments of Sherlock and Murder Road with housekeeping chores. 7d
Librarybelle I‘m really looking forward to the new buddy read! Today is a cleaning and reading day for me. I‘m finishing up this week‘s installment for the #byattbuddyread and hope to finish Dissolution for #ShardlakeBR …I‘m so close! 7d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle Oooh, I loved Possession. Byatt is an excellent author. 7d
AllDebooks @IndoorDame that's lovely, glad you got time to see your friend. Hopefully, you'll feel better with a little R & R x 7d
TheAromaofBooks Husband has the next week off, so we are luxuriating in that first-day-of-vacation feeling 😂 Just ordered lunch from our local hamburger joint and looking forward to an afternoon of reading, puttering, and playing Stardew Valley. We have some small projects on the docket for the week but nothing crazy - so excited about just resting and catching up on some things!!! 6d
AllDebooks @TheAromaofBooks that sounds wonderful. Have a great week relaxing x 6d
TheBookHippie I watched The Man with 1000 Kids on Netflix. Blew my mind. 😅😵‍💫🫣 6d
TheBookHippie Since I‘m waiting on results from doctor I‘m reorganizing all my books. 😅🫣🤣🤣🫣🫣 6d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie 1000 kids!!!!! 6d
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks The Man with 1000 Kids
The Man with 1000 Kids
2024 | Maturity Rating:TV-MA | 1 Season | Documentary
A group of families learn the charismatic man they had trusted is sperm donor to hundreds — or perhaps thousands — of other children across the world. 🤯🤯😱😱
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I hope bloods results are good! I‘m waiting on a set too. Distraction is essential, I‘ll have to check out that documentary. 6d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame scans 😵‍💫 and the documentary BLEW MY MIND 🤯😅😱😬 6d
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks I‘ve never talked to the TV so much in my life!!! 🤣😱 6d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie 🤣🤣🤣🤣 6d
AllDebooks @Read4life How is your mum? I hope she's recovering and you and your dad are okay x 6d
Read4life Thank you for asking. She was accepted into an active rehab facility but there aren‘t any beds available. So they discharged her and were looking for an outpatient therapy center. Thankfully, my 19 y.o daughter (future physical therapist) works at one less than a quarter mile from my parents‘ home. They got her in immediately and she is doing well. No stairs yet but she‘s getting around with a walker and happy to be home. We‘re with her around ⬇️ 5d
Read4life the clock and my daughter helps with her therapy exercises. My dad is happy to have us around. 5d
AllDebooks @Read4life this is such good news. I'm so glad she's doing so well with her recovery. She must be s determined lady. X 5d
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My #5JoysFriday include afternoon tea celebrating my niece's 30th birthday, my lil sidekick RubyRoo, having time with my children, and about to embark on a new series.
My apologies to any Trump fans, but this meme made me cry with laughter 😅

quietlycuriouskate Oh, poor Vincent! 1w
julieclair Ruby Roo! Adorable! 1w
mcctrish It is the greatest meme 1w
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TheBookHippie You‘re way too nice 🤣😵‍💫 lovely list of joys. (edited) 1w
kspenmoll That meme! Lively list of joys! 1w
AnnCrystal 💕💝💝💝💝💝. 1w
dabbe #lovelyandfunnylist 🩵💙🩵 1w
AllDebooks @julieclair Even more so when sang to the Scooby Doo song, esp now she's joining in 💚 7d
julieclair @AllDebooks Ruby Roo Scooby Doo! Too cute for words! 💖💝💖 5d
DebinHawaii A wonderful list of joys! 💛💛💛 Ruby Roo is too cute for words 😍 and that meme is hilarious! Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
42 likes17 comments
The Children's Book | A. S. Byatt
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This is an extraordinary novel that depicts the entangled lives of the Wellwood, Fluud, and Cain families at the end of the 19th and into the 20th century. Byatt is remarkable in her descriptions of the Kentish countryside during the halcyon days of childhood.
I was reading this for the WWI prompt for #BookedinTime I'm not sure it counts as the war only appears in the last few chapters. However, by giving us such a detailed, prolonged


AllDebooks Glimpse into the characters' lives makes it all the more emotional knowing what is on the horizon. This is the 1st time I have cried over a book for a very long time. Byatt also catalogues the rapid changes in idealisms, technologies, and social advances that occurred on the Edwardian period by placing her characters in the midst of it all. 1w
AllDebooks I was enthralled with the Arts and Crafts movement, literary salons and creativity surging through the text. I'm utterly obsessed with Lalique's dragonfly brooch. 1w
AllDebooks @thegirlwhotriestowriteaboutart/dragonfly-woman-by-rene-lalique-10cba3ffe410" rel="nofollow" target="_top">https://medium.com/@thegirlwhotriestowriteaboutart/dragonfly-woman-by-rene-laliq... 1w
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Texreader Lovely review 1w
AllDebooks @Texreader thank you 😊 1w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 1w
Cuilin I just found this book secondhand and after your beautiful review, it‘s moving to the top of the TBR. ✅🎉🩷 1w
AllDebooks @Cuilin I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 💚📖💚 1w
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The Vaster Wilds | Lauren Groff
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We're moving on to fiction for our August #buddyread with Laura Groff's The Vaster Wilds. 🐺

All are welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

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The Children's Book | A. S. Byatt
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Sunday came around fast!
Are you planning on joining our Sunday #HyggeHour readathon? What will you be reading/doing?

We have the Euro finals tonight, so I'll probably be moving my #Hyggehour to an earlier time. Come on, England ⚽️

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

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I've been meaning to revisit Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury set for a while now. Would anyone be interested in joining me for a monthly #buddyread from August?

As well as Woolf's books, I will be including biographies, non-fiction, retellings of her work, etc. There's certainly a lot to explore.

Let me know if you'd like to join me and I'll start a taglist.


AllDebooks I'm not 💯 on #WoolfsWords yet. Need to have a think about that, if thrre is interest. Maybe something Bloomsbury related, which would, of course, open up a huge range of books to explore. 🤔📚📚📚📚📚 2w
Librarybelle Oh! I‘m interested!! I‘ve only read Mrs. Dalloway and have wanted to explore more. 2w
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AllDebooks @Librarybelle Oh yay! 💚🙌💚 2w
TheBookHippie Count me in. 2w
IndoorDame I‘m not up for talking on another monthly buddy read, but I have been looking back at Woolf on my own some this year and have more titles of hers I plan to revisit , so if you decide to go ahead I‘ll definitely keep an eye on what you‘re reading and maybe join in occasionally 2w
PurpleyPumpkin This sounds great!🙌🏽 2w
TheKidUpstairs Could you add me to the tag list? I've only read one Woolf, but I've been meaning to read more as I loved her writing! 2w
AllDebooks @IndoorDame that's perfectly understandable. I'll tag you in the first post with the books we're reading for the rest of the year x 2w
AllDebooks @PurpleyPumpkin @TheKidUpstairs glad to have you with us. I best start planning! 😅 2w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks that would be perfect 💚 2w
AllDebooks I'm going with #VirginiaBloomsberries as the name for the group. We have a green light. 💚 (edited) 2w
quietlycuriouskate Not sure to what extent I can commit myself but I love VW so will join in when I can and look forward to reading your posts. 2w
PurpleyPumpkin Love the name #VirginiaBloomsberries! 💜 And wow, did that Tate article ever send me down and interesting rabbit hole. Thanks for sharing! (edited) 2w
Deblovestoread I‘d love to be tagged. I have yet to read VW but have 3 of her books on my shelf so will jump in when those are picked, if that‘s ok? 2w
AllDebooks @PurpleyPumpkin you are welcome 😊 2w
AllDebooks @quietlycuriouskate it will be quite laidback, no pressure. Glad to have you join us x 2w
AllDebooks @Deblovestoread Yay, that's what motivated me to pick them up. My VW books have been on the shelf for far too long 😊 2w
Daisey I‘m not much of a Woolf fan, but I do have some specific books of hers on my TBR. Could you add me to the list for the informational post about when you‘re reading which books, please? 2w
AllDebooks @Daisey absolutely 😊 2w
Cuilin Yes!! Please include me. I‘d definitely dip in. 7d
AllDebooks @Cuilin 💚 I've just posted the reading list for the rest of the year. 😊 7d
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Wolf Hall | Hilary Mantel
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Not too shabby, with another 19 still on my TBR list. Thanks to Modern Mrs Darcy for the gift link.


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I really look forward to our #SaturdayChatterday catchups, don't you? ☕️ Play ☕️ Tag ☕️ Share☕️

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

@Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @Cuilin @dabbe @julieclair @IndoorDame @Librarybelle @DebinHawaii @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm

IndoorDame I‘ve really overdone it this week, so I‘m trying to decide if I should go to a good friend‘s Bastille Day party today or not… otherwise I‘ll be having a series of recovery days/ household catchup days, while getting back into some books I left off in the middle of starting with Jane Eyre this morning. 2w
Librarybelle Today is a cleaning day and tackling a couple of organizing projects…we‘ll see if I accomplish the latter! This weekend, I need to read the next Nancy Drew and begin my IRL book club title to prepare for next week‘s discussion. 2w
Read4life My mom had a stroke a few days ago. She‘s 90. She‘ll need to go to inpatient rehab once she‘s released from the hospital. I‘ve been helping my dad navigate through it all and just being there with the two of them. 2w
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IndoorDame @Read4life I‘m sorry, that‘s a lot to deal with. Sending some extra fortitude your way ❤️ 2w
IndoorDame @Librarybelle Nancy Drew is always so fun! Enjoy! 2w
Librarybelle @IndoorDame She is! Thanks! 2w
Librarybelle So sorry to hear, @Read4life . Sending positive thoughts. ❤️ 2w
ShelleyBooksie @Read4life - sorry to hear about your Mom. That's a lot for both you and your Dad. ♡♡ 2w
kspenmoll Today I am taking cartons of books to donate to the library sale, then some cleaning. Too hot to be outside much, unfortunately. But that means I cannot avoid house work! Grilling tonight for dinner. In between, reading of course! 2w
AllDebooks @IndoorDame whatever you decide to do, I hope it's a good day x 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle Good luck with the organizing. I have to confess I have never read any Nancy Drew, maybe I should 🫣 2w
AllDebooks @Read4life I'm so sorry, this must be a very stressful time for you and your Dad. Sending love and hugs x 2w
AllDebooks @kspenmoll I need to do a book cull but can't face it. Enjoy your day x 2w
AllDebooks My house is in complete chaos! My teens are swapping rooms, and I'm leaving them to it. I'm trying to have a quiet day, just reading. I've started my WW1 book for #BookedinTime 2w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks yikes! Here‘s to hoping the kids put every back to rights by the time you‘re done hiding with your book 2w
Chrissyreadit @Readforlife I hope your able to support your dad and also yourself ❤️ That is a lot both observable physical work and emotional work. 2w
Chrissyreadit @Librarybelle I‘m trying to clean and organize today too! And maybe weed tonight. 2w
Chrissyreadit @AllDebooks the good thing is the teens should be able to manage their chaos? (hopefully) and you can enjoy your book! 2w
Chrissyreadit I‘m just trying to do too many things with cleaning, organizing, and starting a business. I do not have the bandwidth i had 20 years ago. 🤣 2w
Chrissyreadit @IndoorDame The party sounds like fun- but so does resting and relaxing tbh. 2w
IndoorDame @Chrissyreadit starting a business sounds exciting! Good luck prioritizing though, too many things not enough bandwidth sounds familiar 2w
julieclair @Read4life Sending you hugs and strength. Such a difficult time, on so many levels. 💙 2w
julieclair @Chrissyreadit Starting a business! Woo hoo! Good for you! 😀 2w
AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit how exciting! Good luck with your business x 2w
Read4life Thank you, @julieclair 💙💙 2w
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I hope you're enjoying our #buddyread this month.

This shot is breathtaking. One of my favourite landscape photographers is Kilian Schoenberger. Check out his Insta


AnnCrystal 😍💝. 2w
bcncookbookclub It's impressive! 2w
Cuilin Thanks for the reminder. I have a copy of the book but couldn‘t remember what month we were reading it. ☁️ 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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I'm updating the spreadsheet we use to admin the @LitsyEvents page and share all your great events/games/buddyreads/readathons/competitions, etc.

It would be a great help if you could help me out by tagging the details of your events, hosts, dates/times, info about the group/event.

Additionally, if you no longer run an event, please let me know so I can remove it from the taglist.

Please tag me @AllDebooks or @LitsyEvents #LitsyEvents


Avanders Thank you for taking this on! 🙏🏽 3w
TheBookHippie Monthly
#Childrensclassicread2024 - I change the year at the end of the hashtag yearly - we've been going since 2019.
#SUNDAYBUDDYREAD is every Sunday since 2017. #JournalingPrompts just started this year is once a month. #litsolace with you and the quarterly seasonal card swap ... phew
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AllDebooks @TheBookHippie thank you x 3w
Librarybelle Thanks to @dabbe for reposting this so I remembered to add mine! Monthly is #LiteraryCrew , with discussion on the last day of each month. This is a read at your own pace #buddyread , with titles selected by the group and announced at the beginning of the year. The other monthly is #NancyDrewBR . The group is reading the Nancy Drew books in series order, with discussion on the 15th of each month. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is our last year of reading around the world, but @BarbaraBB and I are hosting #ReadingOceania24 , also listed on Storygraph, in which participants read a book set in or by an author from each of the countries in Oceania, plus Antarctica. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 2w
Librarybelle ⬆️⬆️⬆️ I am also hosting the #192025 challenge, which has participants read one book originally published each year from 1920-2025. The challenge ends on December 31, 2025, and it began in July 2022. 2w
dabbe @Librarybelle 🩵💙🩵 2w
TheSpineView Thanks for tracking all of the events. I am sure it is a monument task! I host a variety of things. Daily is #PoetryMatters photo challenge. I cohost with @Andrew65 the #SeriesLove2024 and I believe it is the 4th year and I plan to continue it in 2025. I also host the #LitsySciFiBookClub and plan to continue as long as there is interest. I also just started #BDBBookClub #BDBBuddyRead which is in the 2nd month. This book club is reading... 2w
TheSpineView ...the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J. R. Ward in order and will run through the entire series as long as there is interest to continue. Lastly, is the #Two4Tuesday game played every Tuesday. It is in it's fifth year with no plans to stop. 2w
AllDebooks @TheSpineView Thank you. This helps enormously x 😊 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle thank you x 2w
tpixie Thanks for doing this! @AllDebooks I appreciate you coordinating all of these! 2w
Cuilin So glad others have reposted this as I would have forgotten to come back and check it out. I host #BookedInTime a monthly choose your own book for the prompt, I cohost #NoPlaceLikeHolmes with @Dabbe a Sherlock Holmes, buddy read and starting in September #WhatTheDickens yearly or biannual Charles Dickens buddy read. 2w
dabbe @Cuilin ... Tag me for the #WhatTheDickens! I would love to join that! 🤩🤩🤩 (edited) 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin thank you x Count me in for #WhatTheDickens please 😊 2w
Cuilin @dabbe @AllDebooks so glad you‘re both joining. I‘ll tag you 🩷 2w
julieclair I host #SeasonalCozies - each month everyone chooses a cozy mystery to read based on a holiday that month or season of the year. I will continue this next year if there is interest. I also host #ReadOrDonate - each month everyone chooses a book to read that has been sitting on their shelves forever. If the book remains unread at the end of the month, it must be donated somewhere. This will continue next year. Both of these started this year. 23h
AllDebooks @julieclair thank you. I didn't know about either of these. Great ideas x 23h
julieclair And lastly, I host #MonthlyMagazineBlitz - each month everyone reads all the magazines they own from that month - no matter what year they are from. The magazines are then donated to local organizations that can use them. The goal is to clean out our stacks of back issues. This started this year, and will not continue next year, as (hopefully!) we all will have decluttered our magazine piles. 23h
AllDebooks @julieclair good grief, do I have a lot of magazines to get through. I've just decluttered the office and found over 50 unread mags. 😱 Please tag me in from August 😊 14h
julieclair @AllDebooks I feel your pain, LOL. Happy to add you to our determined little group! 😃💪 12h
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Small Great Things | Jodi Picoult
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I've had a wonderful birthday with my family. I'm spending #Hyggehour outside, listening to the birds singing, sipping gin, planning where my new plants go and thinking about the week ahead.

Dilara Happy birthday ! 3w
Ruthiella Happy Birthday ! 🥳🥳🥳 3w
Bookwormjillk Happy birthday 🎂 3w
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JessClark78 Happy Birthday! 🎊🎂🎉 3w
AnnCrystal 🎂🍰🥳 Happy Birthday 💝! 3w
dabbe HB! And what a view! 💚🌳💚 3w
AllDebooks @Dilara @Ruthiella @Bookwormjillk @JessClark78 @AnnCrystal Thank you. It waa a lovely, relaxing day 😌 3w
AllDebooks @dabbe Thank you. It's my favourite spot in my garden x 3w
40 likes8 comments
Untitled | Unknown
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Sunday came around quickly!
Are you joining our #Hyggehour readathon tonight?

📚What are your plans?
📚Indoor or outdoor reading spot?

All are welcome to join in.

kspenmoll Today it is supposed to be in the 90s, by 8pm high 80s. So I plan to read indoors unless there is a breeze. Not sure what book yet. 3w
dabbe Since it hit 118ºF (48ºC) on Friday and 115ºF (46ºC) yesterday, I think I'll read indoors with the AC on full blast. #thankgodforac 😀 3w
36 likes2 comments
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Our #MidsummerSolace event may be over, but #SaturdayChatterday is continuing. It had such a lovely response and is a wonderful weekly check-in with each other that I'm keeping it going.

All are welcome to join in, grab a drink and start chatting.
Use the #SaturdayChatterday in your posts, tag me, play, tag and share.

Have a great day 🌞

AllDebooks ☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?
AllDebooks It's my birthday tomorrow, so I have a weekend of family celebrations. Also, catching up on the news after a very dramatic election result. My current read is Elderflora 💚 I highly recommend R F Kuang's The Poppy Wars trilogy. I just finished the 1st one for #AuthorAMonth it was so good. I read it in 2 days 3w
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IndoorDame @AllDebooks happy happy birthday!!!🥳 3w
Librarybelle Happy early birthday!! 3w
Liz_M I hope you have a wonderful birthday! 3w
Cuilin Happy birthday. Yes very dramatic elections. I like how they have to stand there when the results are called. I started an aqua class this week, to help with movement and it‘s gentle on joints. It is so good. My plan is to increase to 4 classes a week. It‘s quite the workout. 3w
Avanders Happy birthday!! 🎂🎈 3w
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎂🥳🎈🎊🎁 3w
TheBookHippie @Cuilin I hope that goes well!! I LOATHE me in the water but it‘s been highly suggested to me as well. Although I‘m allergic to chlorine 😵‍💫😅 I‘d have to find a salt water pool. 3w
TheBookHippie I was recovering from a hemplic migraine attack most of the week. Waiting on all my biannual bloodwork results is 😵‍💫😅. Heading to my brothers today to spend the day just us and our spouses. 3w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie that sounds so scary. 🤞 your blood results are ok. Enjoy your family time and rest up x 3w
AllDebooks @Cuilin thank you 😊 That sounds like a relaxing workout x 3w
Cuilin @TheBookHippie oh my hope your recovery continues. Being in the water feels so good. Highly recommend if you can get to fresh or saltwater pool/lakes. Enjoy your family time. 3w
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie migraine weeks are the worst! Hope next week is better and results are good 🤞🏼 3w
IndoorDame @Cuilin I hope aqua classes go well! I love being in the water 3w
Deblovestoread Happy birthday! 🎂🎈📚 3w
Read4life Happy birthday, @AllDebooks 🧁 Migraines are terrible. I hope you‘re feeling better, @TheBookHippie 💙 I took my son to the airport this morning. He‘s heading back to St. Thomas. 3w
DebinHawaii @AllDebooks Happy Birthday tomorrow! 🎉🎂🎉 I have The Poppy Wars Trilogy on my Kindle & need to start it one of these days! 3w
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Ugh! 🤕 Hope you are feeling better & have fun with your family! 3w
DebinHawaii Went to a craft fair this morning & bought some cute locally made cards & things from new artists there & a Laotian/Peruvian fusion plate lunch (for dinner later) because I love the flavors so much. Then I ran errands, dropped my perishables at home & headed to the coffee shop for a bit to send out some overdue cards & letters. If you are an 80s groupie like me, I recommend Brats on Hulu, the documentary by Andrew McCarthy I finally watched. 🍿 3w
AllDebooks @Deblovestoread @Read4life @DebinHawaii thank you for the birthday wishes. It's been a lovely day x 3w
AllDebooks @DebinHawaii I've read about the Brats documentary. It's on my watchlist 💚 3w
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#Naturalitsy July #buddyread

📖 Next up - The cloudspotters guide by Gavin Pretor-Pinney

This does look fascinating and so informative.
All welcome to join us. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.



CBee I have this book too! I love clouds ☁️ 4w
AllDebooks @CBee it looks fascinating. I'm expecting to learn a lot. I can add you to the taglist, if you'd like to join us. 4w
CBee @AllDebooks that would be great! I can‘t promise I‘ll read the whole thing, but I‘d love to be tagged on the discussions 😊 4w
See All 8 Comments
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Oh thank goodness. For some reason I thought I‘d gotten mixed up on what July‘s book was. 😅 Went ahead and picked up this from the library, so I‘m glad I chose correctly! 🤣 4w
vonnie862 Just got my copy! 3w
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As the evening draws to a close and we say goodbye to June, I will leave you with one final #thoughtoftheday
Thank you to each and everyone of you for participating in #MidsummerSolace & making it so wonderful. I'm so grateful you joined my dance. 💚

And a huge hug of gratitude to my fellow hosts @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Until next time x

Bookwormjillk Love this!!! 4w
TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 it was just lovely! 💚💚💚💚💚💚 4w
Deblovestoread Love this! 💜💜💜 4w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝. 4w
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Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Discussion thread for our #buddyread

📖 Did you enjoy this novel?
📖 What stood out for you?
📖 Any particular likes/dislikes?
📖 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

Bookwormjillk I‘m only two chapters in, but enjoying it! It‘s a re-read for me but it‘s been a while. 4w
Librarybelle I‘m hoping to start this today! I fell a bit behind on a couple of my buddy reads. 4w
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Discussion thread for our May/June #buddyread

🌱 Did you enjoy this call to change the way we garden/view our spaces?
🌱 Did you agree with the author?
🌱 Would you change your own practice?
🌱 Any particular likes/dislikes?
🌱 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

PaperbackPirate I didn‘t get to read this in June, but I‘m hoping to get to it in July. I hope everyone liked it. 4w
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Discussion thread for our June #buddyread

🌞 Did you enjoy this glimpse into the myths and science of weather?
🌧 What stood out for you?
💨 Any particular likes/dislikes?
🌡 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

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Discussion thread for our May/June #buddyread

🌏 Did you enjoy this environmental history of earth?
🌍 What stood out for you?
🌎 Any particular likes/dislikes?
🌎 Did you enjoy the author's writing style?

All are welcome to join in the discussion. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist.

June's #buddyread https://litsy.com/p/OGxYeEFLeWJH

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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Let's make Saturday a day for coffee and chats. Join in our #SaturdayChatterday event. Grab a drink and start chatting.
☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

See All 50 Comments
AllDebooks Sorry wrong @BethM 4w
AllDebooks We're off for a morning swim, before a wander through the forest this afternoon. 🍸Mojitos 🎬 I rewatched Pride & Prejudice (2005) for Donald Sutherland 📚 4w
ElizaMarie I was enjoying my coffee this morning. I have a couple of assignments to do for my class, but then get ready for Atlantic City :) We booked a couple of days. I am trying to nurse a massive headache before I start my day, so I am a little slow to get up fully. Also for some reason, Lobster is on a rampage today. So, I am trying to stay out of his and his claws' way. 4w
TheSpineView Just woke up and made my first cup of coffee for today. Heading to the barn shortly before the heat ramps up. Want to be riding no later then 10AM. With the heat and humidity I'll keep it short. A nice bath to cool off afterwards. Then lunch with my barn friends. After that, housework, make dinner and read a bit. Rinse and repeat for Sunday. 4w
Librarybelle Most Saturdays are cleaning and organizing days for me. Not fun, but at least I have an audiobook! I hope to finish this month‘s #LiteraryCrew selection, A Thousand Ships, and find questions for tomorrow‘s book discussion. It‘s such a good book! 4w
IndoorDame Spent yesterday with a friend helping her start organizing her place which was feeling out of control after a year with a new kid in the family. I sort of overdid it, but it was great to get out of the house and see people. I also leant them my car while theirs is in the shop, which will help keep me home recovering for the rest of the weekend. 4w
Bookwormjillk I‘m enjoying my tea and taking care of a few things on the computer. Then I need to run some errands and get ready for a cookout later. A busy but easy day compared to last week. 4w
TheAromaofBooks Had the best night's sleep last night that I've had in a long time, so I am feeling pretty good about today!! No big plans, just puttering around. Supposed to be stormy today, which I really enjoy as long as they don't get too crazy lol 4w
wanderinglynn @AllDebooks Swimming then wandering through a forest sounds lovely! 4w
wanderinglynn I need to workout & do my stretching routine, but I‘m lacking motivation this morning. I don‘t really have any plans—it‘s going to be hot & humid here today, so a good day to do puzzles & read. 4w
Read4life My whole family is in town this weekend for my mom‘s 90th birthday. 4w
julieclair @Read4life How wonderful! Enjoy every moment. 4w
julieclair Our neighborhood garden club is having a native plant sale, so I‘m heading over there to see what I can find for the perennial border I‘m trying to start. (I am NOT a gardener, but I do love flowers… and how hard could perennials be, right? 🤞) 4w
mcctrish @wanderinglynn I need to restart my workout and yoga routine and today is the day 💪🏻 although I am still in bed at 10:23 😳 I had a big sleep in. It‘s supposed to rain all day here 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I‘m going to putter, exercise, make some meal plans/grocery lists and chill out with books, print and audio 4w
julieclair @Librarybelle I‘m trying to finish it too! And loving it so far. 4w
julieclair @wanderinglynn A puzzles and reading day sounds wonderful! 4w
julieclair @IndoorDame What a gift to your friend! 💙 4w
ElizaMarie @TheAromaofBooks Ooo congrats on your night's sleep! Anything you did special to facilitate that!? 4w
ElizaMarie @julieclair Ooo good luck with that! I don't have a green thumb at all! So, I am excited ot hear about your success with this! Ooo and pictures please! 4w
Cuilin @IndoorDame what lovely gift to a friend. Here‘s to a relaxing weekend and an easy recovery. 4w
Cuilin @ElizaMarie I‘ve never been to Atlantic City. Hope you have a lovely time. 4w
Cuilin Dropped my daughter back to Arlington Mass and she messaged me yesterday to say she has tonsillitis!! My younger daughter, called to let me know that she pulled a muscle in her thigh, racing children at camp!! So I am going to visit her in Rhode Island tomorrow. Today is a rest and recovery day. 4w
Cuilin @TheAromaofBooks sleep is the best. I struggled last night. Ended up reading from 1:30 to 4:30 am. Not a usual occurrence. 😌 4w
Cuilin @julieclair a day buying plants sounds delightful. Enjoy!! 4w
Cuilin @AllDebooks sounds like a lovely day!! Hope it nourishes your soul. 4w
IndoorDame @Cuilin have a good rest day! And I hope your daughters heal up fast ❤️‍🩹 (edited) 4w
IndoorDame @julieclair plant sale sounds fun! I‘m not a gardener either, but i always think you‘re bound to have better luck with native plants 4w
IndoorDame @TheAromaofBooks I love those nights when sleep is truly blissful! 4w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks oooh, enjoy your wander through the forest! That sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the outdoors in this weather 💚🌳 4w
IndoorDame @Read4life what a milestone! It‘s awesome that everyone is able to come together ❤️ 4w
AmandaBlaze My SlimFast has the added energy of a cup of coffee (Mocha Cappuccino). lol Today is a relaxing day as it supposed to rain pretty much all day. 4w
wanderinglynn @mcctrish 💪🏻🙌🏻 I find working out/stretching first thing in the morning works best for me. If I don‘t do it first thing, I find I put it off until it‘s too late & the day has passed. 😄 4w
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView I hope you enjoy your ride! That‘s sounds like a great way to start the day. 🐎 4w
dabbe Woke up, and it was already 100º, so no dog walk today. They are NOT thrilled about that, but those GSD coats don't handle heat well--especially Pip, the black one. Staying cool inside, puttering and trying to keep the dogs entertained. Any suggestions? 😀 4w
wanderinglynn @dabbe if you have some empty boxes, you can do nose work which also keeps the focused. Start with 1 box & put a treat under it. Then do 2 boxes with a treat under 1. You can keep adding boxes, putting them in a variety of locations, with a treat under only 1 box. 4w
dabbe @wanderinglynn What fun! I'll give it a try! Thanks. 🤗 4w
Catsandbooks @Read4life How fun! Happy birthday to your mom! 🎉 4w
Catsandbooks @dabbe I made a snuffle mat for my dog with strips of fleece and a rubber mat. I sprinkle some treats and her kibble in it and she is entertained for awhile. You could also use a box with scraps of paper/fabric and mix in treats for the same effect. 4w
TheAromaofBooks @wanderinglynn - I've been enjoying your puzzle posts on IG!! Sometimes it's nice when the weather gives you a good excuse for hunkering down 😂 4w
TheAromaofBooks @ElizaMarie - My big secret is going to bed at 8:30pm 😂 😂 😂 4w
Catsandbooks Today my husband and I had lunch at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. Tomorrow I fly to WI to help my mom after she has shoulder surgery so I'm getting ready to travel. I'm a bit anxious as I'm not a big fan of flying, but I'm as prepared as I can be. 4w
dabbe @Catsandbooks Another excellent idea that I'll try. Thanks! 🤗 4w
DebinHawaii @Read4life Happy Birthday 🎉🎂🎉 to your mom! What a milestone! 4w
DebinHawaii I did my usual Saturday of errands & catch up although I had a slow start as sleep was hard last night. I ran errands then hit the coffee shop for a couple hours & came home & did laundry & helped my friend over Zoom with some org charts she needed to do for her work. 4w
AllDebooks I'll catch up with you all tomorrow when I'm back home x 4w
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Walking: Top Essays | Henry David Thoreau
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

The gorgeous views from our lodge. I am in my happy place. 💚
Nature is always my go-to when I need peace, time, and rest. What's yours?

Check today's post from @TheBookHippie as a reminder x

@Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

🗺 Sherwood forest, Nottinghamshire, UK

slategreyskies Awww, I love this! It looks like the perfect place to recharge. Side note: my teddy bear is named Sherwood after Sherwood Forest. 🌳 🐻 🤍 4w
AllDebooks @slategreyskies that's so cute 🐻 4w
Bookwormjillk So pretty 🤩 Enjoy! 4w
maich Nature and books💚 That's so pretty🥰 4w
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Our final #Fridaynightshare is to recommend a favourite book on mindfulness.

Right now, I'm hidden away in Sherwood forest on a family holiday. There is very little technical connectivity but plenty of spiritual, so all is good.

I'm looking forward to all your suggestions. 📚📚📚

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

See All 14 Comments
dabbe I don't know if this one qualifies by Susan Cain, but it changed my life and my way of thinking. It made me realize that I was just fine as an introvert and that our so-called voices are just as important. 1mo
Avanders Being hidden away in a place called Sherwood Forest on a holiday sounds glorious. 🤩 Book on mindfulness? I really love the tried but true 1mo
AllDebooks @dabbe this does sound good. Stacked! 📚 1mo
AllDebooks @Avanders it is blissful, so quiet. Just what we need. That is a great book. x 1mo
AllDebooks I've just started this, and it is an incredible eyeopener. Examines emotions, behaviour patterns and attitude towards food, with a mindfulness lens. 1mo
AllDebooks I really love the Leaping Hare press series on mindfulness about specific subjects. There are over 25 different titiles https://www.quarto.com/series/Mindfulness-Series 1mo
wanderinglynn This is one I listened to first as an audiobook then bought the physical book so I could keep referring back to it: 1mo
StaceGhost I just finished What You Are Looking For is in the Library and it was lovely and mindful and low stakes and just what I needed right now 1mo
AllDebooks @StaceGhost 💚 I have this on my Kindle, bumping it up the tbr list. 4w
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

I moved to London when I was 21. I didn't know a single person there. I explored London through Dickens and loved every minute of it. I certainly came to know and love the place very quickly.

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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

It's been a day! Better late than never, right 😅

Week 4 #WednesdayWanderings

📚Have you ever been inspired by any famous walks in literature?
🥾Would or have you attempted them?
💡What inspired you?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

36 likes6 comments
Lanny: A Novel | Max Porter
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I was listening to this BBC production at the end of last night's #Hyggehour
It is beautifully narrarated by Tim McInnerny. It may yet be Porter's finest work yet.


Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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Today is a whole #Hyggehour 💚🥵

It's so hot, I need lots of breaks to cool down from gardening jobs. I'm looking forward to a pamper evening and #Hyggehour readathon tonight, continuing with the tagged. 🍸📚🍸

What are your plans?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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A wonderful blend of history, culture and travel in Japan.


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❓️Advice needed, please❓️

I've been using the Kindle app on my tablet, but that has just gone kerbluey. Should I get a Kindle? If so, which one should I get?


dabbe I ordered their simplest one for $99.99 (79£), and I absolutely LOVE it! It's the size of a paperback and is very light and easy to hold. It's easy on my ol' lady eyes, too. Here's the USA link:
Ruthiella I‘ve had my kindle paperwhite now for about five years and I really like it. 1mo
Beachbum Yes!!! Paper white, I never thought I would use mine as much but take a look at my profile. I‘ve been using it more than ever … I‘m a changed woman 😂🤣 1mo
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Aimeesue I have a Paperwhite and a Scribe. I love the Scribe, but if I had to pick one, I‘d keep the Paperwhite. It works better in many situations - Scribe‘s tough to stuff in a purse. 😄 1mo
Bookwormjillk I got a basic one and I love it. I preferred no bells and whistles so I can‘t get distracted. Plus it fits in my little purse. 1mo
Kristy_K I have a Paperwhite and love it. Easy on the eyes, can read in the dark, lightweight, and can fit in even a small purse. 1mo
Kitta I love my paperwite, I even take it in the ocean on holiday! Just sitting on the beach in the water so I don‘t overheat while I read. I had my last kindle (3rd gen keyboard from 2010ish) many years and the battery was dying so I upgraded last year and am very happy with the purchase. They seem to last long! 1mo
AllDebooks @dabbe @Ruthiella @Beachbum @Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk @Kristy_K @Kitta Thank you. I've ordered a basic one. I would have bought one years ago, but my tablet lasted years. I don't play the game of new tech for new tech's sake. I have to say I had no idea the battery lasted so long on the Kindle. 1mo
Beachbum I read every day for 2 hours and charge once a week , with a black page 1mo
Kitta I also charge mine once a week or so, but was really happy with the last one! 1mo
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

🫶 Thank you for all the lovely chats today on my #SaturdayChatterday thread today. ⬆️ this is why I will continue with the weekly posts once #MSS is over. x

kspenmoll Just love this. 1mo
AnnCrystal 💪🫂👍💝💝💝💝. 1mo
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

It's Saturday 💚☕️💚 Grab your coffee and check in for #SaturdayChatterday

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

❓️Would you be interested in this being a weekly event, rather than just at #Litsolace events?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

See All 71 Comments
Librarybelle I think this would be a fun weekly checkin! It‘s been very hot in my part of PA, but also sunny. I have a busy week ahead, as I am nearing completion of my coursework in proofreading. I also have a number of library books due that I should read! But, this Sunday is a visit to a winery with a friend for a wine and ice cream pairing. Yum! 1mo
IndoorDame @Librarybelle congrats on coming to the end of your coursework, that‘s big! And wine and ice cream sounds fun, totally a pairing Ive never tried and now want to! 1mo
BethM It is pouring here in WI. Today I need to teach yoga and tomorrow is church, Sam‘s club, and the bookstore! 1mo
IndoorDame I‘m also enjoying our check ins and would be down to continue them. I‘m feeling better than last week. Still nursing the tail end of whatever bug I had, but definitely strong enough to start catching up on the household stuff that fell by the wayside (at least in small bursts) so that‘s probably what my week looks like. But I‘m actually looking forward to it since having my space in balance is one of the things that centers me mentally. 1mo
Librarybelle Thanks, @IndoorDame ! The winery does lots of fun pairings, so it‘ll be a good time, and perfect weather for ice cream. Good luck with your household stuff! 1mo
TheSpineView I like the idea of a weekly check-in. Just my usual plans for the weekend, ride and go to lunch with my barn friends, then home to get some housework done. Hot here so the riding will be short today. Next week it will be hellish hot, in the upper 90s with a heat index well over 100. Just as well that I have to work next week. At the AC in the office works well. 1mo
wanderinglynn I just worked out & did my stretching, so feeling pretty good. It‘s going to be 99/100F in DC this weekend = staying inside with the blinds closed & the fan running on high. I‘m working on updating a paper I wrote about 10 years ago but didn‘t publish. That & reading are my plans. The heat wave is supposed to continue through next week, although this weekend is the peak temps. 🥵 90 is going to feel cool after this weekend. 😆 1mo
IndoorDame @TheSpineView I rode growing up, and I remember at my outdoor stable they used to have us ride bareback when the weather got obscenely hot or obscenely cold (for the horses comfort not ours, though I doubt anyone was actually comfortable 😂) 1mo
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle 🎉🎉🎉🎉 yay!! Enjoy Sunday! 1mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame The nasty viruses of late have been awful! So glad you‘re on the mend! I get it with the house stuff! 1mo
TheBookHippie @wanderinglynn oh a paper! How wonderful to revisit and revise. Why yes I‘m a nerd. 1mo
TheBookHippie @TheSpineView this heat 😵‍💫 1mo
TheBookHippie Sunday is forecasted the last day of miserable heat here. We shall see. I‘m doing chores in the house today, the heat and my RA are NOT friends. I‘m about to make waffles and cut up the oranges and get my pour over coffee going. I finished up most of my Litsy love writing last night so a couple of more letters to write today too. My flare is tapering off thank goodness. Reading to do this afternoon - library books are due! 1mo
TheBookHippie I watched Black Barbie on Netflix and enjoyed it! 1mo
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I‘m so happy to hear your flare is tapering off! That makes everything in life better 💜 1mo
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1mo
peaKnit Rainy weekend in WI, I need to clean but want to read, I‘ll try to get to both :) 1mo
AllDebooks @Librarybelle great job on nearing the end of your course. Your plans sound amazing! 🍷🍧 1mo
AllDebooks @BethM a bookstore visit is always a win, especially on rainy days x 1mo
AllDebooks @IndoorDame so glad you're starting to feel better. X 1mo
AllDebooks @TheSpineView jeez, that's 🥵 Enjoy your ride x 1mo
Cuilin This has been one of my best weeks pain and mobility wise. Almost no stiffness. I met up with friends. Went to a game and I‘m off to a Bridal shower today. I need to watch out for fatigue but so far I feel good. Best week of the year. 1mo
AllDebooks @wanderinglynn I could not cope with these temps! Enjoy your reading x 1mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie So glad you're recovering from your flareup. Take it easy x 1mo
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie oooh, this does look good. I shall be watching this. Thanks for the recommendation. X https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26593387/ 1mo
AllDebooks @peaKnit rainy days = reading days. It's the law 😊 1mo
AllDebooks @Cuilin That's amazing. Glad you're able to make the most of your time. Sounds a fun weekend x 1mo
Cuilin @TheBookHippie I understand the flair ups and downs. I‘m just coming off a 3+ month PsA or Lupus flare (med team still undecided) I also need to catch up on #LL Enjoy your waffles. 1mo
AllDebooks I'm gardening and catching up on #buddyreads inbetween ferrying my teens around their shenanigans. 😅 1mo
Cuilin @IndoorDame I like everything ordered too. It makes me feel calm. Do you listen to audiobooks or music when you‘re doing housework? 1mo
Cuilin @AllDebooks Gardening sounds lovely. I actually miss the teenagers around. Though I get to see my eldest today as it‘s her friend‘s Bridal shower. 1mo
wanderinglynn @TheBookHippie yay for nerds! 🤓🎉🙌🏻 1mo
mcctrish I love this idea! I slept in, the heat wave is alive and well here & I‘m hoping the humidity does abate a bit too @TheBookHippie I‘m thankful for a/c but I hate having the house closed up after winter. I‘ve got a giant cold brew with foamed milk in front of me and I‘m trying to catch up with Butter for #camplitsy we still have another week of school and last week lasted FOREVER. I am helping serve a meal at a church today, it will be busy 1mo
mcctrish @Cuilin I‘m so happy to hear you are feeling great 1mo
peaKnit @AllDebooks it‘s the law! I love that!! 👮 1mo
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I‘m glad to hear you are on the other side of a flare and can enjoy your summer holidays 1mo
AllDebooks @Librarybelle @IndoorDame @TheSpineView @mcctrish I'm up for keeping it running. I'll post it as a play/tag/share game once #MidsummerSolace is over. It will make a nice communal weekend #SaturdayChatterdy followed by Sunday #Hyggehour 💚 1mo
TheBookHippie @Cuilin 😵‍💫 I get it. I‘m just now starting to get a grip on my life since having COVID 2022 - not good for RA, migraines and my immune system issues. Good days are wonderful. I‘d give advice but I always overdue good days. 😵‍💫 Enjoy your day!! ♥️ 1mo
TheBookHippie @mcctrish gads I forget you‘re still in school 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 1mo
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks yes keep weekly running ♥️ 1mo
IndoorDame @Cuilin I do! Especially anything repetitive like dishes, I find them super overwhelming otherwise but kinda meditative with an audiobook 😂. So glad to hear you had a good week and were able to take full advantage of it! That up and down cycle with chronic illness is something I‘m familiar with. 1mo
AllDebooks I need it too. It really helps ground me for the week. It has been a very stressful year so far and I have a lot ongoing, still. These events are a true solace and I truly appreciate and love your responses x 1mo
TEArificbooks We finally have a week with no plans. My hubby travels for work so when he comes home for a week or two between jobs we usually pack it full of family fun activities and appointments. We even go on trips while he is home even though he travels for a living. However, the cosmos aligned this time and we have no plans no appointments no trips. So it is time for a lazy week at home and to hide from the triple digits temps. 1mo
kspenmoll I was on my porch reading u til the heat drove me inside. Since then, hunkered down in AC, reading, lunching, soon to watch MASH the movie with Donald Sutherland. 1mo
kspenmoll Yes, this chat is a nice check in with everyone! 1mo
kspenmoll @Cuilin Keep taking care of yourself as best you can. Saw friends-so important! ❤️ I listen to audiobooks or music or NPR depending on on time of day when I cook, clean up. 1mo
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Same heat here. Yuk. Enjoy reading now your flare up is receding! 1mo
kspenmoll @mcctrish Persevered & read 1/2 of Butter! 1mo
kspenmoll @TEArificbooks Enjoy your well deserved lazy week! 1mo
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie I am so sorry Covid wrecked your body.❤️🩵💙🩷 1mo
dabbe 💙💚💙 to everyone! And to all suffering with the heat, hang in there! 1mo
DebinHawaii I love the idea of an ongoing weekly check in. 💛 After a month+ of travel & illness (either bronchitis twice or another form of crud) & crazy work times, I‘m starting to feel human again. I‘m out today at the coffee shop trying to catch up on reading Butter for #CampLitsy24 along with catching up on #5JoysFriday posts & getting #LitsyLove & card swap out. (I did not make the solstice!) Definitely feeling the pressure of being behind on so much. 1mo
Catsandbooks I like the idea of a weekly check in! Although I would definitely need reminders 😆Next weekend I'm flying up to my mom in WI because she has to have shoulder surgery so I want to be there for extra help. So this week I'm getting ready for that. Doing laundry and other chores this weekend. Least I'll get a little break from the MS heat for a couple weeks. 1mo
Avanders Hi! 👋🏽 I was in the mountains in a yurt for several days this week, just getting back yesterday! I rested, showered, unpacked, and read yesterday in lovely weather (70s and gray - unusual for June in NM!). 💕💕 1mo
julieclair I would love for this to continue as a weekly play/tag/share game! I‘m late in posting because I spent yesterday reading the selection for my irl book club. It‘s about a smart, independent, modern-thinking woman in 1930s Asheville, NC. The Depression and Prohibition both figure prominently in the plot. It‘s an excellent read: 1mo
julieclair @TheBookHippie @Cuilin So glad your flare-ups are calming down. Chronic pain is so exhausting. 💙💙💙 1mo
Cuilin @julieclair oh this would be a wonderful time period for #BookedInTime (edited) 1mo
AllDebooks @DebinHawaii great, it's a keeper. Glad you're feeling better but give yourself a break. There's no pressure and you are one busy lady x 1mo
AllDebooks @Catsandbooks 🤞 your mum's surgery goes well, and she has a speedy recovery. Enjoy your time with her, and the cooler temps x 1mo
AllDebooks @Avanders oh wow! That sounds like absolute heaven x 1mo
AllDebooks @julieclair sounds good and dedo a great time period for #BookedinTime @Cuilin 1mo
julieclair @Cuilin It definitely would! 1mo
Catsandbooks @AllDebooks thank you! 🩷 1mo
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Figuring | Maria Popova
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Are you feeling a bit stuck in a rut and in need of inspiration? The Marginalian published a great essay on habits and patterns. Well worth a read and a save.


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AnnCrystal 💚💝. 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

A little late tonight with our #Fridaynightshare

What are your recommendations for a good mystery or thriller?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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kspenmoll Thank you! 1mo
dabbe 💙💚💙 1mo
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Thank you so much @jenniferw88 for my lovely gifts. I can't wait to read them. I will take them on holiday with me. Love the card x 🐝

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 1mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

It's ok to take a step back, take a moment, a breath. Do what you have to do to get through your day.
Baby steps, my friends x

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Cupcake12 I love this ❤️ 1mo
Librarybelle So true! ❤️❤️❤️ 1mo
slategreyskies I needed this today. Thank you. 🤍 1mo
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Cuilin ❤️💚🩷 1mo
dabbe 💚💙💚 1mo
AllDebooks @Cupcake12 💚🌞💚 1mo
AllDebooks @slategreyskies I'm glad it resonates. I think we all need a reminder, now and again. 💚🌞💚 1mo
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dabbe YES! 💚💚💚 1mo
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Bookwormjillk I always read The Great Gatsby on June 20th 1mo
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk lovely to have a tradition x 1mo
AllDebooks I'm planning a lazy afternoon, starting 1mo
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AnnCrystal 💕🌞💝💝💝💝. 1mo
dabbe I'm starting my summer read: the complete PEANUTS collection from 1950-2000. I reread these comics in chronological order every summer. 💚 1mo
AllDebooks @dabbe what a delight 😊 1mo
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Time for another #WednesdayWanderings

Do you have any famous walks you'd like to attempt on your bucket list?
🥾 What appeals to you?
🥾 Solitary or group walk?
🥾 Who would you go with?
🥾 What would be the perfect time of year to try it?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

AllDebooks Oops, I completely forgot to say mine. Man-made would be Hadrian's wall or the Great Wall of China. I'm obsessed with the Appalachians, after reading so many of Kingsolver's descriptions. Also, the Grand Canyon must be one of the most incredible sights on earth. 1mo
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AnnCrystal 🌱🫂🌳🌲💝👍. 1mo
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This book is stunning. A celebration of food, taste, menus and sharing them with others. Henry offers up planned seasonal menus with personal viginettes throughout. Highly recommended.

The Blue | Nancy Bilyeau

I did enjoy this historical fiction about the race to create porcelain, capturing the perfect blue hues. The characterisations were good, plot tense in places. Unfortunately, it kind of ended abruptly for me. The denouement kind of wiped out all that had happened previously as unnecessary. A bit bizarre.

The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck

I'm so disappointed to bail on my #Bookedintime selection. I adore the landscape and nature descriptions. However, it does feel overly preachy, and I'm just not in the right mindset atm to persevere. I will pick it up to try again, at some point. I do feel the fault is mine, not the book.

@Cuilin @dabbe

Cuilin Oh, I totally get it. I‘m struggling with the puritanical preaching in Little Women right now. Grateful that it‘s only a chapter a day. I DNF‘d my book for this month too. I‘m going to see if I can get something else but yeah, I get it. #HailTheBail 🙌 1mo
AllDebooks @Cuilin Absolutely #HailtheBail 😅 1mo
dabbe On the spreadsheet, and yes! #hailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 1mo
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Letters of Marcel Proust | Marcel Proust
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#Litsolace #Midsummersolace

What are you grateful for today?

I'm so very grateful for this wonderful Litsy community. It's such a safe, supportive group of people. 💚📚💚

wanderinglynn I‘m grateful for butterflies, moths, bees, bats, & other pollinators that play an important but often overlooked role in ecosystem health. 🌻 1mo
dabbe I'm grateful for yet another day! 💚💙💚 1mo
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