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Joined February 2022

I'm a voracious reader with an appetite for all genres. Founder of #NaturaLitsy & #NetgalleyGroup https://www.instagram.com/alldebooks
Prodigal Summer | Barbara Kingsolver
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Today is a whole #Hyggehour 💚🥵

It's so hot, I need lots of breaks to cool down from gardening jobs. I'm looking forward to a pamper evening and #Hyggehour readathon tonight, continuing with the tagged. 🍸📚🍸

What are your plans?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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A wonderful blend of history, culture and travel in Japan.


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❓️Advice needed, please❓️

I've been using the Kindle app on my tablet, but that has just gone kerbluey. Should I get a Kindle? If so, which one should I get?


dabbe I ordered their simplest one for $99.99 (79£), and I absolutely LOVE it! It's the size of a paperback and is very light and easy to hold. It's easy on my ol' lady eyes, too. Here's the USA link:
Ruthiella I‘ve had my kindle paperwhite now for about five years and I really like it. 21h
Beachbum Yes!!! Paper white, I never thought I would use mine as much but take a look at my profile. I‘ve been using it more than ever … I‘m a changed woman 😂🤣 21h
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Aimeesue I have a Paperwhite and a Scribe. I love the Scribe, but if I had to pick one, I‘d keep the Paperwhite. It works better in many situations - Scribe‘s tough to stuff in a purse. 😄 19h
Bookwormjillk I got a basic one and I love it. I preferred no bells and whistles so I can‘t get distracted. Plus it fits in my little purse. 14h
Kristy_K I have a Paperwhite and love it. Easy on the eyes, can read in the dark, lightweight, and can fit in even a small purse. 13h
Kitta I love my paperwite, I even take it in the ocean on holiday! Just sitting on the beach in the water so I don‘t overheat while I read. I had my last kindle (3rd gen keyboard from 2010ish) many years and the battery was dying so I upgraded last year and am very happy with the purchase. They seem to last long! 3h
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

🫶 Thank you for all the lovely chats today on my #SaturdayChatterday thread today. ⬆️ this is why I will continue with the weekly posts once #MSS is over. x

kspenmoll Just love this. 1d
AnnCrystal 💪🫂👍💝💝💝💝. 1d
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

It's Saturday 💚☕️💚 Grab your coffee and check in for #SaturdayChatterday

☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

❓️Would you be interested in this being a weekly event, rather than just at #Litsolace events?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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Librarybelle I think this would be a fun weekly checkin! It‘s been very hot in my part of PA, but also sunny. I have a busy week ahead, as I am nearing completion of my coursework in proofreading. I also have a number of library books due that I should read! But, this Sunday is a visit to a winery with a friend for a wine and ice cream pairing. Yum! 1d
IndoorDame @Librarybelle congrats on coming to the end of your coursework, that‘s big! And wine and ice cream sounds fun, totally a pairing Ive never tried and now want to! 1d
BethM It is pouring here in WI. Today I need to teach yoga and tomorrow is church, Sam‘s club, and the bookstore! 1d
IndoorDame I‘m also enjoying our check ins and would be down to continue them. I‘m feeling better than last week. Still nursing the tail end of whatever bug I had, but definitely strong enough to start catching up on the household stuff that fell by the wayside (at least in small bursts) so that‘s probably what my week looks like. But I‘m actually looking forward to it since having my space in balance is one of the things that centers me mentally. 1d
Librarybelle Thanks, @IndoorDame ! The winery does lots of fun pairings, so it‘ll be a good time, and perfect weather for ice cream. Good luck with your household stuff! 1d
TheSpineView I like the idea of a weekly check-in. Just my usual plans for the weekend, ride and go to lunch with my barn friends, then home to get some housework done. Hot here so the riding will be short today. Next week it will be hellish hot, in the upper 90s with a heat index well over 100. Just as well that I have to work next week. At the AC in the office works well. 1d
wanderinglynn I just worked out & did my stretching, so feeling pretty good. It‘s going to be 99/100F in DC this weekend = staying inside with the blinds closed & the fan running on high. I‘m working on updating a paper I wrote about 10 years ago but didn‘t publish. That & reading are my plans. The heat wave is supposed to continue through next week, although this weekend is the peak temps. 🥵 90 is going to feel cool after this weekend. 😆 1d
IndoorDame @TheSpineView I rode growing up, and I remember at my outdoor stable they used to have us ride bareback when the weather got obscenely hot or obscenely cold (for the horses comfort not ours, though I doubt anyone was actually comfortable 😂) 1d
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle 🎉🎉🎉🎉 yay!! Enjoy Sunday! 1d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame The nasty viruses of late have been awful! So glad you‘re on the mend! I get it with the house stuff! 1d
TheBookHippie @wanderinglynn oh a paper! How wonderful to revisit and revise. Why yes I‘m a nerd. 1d
TheBookHippie @TheSpineView this heat 😵‍💫 1d
TheBookHippie Sunday is forecasted the last day of miserable heat here. We shall see. I‘m doing chores in the house today, the heat and my RA are NOT friends. I‘m about to make waffles and cut up the oranges and get my pour over coffee going. I finished up most of my Litsy love writing last night so a couple of more letters to write today too. My flare is tapering off thank goodness. Reading to do this afternoon - library books are due! 1d
TheBookHippie I watched Black Barbie on Netflix and enjoyed it! 1d
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I‘m so happy to hear your flare is tapering off! That makes everything in life better 💜 1d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame ♥️♥️♥️♥️ 1d
peaKnit Rainy weekend in WI, I need to clean but want to read, I‘ll try to get to both :) 1d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle great job on nearing the end of your course. Your plans sound amazing! 🍷🍧 1d
AllDebooks @BethM a bookstore visit is always a win, especially on rainy days x 1d
AllDebooks @IndoorDame so glad you're starting to feel better. X 1d
AllDebooks @TheSpineView jeez, that's 🥵 Enjoy your ride x 1d
Cuilin This has been one of my best weeks pain and mobility wise. Almost no stiffness. I met up with friends. Went to a game and I‘m off to a Bridal shower today. I need to watch out for fatigue but so far I feel good. Best week of the year. 1d
AllDebooks @wanderinglynn I could not cope with these temps! Enjoy your reading x 1d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie So glad you're recovering from your flareup. Take it easy x 1d
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie oooh, this does look good. I shall be watching this. Thanks for the recommendation. X https://m.imdb.com/title/tt26593387/ 1d
AllDebooks @peaKnit rainy days = reading days. It's the law 😊 1d
AllDebooks @Cuilin That's amazing. Glad you're able to make the most of your time. Sounds a fun weekend x 1d
Cuilin @TheBookHippie I understand the flair ups and downs. I‘m just coming off a 3+ month PsA or Lupus flare (med team still undecided) I also need to catch up on #LL Enjoy your waffles. 1d
AllDebooks I'm gardening and catching up on #buddyreads inbetween ferrying my teens around their shenanigans. 😅 1d
Cuilin @IndoorDame I like everything ordered too. It makes me feel calm. Do you listen to audiobooks or music when you‘re doing housework? 1d
Cuilin @AllDebooks Gardening sounds lovely. I actually miss the teenagers around. Though I get to see my eldest today as it‘s her friend‘s Bridal shower. 1d
wanderinglynn @TheBookHippie yay for nerds! 🤓🎉🙌🏻 1d
mcctrish I love this idea! I slept in, the heat wave is alive and well here & I‘m hoping the humidity does abate a bit too @TheBookHippie I‘m thankful for a/c but I hate having the house closed up after winter. I‘ve got a giant cold brew with foamed milk in front of me and I‘m trying to catch up with Butter for #camplitsy we still have another week of school and last week lasted FOREVER. I am helping serve a meal at a church today, it will be busy 1d
mcctrish @Cuilin I‘m so happy to hear you are feeling great 1d
peaKnit @AllDebooks it‘s the law! I love that!! 👮 1d
mcctrish @TheBookHippie I‘m glad to hear you are on the other side of a flare and can enjoy your summer holidays 1d
AllDebooks @Librarybelle @IndoorDame @TheSpineView @mcctrish I'm up for keeping it running. I'll post it as a play/tag/share game once #MidsummerSolace is over. It will make a nice communal weekend #SaturdayChatterdy followed by Sunday #Hyggehour 💚 1d
TheBookHippie @Cuilin 😵‍💫 I get it. I‘m just now starting to get a grip on my life since having COVID 2022 - not good for RA, migraines and my immune system issues. Good days are wonderful. I‘d give advice but I always overdue good days. 😵‍💫 Enjoy your day!! ♥️ 1d
TheBookHippie @mcctrish gads I forget you‘re still in school 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 1d
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks yes keep weekly running ♥️ 1d
IndoorDame @Cuilin I do! Especially anything repetitive like dishes, I find them super overwhelming otherwise but kinda meditative with an audiobook 😂. So glad to hear you had a good week and were able to take full advantage of it! That up and down cycle with chronic illness is something I‘m familiar with. 1d
AllDebooks I need it too. It really helps ground me for the week. It has been a very stressful year so far and I have a lot ongoing, still. These events are a true solace and I truly appreciate and love your responses x 1d
TEArificbooks We finally have a week with no plans. My hubby travels for work so when he comes home for a week or two between jobs we usually pack it full of family fun activities and appointments. We even go on trips while he is home even though he travels for a living. However, the cosmos aligned this time and we have no plans no appointments no trips. So it is time for a lazy week at home and to hide from the triple digits temps. 1d
kspenmoll I was on my porch reading u til the heat drove me inside. Since then, hunkered down in AC, reading, lunching, soon to watch MASH the movie with Donald Sutherland. 1d
kspenmoll Yes, this chat is a nice check in with everyone! 1d
kspenmoll @Cuilin Keep taking care of yourself as best you can. Saw friends-so important! ❤️ I listen to audiobooks or music or NPR depending on on time of day when I cook, clean up. 1d
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie Same heat here. Yuk. Enjoy reading now your flare up is receding! 1d
kspenmoll @mcctrish Persevered & read 1/2 of Butter! 1d
kspenmoll @TEArificbooks Enjoy your well deserved lazy week! 1d
kspenmoll @TheBookHippie I am so sorry Covid wrecked your body.❤️🩵💙🩷 1d
dabbe 💙💚💙 to everyone! And to all suffering with the heat, hang in there! 24h
DebinHawaii I love the idea of an ongoing weekly check in. 💛 After a month+ of travel & illness (either bronchitis twice or another form of crud) & crazy work times, I‘m starting to feel human again. I‘m out today at the coffee shop trying to catch up on reading Butter for #CampLitsy24 along with catching up on #5JoysFriday posts & getting #LitsyLove & card swap out. (I did not make the solstice!) Definitely feeling the pressure of being behind on so much. 22h
Catsandbooks I like the idea of a weekly check in! Although I would definitely need reminders 😆Next weekend I'm flying up to my mom in WI because she has to have shoulder surgery so I want to be there for extra help. So this week I'm getting ready for that. Doing laundry and other chores this weekend. Least I'll get a little break from the MS heat for a couple weeks. 19h
Avanders Hi! 👋🏽 I was in the mountains in a yurt for several days this week, just getting back yesterday! I rested, showered, unpacked, and read yesterday in lovely weather (70s and gray - unusual for June in NM!). 💕💕 6h
julieclair I would love for this to continue as a weekly play/tag/share game! I‘m late in posting because I spent yesterday reading the selection for my irl book club. It‘s about a smart, independent, modern-thinking woman in 1930s Asheville, NC. The Depression and Prohibition both figure prominently in the plot. It‘s an excellent read: 2h
julieclair @TheBookHippie @Cuilin So glad your flare-ups are calming down. Chronic pain is so exhausting. 💙💙💙 2h
Cuilin @julieclair oh this would be a wonderful time period for #BookedInTime Pain 46m
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Figuring | Maria Popova
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Are you feeling a bit stuck in a rut and in need of inspiration? The Marginalian published a great essay on habits and patterns. Well worth a read and a save.


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AnnCrystal 💚💝. 1d
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

A little late tonight with our #Fridaynightshare

What are your recommendations for a good mystery or thriller?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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kspenmoll Thank you! 2d
dabbe 💙💚💙 2d
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Thank you so much @jenniferw88 for my lovely gifts. I can't wait to read them. I will take them on holiday with me. Love the card x 🐝

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 3d
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

It's ok to take a step back, take a moment, a breath. Do what you have to do to get through your day.
Baby steps, my friends x

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Cupcake12 I love this ❤️ 3d
Librarybelle So true! ❤️❤️❤️ 3d
slategreyskies I needed this today. Thank you. 🤍 3d
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Cuilin ❤️💚🩷 3d
dabbe 💚💙💚 3d
AllDebooks @Cupcake12 💚🌞💚 3d
AllDebooks @slategreyskies I'm glad it resonates. I think we all need a reminder, now and again. 💚🌞💚 3d
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dabbe YES! 💚💚💚 3d
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Bookwormjillk I always read The Great Gatsby on June 20th 3d
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk lovely to have a tradition x 3d
AllDebooks I'm planning a lazy afternoon, starting 3d
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AnnCrystal 💕🌞💝💝💝💝. 3d
dabbe I'm starting my summer read: the complete PEANUTS collection from 1950-2000. I reread these comics in chronological order every summer. 💚 3d
AllDebooks @dabbe what a delight 😊 3d
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Time for another #WednesdayWanderings

Do you have any famous walks you'd like to attempt on your bucket list?
🥾 What appeals to you?
🥾 Solitary or group walk?
🥾 Who would you go with?
🥾 What would be the perfect time of year to try it?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

AllDebooks Oops, I completely forgot to say mine. Man-made would be Hadrian's wall or the Great Wall of China. I'm obsessed with the Appalachians, after reading so many of Kingsolver's descriptions. Also, the Grand Canyon must be one of the most incredible sights on earth. 3d
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AnnCrystal 🌱🫂🌳🌲💝👍. 5d
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This book is stunning. A celebration of food, taste, menus and sharing them with others. Henry offers up planned seasonal menus with personal viginettes throughout. Highly recommended.

The Blue | Nancy Bilyeau

I did enjoy this historical fiction about the race to create porcelain, capturing the perfect blue hues. The characterisations were good, plot tense in places. Unfortunately, it kind of ended abruptly for me. The denouement kind of wiped out all that had happened previously as unnecessary. A bit bizarre.

The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck

I'm so disappointed to bail on my #Bookedintime selection. I adore the landscape and nature descriptions. However, it does feel overly preachy, and I'm just not in the right mindset atm to persevere. I will pick it up to try again, at some point. I do feel the fault is mine, not the book.

@Cuilin @dabbe

Cuilin Oh, I totally get it. I‘m struggling with the puritanical preaching in Little Women right now. Grateful that it‘s only a chapter a day. I DNF‘d my book for this month too. I‘m going to see if I can get something else but yeah, I get it. #HailTheBail 🙌 5d
AllDebooks @Cuilin Absolutely #HailtheBail 😅 5d
dabbe On the spreadsheet, and yes! #hailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 5d
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Letters of Marcel Proust | Marcel Proust
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#Litsolace #Midsummersolace

What are you grateful for today?

I'm so very grateful for this wonderful Litsy community. It's such a safe, supportive group of people. 💚📚💚

wanderinglynn I‘m grateful for butterflies, moths, bees, bats, & other pollinators that play an important but often overlooked role in ecosystem health. 🌻 6d
dabbe I'm grateful for yet another day! 💚💙💚 6d
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The Blue | Nancy Bilyeau
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#LitSolace #Midsummersolace

I'm checking in early as my #Hyggehour is going to be #Hyggeevening 😍 I am not moving from this spot. The birdsong is wonderful. Might be time for a cheeky G&T, too. I should finish the tagged tonight. It's a very enjoyable read so far.

Enjoy whatever you have planned. I look forward to seeing your posts in the morning. X

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

AnnCrystal 😍🌳🐦🌲💝. (edited) 7d
IndoorDame Gorgeous 💚 7d
kspenmoll Beautiful spot! 💙 7d
AllDebooks @IndoorDame @kspenmoll Thank you. It's the view from my patio. When I rest my head back, all I see is the birds and insects flitting about the canopies. I'm very lucky to be surrounded by trees. 7d
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#Litsolace #Midsummersolace

Are you planning on joining our weekly #Hyggehour readathon? Give yourself an hour to relax and unwind. All are welcome to join us.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

kspenmoll I am joining in! 1w
BethM Definitely! 7d
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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Let's make Saturday a day for coffee and chats. Join in our #SaturdayChatterday event. Grab a drink and start chatting.
☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Librarybelle Good morning! I‘m very excited for the $5.00 bag sale at my favorite independent bookstore and plan to go today. It‘s a lovely sunny day in my part of PA, so a good day for a book sale! 1w
kspenmoll Hello! It‘s a gorgeous morning in CT- blue skies, breeze- on my way to Brooklyn to see a Paul McCartney photo exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum. Meeting a friend who lives there. There have been protests pro Gaza so we will see what transpires today. Living history. https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/exhibitions/paul-mccartney (edited) 1w
kspenmoll @Librarybelle What fun! Enjoy the bookstore!📚📚 1w
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AllDebooks @Librarybelle sounds fun, enjoy x 1w
AllDebooks @kspenmoll oooh that looks a good exhibition. Have a great day with your friend. Living history indeed, stay safe x 1w
AllDebooks I've got rained off gardening. It is so cold here in Derbyshire. I've snuggled up with list making of garden jobs and our #buddyread 1w
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle ooooo FUN!!!! 1w
TheBookHippie Current have two loaves of bread in the oven. 👀 @dabbe …. Laundry and sitting on the patio for today it‘s been a flare week so I need to behave. 🫣 1w
dabbe @TheBookHippie Is it in the 60s-70s? I hope so, and I hope you relax on your patio and rejuvenate yourself! 💚💙💚 We're hibernating inside and also having a relaxing day of reading. 1w
TheBookHippie @dabbe NO it‘s 80 WTH 🫣😵‍💫😝 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ so… I‘m inside until the supper hour I guess… 😩 1w
dabbe @TheBookHippie 80 with humidity is like 100 here. #ugh! 1w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie flare-ups are so frustrating. Wishing you a speedy recovery. I bet your home smells lovely, nothing like freshly baked bread x 1w
AllDebooks @dabbe it's easy to forget how blissful a day of reading truly is. x 1w
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#Midsummersolace #Litsolace

A visit to the post office today, to send off my #naturalitsysummercardswap and #naturalitsymidsummerswap

They are on their way 💚✈️📮💚

@TheBookHippie @jenniferw88 @Chrissyreadit

TheBookHippie 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 1w
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The North Wind | Alexandria Warwick
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I've had a good, if stressful week. Thank goodness for #MidsummerSolace and #5JoysFriday to help keep me positive and on track.
1 - The joy that is Bridgerton. Just hearing the music makes me happy.
2 - My garden is blooming, but there's always time for a jolly around the garden nursery.
3 & 4 - Books I have enjoyed this week.
5 - New discoveries in my garden. This week, I found a crop of hedge woundwort and a yellow underwing moth.


julieclair That Elmo meme reminds me of me! 🌺🌼🌷 1w
AnnCrystal 💕🌱💝. 1w
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kspenmoll 💕🦋🌱 1w
AllDebooks @julieclair lol, glad I'm in good company 😅 1w
DebinHawaii What a wonderful list of joys! Love the gardens, flowers & moth. 🪴💐🦋 I need to get back to the new Bridgerton episodes. Thanks for sharing & helping spread the joy! 🤗 7d
AllDebooks @DebinHawaii it's an absolute pleasure x 7d
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

My choice for tonight's #Fridaynightshare is without doubt The Voyage of the Beagle, Charles Darwin exhilarating record of his travels as a young man, that sowed the idea of evolutionary change. This experience, this journey had a life-changing effect on his direction in life.
I have lost count the number of times I have reached for this book. It brings me great comfort and joy.

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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

In our 2nd week, our #Fridaynightshare is a non-fiction book.
🖋Describe your favourite nature book, a current one or old favourite.
🖋 What do you like about it?
📚 Have you read more by the author?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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dabbe I used this word this week, too! 💚💙💚 1w
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The North Wind | Alexandria Warwick

I completed the first book of The Four Winds series. An enjoyable read but with some very graphic description of sexual shenanigans. So don't say you haven't been warned! 🫣😳

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#WednesdayWanderings #MidsummerSolace
My most ambitious walk was climbing Ben Nevis back in my youthful days. It was challenging because once past the lochans, the weather deteriorated drastically. From blue skies to a snowstorm once we hit the peak.
It was a huge achievement for me, and I managed to raise a considerable sum for cancer research.

📷 Google image

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Wild Flowers of Britain: Month by Month | Margaret Erskine Wilson
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AnnCrystal 🌱💫😍. 2w
Read4life 💙💙💙 2w
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#Naturalitsy #MidsummerSolace

I've created a new activity for #Litsolace events called #WednesdayWanderings where we discuss our favourite walks every week.

🧭 Where is your most ambitious walk?
🌄🌇 Do you prefer urban or rural settings?
🗺 Describe the terrain, atmosphere, and any local wildlife?
😊 How does the walk make you feel? Does it hold any special memories for you?

Please include any photos on your posts so we can all see. X

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TheBookHippie My favorite walks are in urban settings or the beach in California. Other than the walk to school- I don‘t walk here other than my treadmill. 😅 2w
TheSpineView There is a section of the AT in WNC around the Fontana Dam that I always found challenging. A lot of up and not much down. Roots and rocks so you must be careful with your feet. Have not hiked that is ages. 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie beach walks are bliss 😊 2w
AllDebooks @TheSpineView sounds tough but I should imagine the scenery makes it worth it. X 2w
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Wilding | Isabella Tree
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#Naturalitsy #Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Remember when Wilding was our #buddyread last year? There's now a film of the whole rewilding process, which looks fantastic. It looks a similar style to The Biggest Little Farm.


TheBookHippie Oh!!!! 2w
AnnCrystal 💝💝💝. 2w
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The North Wind | Alexandria Warwick
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

My Sunday #Hyggehour read is very gripping. I went way past an hour, as I was so engrossed.

@Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @jenniferw88

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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

This is a better term than 'late bloomers'.

BookmarkTavern Oh that‘s lovely! 2w
Deblovestoread Love this 💜 2w
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Flourish | Steph Edwards
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Don't you just love it when you stumble across a new talent? I've just discovered Steph Edwards 😍 and I'm pretty sure her artwork will resonate with you too.


kspenmoll Thank you for sharing her art! She is new to me.💛 2w
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Relaxations: Big Tools for Little Warriors | Mamen Duch, Editorial Flamboyant Sl
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

It's Sunday 🌞☕️💚 Time for reset ready for the new week. Join in our Sunday #Hyggehour readathon. Take time out for yourself.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88


S. A. Crosby is new to me. I read him thanks to #AuthorAMonth and so glad I did. This is an extremely tense thriller with great characters. I adore Titus Crown. The racial tensions are palpable throughout the story.
Trigger warnings - this has graphic detail of child abuse, torture and murder.


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#LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Let's make Saturday a day for coffee and chats. Join in our #SaturdayChatterday event. Grab a drink and start chatting.
☕️ Are you having a good weekend?
☕️ What are you up to today?
☕️ Where are you?
☕️ What are your plans for next week?
☕️ Any recommendations - books, places, films/tv shows etc?

Have a great day 🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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AllDebooks I've a day in the garden planned with frequent breaks, reading We are the Ark, rewatching Bridgerton and sipping herbal tea 🍵 😋 2w
Librarybelle It‘s a beautiful, sunny day in my part of Pennsylvania today, but Saturdays are usually my cleaning day. You‘ll find me cleaning and reading! 2w
Bookwormjillk Happy Saturday! I was doing some chores earlier and had to finish up some work, but I'm done now and plan on spending the rest of the day puttering and running the kids around. It's a beautiful day here so I will be maximizing my outdoor time. 2w
wanderinglynn So far so good. I got my workout in & then went down the block to Starbucks & it‘s an absolutely lovely morning—warm with low humidity. I have to do some chores, but I‘m going to read to. I just finished the tagged & recommend it. Not only is she a minority woman, she‘s deafblind & so she also faces disability discrimination. Her story is amazing. 2w
wanderinglynn @Bookwormjillk if only the entire summer would be like this! The weather this morning is prefect! 2w
TheSpineView Today is going to be hot and humid. I plan on going to the barn and get a short ride in before it gets too hot. Then lunch with my barn friends. A stop at the grocery store then home to get a few chores done. I will be listening to 2w
julieclair I'm spending the morning at the beach with my grandbabies, aged 4 and 2. They love playing in the sand and the tide pools. This afternoon, I will probably be reading Thomas the Tank Engine books to them about 6,000 times. 😂🤪 They head home tomorrow 🫤. The week went by so fast! 2w
IndoorDame I‘m a little under the weather so I‘ll mostly be in bed with books and tea, but I‘m still hoping to sneak in a few chores and maybe some time on the roof deck to soak up some sunshine and fresh air. 2w
kspenmoll Started my day with early morning coffee & reading on the porch.Then a morning walk- beautiful day, in low 70s. Stopped & took photos of all the vibrant flower garden‘s on my street. Only occasional bikers going by, stopped to chat with neighbors out walking or having coffee on their porches/stoops. So peaceful & connecting. Now I am ready to do some errands, hope to be home by noon to enjoy more outdoor time. No other plans. (edited) 2w
kspenmoll @IndoorDame Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. That was me last weekend. 2w
kspenmoll @julieclair The beach my favorite place sounds wonderful! Enjoy your grandbabies and who doesn‘t love Thomas the tank?! 2w
kspenmoll @TheSpineView I hope you can beat the heat! 2w
kspenmoll @AllDebooks I plan to do some reading of the arc as well – it‘s slow going right now because work is busy end of the year teaching stuff. I recommended it to a friend of mine who has all native plants in her garden. Enjoy your gardening. 2w
kspenmoll @Librarybelle Glad you are getting some reading in between all that cleaning! 2w
kspenmoll @Bookwormjillk Enjoy your kids, puttering & the outdoors- beautiful here in Connecticut too. 2w
kspenmoll @wanderinglynn Haben sounds fascinating. I saw your post. I plan to go to the library tomorrow and if it‘s not there put in a request. 2w
IndoorDame @kspenmoll thanks! I always take pics of the neighborhood flowers when I‘m out walking too! 2w
IndoorDame @julieclair love the beach!! Enjoy the waves and the kiddos! Hope I can manage a drive up to the coast sometime this summer! 2w
Cupcake12 Just made myself a cuppa. Worked in the garden this morning. Pressure washed the patio and put out the garden furniture 🪴 Currently reading 2w
IndoorDame @AllDebooks only a few days till Brigerton!!!!! 2w
wanderinglynn @kspenmoll what a lovely way to start your day! 2w
wanderinglynn @IndoorDame hope you feel better soon! 2w
wanderinglynn @TheSpineView enjoy your ride! ❤️🐎 2w
julieclair @IndoorDame Hope you feel better soon. My completely un-medical advice: no to chores, yes to sun on the roof! 😘 And I hope you do get to the coast sometime this summer. 2w
julieclair @kspenmoll Low 70s sounds divine! We are full into hot & humid here in coastal South Carolina. Perfect excuse to slow down and be lazy, lol! 2w
TheDaysGoBy Not sure yet. Saturdays are always a family day - I meet up with my parents and sister and 2 nephews. The particulars of what we do are always last minute 😂 I might try to sneak in a little reading before I head out for the day 2w
Read4life I‘m currently having coffee and croissants with my husband. Then we‘re off to watch my young nephews flag football game. A walk, reading time and some chores will round out the day. 2w
Cuilin My Saturday involves planting in containers to put near the mailbox. A quick grocery run and house chores. And of course reading. Hope you feel better. @IndoorDame 2w
Cuilin @AllDebooks @IndoorDame I just finished Queen Charlotte. It may be my favorite. Looking forward to the rest of season 3 2w
peaKnit It‘s a little rainy in WI but I hope to head off to the garden center and get my errands done to spend the afternoon reading. 2w
DebinHawaii I‘m having coffee & oatmeal cookies (so breakfast) 😉 at my sister‘s in Oregon City. It‘s sunny & low 60s (F) at 8 AM, which feels great. We have a family gathering here today this afternoon to see everyone (nieces, nephews & great nieces & nephews). Had dinner with my siblings last night. Still have residual junk from bronchitis but feeling better each day & it‘s nice to be with family. 💛 2w
Cuilin @Cupcake12 I love pressure washing. I watch videos of it, it‘s so satisfying I just realized how weird that sounds. Lol 2w
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame my son has been sick since last Saturday missed all his exams 😵‍💫 so this week he has to take them alone at school 😵‍💫 thankfully only two the rest of his teachers gave him a pass due to his GPA. Which is 4.5 😳 I hope you get to feeling better soooon!!! Rest&Hydrate! (edited) 2w
TheBookHippie @Cuilin Queen Charlotte is my favorite!!! 2w
TheBookHippie It‘s 62 up from 50 when I woke up 🙂🙃 coffee and chores and reading. My almost 18 yr old son has been sick a week so I‘m constantly wiping everything down 😵‍💫🤪😝. Next week we‘ve reschedule his examinations and I‘ve decisions to make about next school year and my plans … I just finished watching on Netflix Turning Point: The Bomb And The Cold War I highly recommend it. 2w
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie thanks! I hope your son feels better soon too and make-up exams go smoothly 💜 2w
IndoorDame @Cuilin thanks you! 🙏 Definitely agree about Queen Charlotte!!! 2w
Cuilin @TheBookHippie my daughter had Covid last week. We drove two hours to pick up laundry and go grocery shopping. Went to laundromat. Did laundry. Returned it to her with the groceries and then drove back to New Hampshire. I couldn‘t even give her a hug. But it‘s what we do right? Hope your son feels better soon. (edited) 2w
Cuilin @DebinHawaii I hope you have a lovely family reunion. Hope to get home sometime soon to see mine. Enjoy. 2w
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Hope your son feels better soon! 💛 2w
DebinHawaii @IndoorDame Hope you can rest & feel better soon! 💛 2w
DebinHawaii @Cuilin Thank you. The last time I was in Oregon was 2017 so long overdue for a visit. Hope you get to see your family soon! 💛 2w
TheBookHippie @Cuilin yup ♥️♥️♥️ motherhood 2w
AllDebooks How lovely is this? Just getting my coffee and catching up x 2w
AllDebooks @Librarybelle Sounds lovely. I think there's something so relaxing about a clean and tidy house. With 4 teens, mine rarely is! 2w
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk Sounds perfect. Enjoy the sunshine x 2w
AllDebooks @wanderinglynn Sounds like a lovely day, enjoy. The book looks great, stacked! 2w
AllDebooks @TheSpineView What a perfect day you have planned x 2w
Librarybelle @AllDebooks Oh my! I would imagine it‘s a bit difficult! My house is far from perfectly clean, but every little bit helps. 2w
ElizaMarie I‘m at work today. But I love this!!!! I had coffee this morning. Realized that Argylle book is not for me (I can‘t get into it) - started listening to it yesterday and got a little over and hour in. 2w
AllDebooks @julieclair How wonderful, gotta love a day making memories with little ones x 2w
AllDebooks @IndoorDame oh no, forget the chores and go rest in the sun. Wishing you better x 2w
AllDebooks @kspenmoll I love days like this when you have time to slow down and be more mindful. Hope it's a relaxing day for you x 2w
AllDebooks @kspenmoll I got quite a few chores done in between rest/reading pit stops. I bet your friends garden is gorgeous and buzzing with life 💚 2w
AllDebooks @Cupcake12 A busy morning for you then, time to relax for the rest of the day. Enjoy your book. 🙂 2w
AllDebooks @IndoorDame I can't wait to see the rest of Polin's story. I'm interested to see if it follows the book's storyline. 2w
AllDebooks @TheDaysGoBy oooh a family day sounds so good. Hope you did something fun 🙂 2w
AllDebooks @Read4life Sounds like a chilled day, enjoy x 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin I love a bit of pottering about in the garden. I adore Queen Charlotte,it has been my favourite Bridgerton so far. Shondaland sure does great tv 💚 2w
AllDebooks @peaKnit I don't mind a few rainy showers, saves watering the garden. Did you get anything nice at the garden centre? I love plant shopping almost as much as book shopping 🌻💚🌻 2w
AllDebooks @DebinHawaii I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. Love that you're having such a lovely time with family. X 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin pressure washing videos 🤣 I did not know there was such a thing! 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie Oh no, being ill and missing exams must be so stressful for him. Hope he's feeling better and wish him good luck with his exams. X 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie thanks for the Netflix tip. I'll look out for it 🙂 2w
AllDebooks @Cuilin hope she's feeling better now x 2w
AllDebooks @ElizaMarie yay, I thought it would be nice to chat. How was your day at work? I have Argyll to read but I've seen the film now. I did enjoy it, was entertaining but not enough Henry Cavill 2w
dabbe @TheBookHippie Hope your son is on the mend soon and that he kicks butt in his exams next week. 💙💚💙 2w
dabbe Just finished walking the dogs with a temp of 98º--supposed to hit 110 today. 🥵 I know I said I'd try not to complain about the heat, but it's not even officially summer yet, and I just want to sob. I. HATE. IT. So, I'll be staying inside the rest of the day and praying to the air conditioning gods that our AC is working. #fourmoremonthsofthis 🔥 Thanks for listening. 2w
dabbe @IndoorDame Feel better soon! 💙💚💙 2w
AllDebooks @dabbe I hear you! I could not cope with that heat. 🥵 I hope you managed to keep cool. Sending hugs x 2w
IndoorDame @dabbe thanks! Putting in a word to the AC gods for you 💙🙏 2w
dabbe @AllDebooks 💙🤗💙 2w
dabbe @IndoorDame You, too! Boston's been toastin', too! 💙🤗💙 2w
IndoorDame @dabbe for reals! A rainstorm last night is making it feel a bit more like how June is supposed to feel at the moment, but tomorrow it‘s right back to oh-yeah-the-world-is-ending-temps 2w
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks he is so stressed!!! 2w
TheBookHippie @dabbe trying to send cool weather to you 😵‍💫🤪😝 2w
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I hope you‘re enjoying your visit and haven‘t had to use my phrases 😵‍💫🤣🤣🤣🎉♥️🫣😘 2w
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame @dabbe next three days here temp is supposed to be 62, 63, 65….😳 2w
TheBookHippie @peaKnit it‘s supposed to rain this afternoon so I assume it‘s headed over the lake 🙃 2w
TheBookHippie @ElizaMarie I have bailed so many books this year! 2w
TheBookHippie @julieclair I‘m so glad you enjoyed my summer favorite recipe!!! 2w
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle Mr Book Hippie is in Pennsylvania currently he says it‘s way warmer than home 🙃 2w
dabbe @TheBookHippie 💙💚💙 2w
Librarybelle @TheBookHippie A very sunny 80 degrees in the south central part of the state! 2w
DebinHawaii @TheBookHippie Not so far but this is the bigger family gathering so I have them handy! 🤣🫢🤣 2w
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii 😅😂🤣😘 2w
TheBookHippie @Librarybelle He‘s by Lancaster today. 2w
Librarybelle @TheBookHippie Nice! That‘s about an hour east of me. 2w
peaKnit @AllDebooks I ended up with Bee Balm and a tomato plant. I went for a yellow sunburst cherry tomato plant but all were gone:( so now I‘m unraveling an old knitting project and listening to a book. I hope you‘re enjoying your day! 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Having a great weekend so far! Today we had an early birthday celebration for The Wyrmling with family. Went for a hike in a state park. Next week is his real bday so we‘ll be celebrating just the three of us with a zoo trip and some sort of fancy treat. 🥰 2w
Catsandbooks So nice reading through this thread ❤️ We had planned on going to a local festival but with the heat here in MS reaching high 90s and real feel at 100, I just wasn't feeling up to it. (Idk how you survive @dabbe lol) So instead we went to a new-to-us Thai restaurant for lunch and it was very good! I had chicken pad Thai and taro bubble tea 💜 2w
AllDebooks @Catsandbooks Reading through all the responses certainly lifted my spirits. I hope it did the same for everyone else. Your lunch sounds amazing x 2w
AllDebooks Same time next week y'all x 2w
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks yummmm! I don‘t know how @dabbe does it either 🤪😝 2w
dabbe @TheBookHippie I will try to vicariously enjoy the cool breezes where you're at. 💚💙💚 2w
ElizaMarie @AllDebooks work was so stressful! It was “too much” I came home and was exhausted! Im at work again today and tomorrow then off for 7 days. So I can‘t wait! 2w
ElizaMarie @dabbe it‘s Been rainy here for the past 2 days and ugh! Work has it so cold! 2w
ElizaMarie @TheBookHippie I feel my tolerance has gotten a lot lower. Now I am a lot quicker to bail (which feels good) #HailToTheBail 2w
TheBookHippie @ElizaMarie I do too!!!!! 🤣🫣 2w
dabbe @ElizaMarie Let's switch places! 🥵😂🥶 2w
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

I always need to remind myself of these points, some more than others.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

dabbe It's taken me until retirement to finally learn how to say no. 💙💚💙 2w
IndoorDame So difficult, but so important! Thanks for the reminder 🙏 2w
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#LitSolace #Midsummersolace

It's Friday! 🙂 How's your week going?
Are you ready to play #Fridaynightshare by naming a favourite read for the beach or summer holidays?

Just for fun and to extend our tbr summer lists. 🌞😅🌞

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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Bookwormjillk Happy Friday! I love reading Stephen King on the beach. 2w
Librarybelle Happy Friday! I just finished a book that would be a good beach read: 2w
mcctrish I have three summer read favourites - something huge that I can finally read cuz I have the time ( A Suitable Boy, A Little Life have been past reads) something light ( Elin Hildebrand, Jenny Colgan) and something themed to wherever we might be traveling to ( this summer we are going to Scotland for the first time and I‘ve got Julie Shackman and Jane Bettany loaded on my kindle) and I‘m looking for suggestions beyond those light reads 2w
TheBookHippie I always reread 🤣🫣🤪 2w
ElizaMarie I don't have a summer read. I am looking forward to other's comments because of course I want to add to my TBR (ha! I love Litsy for this reason - among others). 2w
dabbe A book I like to revisit every summer because it leads me to try yet another classic is BEOWULF ON THE BEACH by Jack Murnighan. It gives a what-to-read/what-to-skip for 50 classics. I find it helpful and humorous. 🤩 2w
AllDebooks @Bookwormjillk lol, certainly a fast paced read guaranteed 🤣 2w
AllDebooks @mcctrish Ooh Scotland is beautiful 😍 I love a good chunkster on hols x 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie I have never read Judy Blume 🫣 2w
AllDebooks @dabbe lol, that looks great 🤣 2w
AllDebooks I really enjoyed Taylor Jenkins Reid last year. I usually choose fast-paced thrillers as a holiday read. 📚 I always take my Kindle too, for backup. 😅 2w
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks 😳😳😳😳 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie Sorry, don't hate me. Just never gotten around to her books 🫣😅 2w
TheBookHippie @AllDebooks 🙂🙃 her books saved my life I‘m a bit partial to her. 2w
AllDebooks @TheBookHippie ❤️glad you could find comfort. X I will definitely read 2w
Catsandbooks Any romance or something light and joyful. Anything by Tessa Bailey 🩷 2w
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I don‘t have a specific book. Mass market paperbacks are something I associate with going outside to read. I used to take horror anthologies with me to read to my cousins around summer bonfires when we went to visit. 2w
tdrosebud I don't have anything specific that I read, but for me, a good summer read is one that is easy to carry with me wherever and is an easy read. 2w
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#Naturalitsy #Litsolace #Midsummersolace

I am completely besotted with this charming book. The author describes her German garden throughout the changing seasons while also reflecting on her upbringing and experiences in Japan. The audio version is pure bliss.

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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

I'm such a dawdler, are you? 💚🐛🐞🦗🪺🐦‍⬛🦉🐿🦔🕷🦋🐌🐝🍅🌳🦊🐀🐰💚

@Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @jenniferw88

Normandy '44 | James Holland
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#Dday #Normandylandings #WW2

80 year anniversary of the formidable feat of landing Allied troops on Normandy beaches in a final push back against Nazi Germany.
Lest we forget ❤️

kspenmoll Thank you for the reminder. 2w
Librarybelle ❤️❤️❤️ 2w
Cuilin ❤️🤍🩷 2w
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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Walking around my home brings me so much peace and joy. I live in a semi-rural area, surrounded by fields and woods. The sunsets are spectacular and my favourite part of the day.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

Bookwomble Beautiful 🌄 3w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 3w
kspenmoll Just gorgeous! That red! 2w
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Night Walks | Charles Dickens
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#Naturalitsy #MidsummerSolace

I've created a new activity for #Litsolace events called #WednesdayWanderings where we discuss our favourite walks every week.

🧭 Where is your favourite local walk?
🌄🌇 Do you prefer urban or rural settings?
🗺 Describe the terrain, atmosphere, and any local wildlife?
😊 How does the walk make you feel? Does it hold any special memories for you?

Please include any photos on your posts so we can all see. X

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#Naturalitsy #MidsummerSolace
#Bookedintime Prompt - 1930s America - dust bowl

I've only read Steinbeck's Of mice and men at school. Who knew Steinbeck had such a prosaic view of nature and landscape? Not me, for sure. Why have I not read him before now?

@Cuilin @dabbe

Cuilin I read this in secondary school and don‘t remember liking it very much. Maybe I have to rethink this. 3w
dabbe On the spreadsheet! Steinbeck's one of my favorite all-time authors. He and the Salinas Valley are one. 💚💙💚 3w
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#Naturalitsy #LitSolace #MidsummerSolace

Have you started our #buddyreads yet? There are a number of new books (UK) published this Spring, all along similar themes (tagged ⬇️). Gardening for wildlife is the bee's knees, literally. How marvellous would it be if this method of sharing space was taken up everywhere. I have hope 💚🐝🐌🦋🕷🐛🐞🦗🪺🐦‍⬛🦉🐿🦔🐰🐀🦊💚

Do you have any further recommendations?

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

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#Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

What websites/podcasts/books do you use for mental health and emotional well-being?
Please share below so we can get a varied selection of available support systems going. Save the list and check them out.

@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit

AllDebooks www.calm.com 3w
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Chrissyreadit The Balance app is my go to. The podcasts i most recommend are Being Well and Hidden Brain. Hidden Brain is not necessarily mental health and wellness but some episodes are. 3w
Librarybelle I second calm. I bought a lifetime subscription during the pandemic, when it was drastically low in price. I cannot say enough positive things about it, as it is a good fit for my mental health journey. I also subscribe to emails from this website…⬇️ 3w
Librarybelle ⬆️ https://www.mindful.org , which also has a magazine on mindfulness. 3w
IndoorDame If you can‘t afford a subscription model right now I highly recommend the Insight Timer app!!!! There is some paid content you won‘t be able to access, but they have a huge library of content (literally thousands of talks, guided meditations, and other content) available to everyone. 3w
Cuilin Two podcasts I‘ve just started are very inspiring, not necessarily about mental health, but uplifting anyway. A Life More Wild and Why Women Grow. I‘ve also used the Calm app. 3w
lil1inblue Headspace is my go-to! 3w
dabbe I have two. One is an ambient website where you can create your own mix of rain, thunder, waves, wind, fire, ... it's https://asoftmurmur.com/.

The other came out during Covid, and it's called https://www.window-swap.com/. You can look through other people's windows all over the world. Somehow, it feels like it brings us all closer together. 💚💙💚
AllDebooks Thank you all for these great suggestions. I hope they're of some help x 3w
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Mr. Mercedes: A Novel | Stephen King

This was a very tense thriller with some particularly horrific opening scenes. Bill Hodges is a great character and I will read the whole trilogy.

Bookwormjillk I love this series 3w
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#Naturalitsy #Litsolace #MidsummerSolace

Has anyone had a go at soap-making? This recipe sounds lovely. I'm definitely going to have a go.


Bookwormjillk I have made soap, but never with that many ingredients. Maybe I will try that herb combo with the goat milk soap base I have on hand. 3w
AllDebooks That sounds amazing 1w
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