#seasonsreadings2016 #day3 #setinlibraries/bookstores Here are just a few books from my collection that are set in libraries and/or bookstores. One of my favorite settings!
#seasonsreadings2016 #day3 #setinlibraries/bookstores Here are just a few books from my collection that are set in libraries and/or bookstores. One of my favorite settings!
I'm a few days behind on this challenge, so I'm killing many birds with the HP stone. I bought this book to help me work on my French. I haven't gotten that far through it yet, but will some day!
Hermione, one of of my favorite heroines, uses the library to kick some serious butt in the Harry Potter series, starting with the Sorcerer's Stone.
#kickbuttheroines #setinlibraries #notinenglish #seasonsreadings2016 #harrypotter
I haven't read this in a really long time, but as I can remember the house is built out of books. This is the only book I have that is about a library or to that theme. I must have read this 5 times growing up! I loved it, I think I need to read this again :) #seasonsreadings2016 #setinlibraries
Love libraries and bookshops of all shapes and sizes. This hidden suitcase of books devoured by children in Maos's reeducation camps was full of #loveandmiracles #setinlibraries #seasonsreadings2016
From my TBR list. In the 1980s, a young adventurer and collector for the government library, journeys across the Sahara Desert and along the Niger River, tracking down and salvaging thousands of ancient Islamic and secular manuscripts.
I can't wait to read it.
@NataliePatalie #nonfiction
#setinlibraries #seasonsreadings2016
From the volumes of works saved by Abdul Kader Haidara, a mild-mannered archivist in Timbukto, who became one of the world's greatest smugglers. Isn't it beautiful?
#seasonsreadings2016 #setinlibraries @NataliePatalie
Based on a true story, this courageous tale of a librarian who risks her life to save books gets my pick for #setinlibraries .