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Cuilin My question is this, if they had an Irish lady in to help, plus kitty was doing the cooking, what was Meg struggling with? Why couldn‘t John parent with her? It seems Alcott wrote this chapter as a lesson to women to not forget their husbands even if they have twin toddlers? I just can‘t with the moralizing. 3mo
Bookwormjillk I felt for Meg in this chapter. Everyone‘s telling her she‘s doing it wrong and she‘s just trying to hang on. But yeah I thought she said 6 months but then he was acting like he was 2 or 3. 3mo
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Librarybelle I had similar thoughts, @Cuilin . 3mo
willaful @Cuilin It read to me that she wasn't letting him co-parent, which was a big part of what had to be worked out. And she was over doing it and neglecting herself too. I actually think it's pretty decent advice for a new mom.

From the beginning of the chapter, I think they're about a year old; Demi is precocious. It says she didn't have a problem until about a year, and the 6 months is how long John has been being absent from home.
Cuilin @willaful Yes agree, taking care of yourself and also accepting help is great advice for a new mom. Alcott centering John‘s loss of wifely attention seems purposeful and that‘s what really irritates me. I know I‘m judging from a contemporary feminist viewpoint. I love classical literature, but I seem to be struggling with this novel more than others. It‘s triggering me. I‘ll unpack that sometime soon lol 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly I hate how it‘s all Meg‘s fault that John is unhappy! He should have been stepping up all along so she had some time and space for herself! I‘m sure it wasn‘t at all expected in the time period, but he‘s clearly capable of it. 3mo
Clare-Dragonfly @Cuilin Kitty is the Irish lady; they just have one person in to help (I guess). But I‘m also puzzled why she‘s worn so thin when she‘s not cooking for the family or doing the housework. Not to denigrate her effort or say that twin babies are easy! 3mo
Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly oh that makes sense. I missed that. Thanks. 3mo
julieclair It bothers me that it‘s viewed as Meg‘s fault that John “has to” find companionship at the neighbors‘ house. 3mo
mcctrish I‘m behind and catching up. I‘m with @Cuilin and the moralizing. First time moms do make mistakes ( you don‘t know what you don‘t know) and I know everything took 100 times more effort to do so of course Meg would need help but Jeez Louise the about when John says enough is enough Meg listens 😬 3mo
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