#Yertle was browsing the shelves today! Wonder what she picked 🤔.
#LitsyLovesLibraries #turtlesofLitsy 🐢
#Yertle was browsing the shelves today! Wonder what she picked 🤔.
#LitsyLovesLibraries #turtlesofLitsy 🐢
Reading outside, and someone decided to come say hi! Lots of gopher tortoises roaming around. 🐢
The second surprise greeting I got this morning coming back to work was #Yertle! She was checking out the kids books when I was walking by and asked, “Yo, how was #BookExpo, Mr. Jay?” It was mighty fine, Yertle, it was mighty fine. 😁
#LitsyLovesLibraries #turtlesofLitsy 🐢
1. This was how Wally decided to sleep Sunday, the picture I took today didn't turn out
2. 2, The Neverending Story and The Icewind Dale Trilogy
3. Yes, for a couple months now
4. Yes, all the time glasses and reading glasses
5. The last book I bailed was The Last Unicorn, I just couldn't get into it and found it boring.
#humpdaypost @MinDea
And last but not least introducing #MaryShelly the #African #SideneckTurtle of my three #PetsOfLitsy
Wish I had a better picture of her.
1. We got a new turtle(on the right, Walnut) and took our turtles for supervised outside time(on the left Murphy and on the right Wally)
2. Procrastinating cleaning lol
3. All day 🤓
4. Not really
5. 🤔 try reading something completely different than usual or reread
#humpdaypost @MinDea
#turtlesoflitsy #tortoisesoflitsy #Murphy #Walnut
1. My husband and our kids(Left to right: Murphy, Danica, Joban, Pickle and Wally) and pictured with Danica and Pickle my books and unpictured my nephew and niece
2. 0ne, The Fog Diver
3. Nothing
4. Not really
5. As long as I can take my husband and kids I'm with @MinDea on the deserted Island #Introvert 😊
#humpdaypost @MinDea
#husbandsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #turtlesoflitsy #tortoisesoflitsy #Danica #Joban #Pickle #Murphy #Walnut
I haven't gotten much reading done because we got a new Russian Tortoise Saturday!!!! We think it's a boy and have named him Walnut, Wally for short 😊🐢😊 #turtlesoflitsy #tortoisesoflitsy #Walnut
30 of 664 pages
Little #Yertle came to join me for lunch alongside another colleague 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🐢! She runs for the foliage, lol.
#LitsyLovesLibraries #turtlesofLitsy 🐢🐢🐢
1. My niece and nephew, my husband, our 3 cats(Danica, Joban and Pickle), my books and unpictured our eastern box turtle, Murphy 😊
2. That is hard!!! I've narrowed it down to 3, His Dark Materials, Lord of the rings or Wheel of Time.
3. Coffee with lots of creamer, Cherry Coke Zero, water or juice
4. Put off spring cleaning until next year lol this year is the year we're going to do it lol
5. Rain, I hate the snow and cold
#humpdaypost @MinDea