Always interesting to see what authors read themselves! I‘ve read 14 of the listed 40. Some I‘ve loved but others I have loathed. I do love Ferrante, however! ❤️
Always interesting to see what authors read themselves! I‘ve read 14 of the listed 40. Some I‘ve loved but others I have loathed. I do love Ferrante, however! ❤️
Day 14 of #30junebooks - U is for #unread. I‘m a huge library user, so I very rarely buy physical books I haven‘t read. (I do buy #audiobooks though, since sadly my library‘s digital audio selection is lacking.)
We have around 1200 books in our house... but I think these are the only 3 “grown-up” books I haven‘t read. And I‘ve read a significant number of the kids‘ books too! 🙂📖
How about you? Are you a book buyer?
The Japanese have a word for it 🤓.
Books can indeed be lovely home accessories, right?
Check out this short article on BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44981013
#unread #pileofbooks #tbr #bookcollector #tsundoku #litsywelcomewagon
Here is my #mounTBR (well my physical books anyway). Clearly my wife likes to take me to thrift stores. I hardly ever buy a new book and almost never spend over a couple of dollars on any one book. Newly published I get from audible and the library. Do you have book shopping habits? #readon #unread #pileobooks
Which ones did you loathe? I hated Memoirs of Hadrian when I read it, but then I was far too young to get it. I am ambivalent about The Lover and did not see what the fuss was about Disoriental, although I did enjoy it.
BTW, the list is also being discussed over on LibraryThing's Reading Books By Women group: https://www.librarything.com/topic/326502#unread