#VampireorWerewolf #OctPhotoChallenge
Didn't mean to have to Harry Potter posts in a row but I mean... it was too hard to pass up for the werewolf prompt 😳
#VampireorWerewolf #OctPhotoChallenge
Didn't mean to have to Harry Potter posts in a row but I mean... it was too hard to pass up for the werewolf prompt 😳
#octphotochallenge Day 29 I think right now I'm more into werewolves. When I was younger it was vampires. It may change again. 😂#vampireorwerewolf
Eep! I was so caugt up with Harry Potter madness yesterday I forgot to post this gem for #vampireorwerewolf #betterlatethannever #booktober #spookyreads #fullmoonfever
Both are creepy 😖 A couple of the few books I've read with them! Werewolves (shifter kind) are not as scary as vampires, to me. This vamp novella disturbed less since it focused on the series' riddle solving versus...vampire-y things, haha. I'm actually enjoying the building battle between humans, wws, and urbat in The Judgement of Six Series 😀 ~ #Day29 #VampireOrWerewolf #Vampire #Werewolf #octphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge ~ @LibrarianRyan
I read this is in 7th or 8th grade. Everyone I knew who'd read it was obsessed with Lestat. I was madly in love with Louis. #vampireorwerewolf #vampire #TeamLouis #octphotochallenge (image from Goodreads)
#vampireorwerewolf Why choose? 😄 I used to love these Dark Shadows novels when I was a kid, although I didn't have this one. #octphotochallenge
I love werewolves! They have always been my favorite creature! The wolfman is one of my favorite movies! And Wolf's hour is one of my favorite werewolf books. There's not to many good werewolf books and movies out there. But occasionally you'll find a good one. #vampireorwerewolf
#octphotochallenge #vampireorwerewolf #werewolf
For today's photo challenge I am going with the werewolves in Women of the Otherworld, namely Jeremy. He puts up with a lot as alpha of the pack. Yet he still treats everyone like family, and had so much patience for Elena after she was turned. However he still is willing to fight for the pack and deserves to get a happy ending in the series ❤️
Ever since i read this book i have a huge crush on
Matthew Clairmont #vampireorwerewolf #octphotochallenge @LibrarianRyan