Re-reading one of my most favorite books of all time! #bookworm #ilovebooks #prideandprejudice #janeausten
Re-reading one of my most favorite books of all time! #bookworm #ilovebooks #prideandprejudice #janeausten
Started reading The Count of Monte Cristo, really enjoying it!
Reading The book thief by the fire (with a cup of coffee in my hand) Aaahh! Life is good!
Walking into a library and touching every book....I love that feeling!!
Yesss!!! That feeling when you walk into a library!!! My favorite feeling of all time!!!
I feel like that 99,9% of the time! 😁 Go away from everyone, go to my room and READ!! Anyone else? 😜 📖
At this point I really wanted slap Thomas with his own book!! 😁
Uuugh! 😤 I hate Teresa so much right now!!-again 😅 #rereadingthescorchtrials
The glue that holds us together. Oh Newt... 😢
,,Property of WICKED Group A, Subject A7. The Leader.
I‘ve just finished re-reading this book for the 7th time. Yes. 7th. 😁 i love this series so much! Now I‘m on to the scorch trials. I guess I started re-reading them because I‘m really looking forward to the movie the death cure to come out in the theater and I wanted to refresh my memory on the books before i go. #themazerunner #the scorchtrials #thedeathcure #thekillorder #thefevercode
Wow! I am speechless! I was instantly captured by the plot, instantly started hoping with Lou and fell in love with Will... i loved the book, it broke my heart but i loved it... 😁
So i‘ve reached the end of an incredible adventure *starts sobbing.It was so unbelievable i wanted it to last forever! I battled with H against V,cried over the lost friends and family, and also rejoiced with everyvictory.I learned the importance of friendship,love,bravery,kindness,wit and being humble.I absolutely fell in love with the charactersthey were amazing friends with whom i shall never truly part,they will be with me until the very end!
😭 how is it possible that after 6 and a half books, of believing that Snape is evil and loyal to Voldemort (yes, i said the name cause fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself) and that Snape wants nothing to do with Harry to find out just how much he was willing to do, just to keep him safe, to keep Lilly‘s son safe!! 😭 so heartbreaking!! #harrypotter #always #snape
Oh my...where do i start? Absolutely amazing!! J.K.Rowling-WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?? I am a mess right now... 😭 the book is incredible! Couldn‘t put it down until I finished it, and it tore me to pieces just like Voldemort‘s soul! I can‘t remember the last time I cried so hard upon finishing a book!
Hahaha! Professor McGonagall is the bomb!!
Dumbledore‘s wise words,,it‘s our choices, that show what we truly are,far more than our abilities”
I wanna go a bit ahead-the Triwizard Tournament.The 2nd task was getting the people they‘ll miss most from underwater.He got there first,but he chose to stay with the others underwater until he saw everyone were safe.He could have left and prove that be could pass the task,but he chose to help the others instead, he didn‘t have to but He did.#Noble.
It was amazing!! I thoroughly enjoyed that! I laughed and cried and held my breath as i tried to read as fast as I could to find out what happened next. J. K. Rowling is absolutely brilliant!!
It was absolutely incredible!! I enjoyed every single bit of it!! It was so intense, I couldn‘t put it down, stayed till 7AM to finish it! It‘s filled with an amazing adventure, mystery, and it‘s about the power of friendship, love loyalty and wisdom.
Favorite quote: ,,It‘s our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
-Albus Dumbledore
Enjoying my book with a bit of coffee and toast! 😍📚📕
I really enjoyed this book!! It‘s a wonderful book. Makes you laugh and makes you cry and makes you wish the book wouldn‘t end. I couldn‘t put it down and after i finished I immediately picked up the next one!
Awh!!! I always shipped Percabeth!!!
I absolutely loved this book! I finished it in one sitting! It was an incredible adventure and I really enjoyed every single bit of it!! So many cliffhangers... i swear i had to catch my breath every few pages!! And i lost count of the times I laughed and the amount of times I couldn't read fast enough to see what happens next! Absolutely incredible!
Hahahahahha!!! 😂😂😂 wow! Who knew what a bad-ass Percy's mom is!! 😍😁😂
,,You hit the Lord of the Titans in the eye with a blue plastic hairbrush. " ???? I laughed so hard when i read this!! ????
It was absolutely incredible! I couldn't let the book out of my hands until I finished it! It was very well written! A real page turner! Loved reading about it! It was incredible to be in the shoes of Betty and her daughter Mahtob, and at the same time really terrifying! It was amazing how strong they had to be to go trough all of this! Loved it!
It was amazing!!! Seeing things from Tobias/Four's perspective was really fun and thrilling! I really enjoyed it!
Haha! Way to go Four!!
Hahaha!! Laughed so hard!! 😂😂😂
Haha, the goddess of love is totally shipping Percy and Annabeth!! 😁
This book was amazing it feels like i just started reading it and I already finished it! I couldn't put it down!! And the cliffhanger just made me immediately pick up the next one and start reading!! Amazing simply amazing!
I'm really enjoying this book! Already halfway through it!! :) #greatbook #pageturner #bookworm #stayedupallnightreading
I absolutely loved this book! Stayed up all night till I couldn't see straight simply cause I couldn't put it down! A real page turner! And I'm already halfway trough the second book.
I loved this book! It was very well written and very encouraging! It's amazing what we can do when God's on our side! God bless!! #bobfu #godsdoubleagent #greatread
Ouch! Burned!! Way to go Percy Jackson!
I loved this part made me laugh out loud! 😁
I am very excited about this book! It was absolutely INCREDIBLE!! I loved it soo much that i read it twice in a row and then again later on! It felt so good to see the everything behind the maze and just live once again with Thomas, Newt, Minho and all the other shanks that became my favorite characters! James Dashner rocks!!
Lee Child is a very good writer and did a very good job so I started collecting all of his Jack Reacher books!
Loved it! Absolutely amazing read it quite a few times and yet it always keeps me on the edge of my seat! It makes you laugh and makes you cry and makes you want to live there with the characters... and in a way we are.
I really love this book! Read it twice and really enjoyed it!