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Annotated Pride and Prejudice
Annotated Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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A sheer delight for Jane Austen fans, this is an annotated edition of one of the most beloved novels in the world. Maps, illustrations and a chronology of events are all included.
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#200PnPCovers #Hobbies

Lydia here is talking about the hobby of decorating a hat or making slight alterations to one she already has.

mabell Fashion is definitely a hobby! This kills me though - why buy a hat to completely redo it?? 3y
CrowCAH @mabell totally! I‘d buy a hat if I liked how they made it up. 3y
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It isn‘t Christmas in the Wiebe household without an airing of the 1995 miniseries #wintergames2021 #mistletoemaniacs +21pts

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Charlotte Lucas‘s views on matrimony.

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Day 8 of #12booksof2020

It never hurts to visit an old favourite and thanks to #pemberlittens this past August and September, I was able revisit this wonderful book.

Andrew65 Great 😊 4y
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My annual watching of the 1995 miniseries; have watched it most Christmas seasons since my sister got the VHS set at Christmas 1996. Recorded it back this past summer when it was on #pbs. #pemberlittens #wintergames #readnosedreindeer #1995miniseries

Points: 20 + 1 = 21

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A closer view of the same page

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An example of the annotations in the book

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5⭐️ As usual I loved the book. I particularly liked all the various annotations that David Shapard made so much that I purchased the Northanger Abbey annotated edition as well. Still one of my favourite classics. #bookreview #bookstagram #classics #prideandprejudice #fiction #janeausten #readalong #pemberlittens

LitStephanie What kind of info was in the notes? Did it educate on details of real life in that setting or more literary interpretation? 4y
melissajayne @LitStephanie it was more about real life in that setting and some literary interpretation 4y
sprainedbrain I need to get an annotated version. ❤️ 4y
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Got this edition specifically for the #pemberlittens #readalong

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“We are all fools in love” says Charlotte to Elizabeth at the party. They were discussing of Mr Bingley and Jane‘s affection of each other and how Jane should ‘snatch him up‘ before Mr Bingley looses interest..Austen depictions of foolishness is aplenty in the book, and more focused on the male fools (Mr Bingley, Mr Wickham, Mr Collins..)

#lilithjuly #lovefool

(☝️Etsy pic).

merelybookish Lots of #lovefools in Austen! 👍 5y
KarenUK Love this! 👌💕 5y
ladym30 ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
Cinfhen Beautiful illustrations!! By the way, I arrived in Philly last night and both books were waiting for me xx thank you SO MUCH!! Will post later today 😁 5y
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Summer reading

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Mahalo @Blueberry 🤗it's been awhile since I have done one of these. #wonderouswednesday @Eggs
1. Any Jane Austen
2. Pride and Prejudice-more times than I can count!
3. Goodreads, Litsy, my head lately-I'm behind 😜
4. Here's 2: Max sleeping next to me while I was blogging last night 😽❤️ & my breakfast: Blueberry Lavender Tea-Infused Chia Seed Pudding Parfaits.😋Doing a sponsored tea event & this was my recipe creation.
5. Anyone who hasn't!😘

jenniferw88 Your breakfast sounds yummy! 5y
jenniferw88 Max ❤❤❤ 5y
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jenniferw88 Sorry for the bombardment of comments, but just screenshotted the recipe - I'm slowly building a collection up! 5y
DebinHawaii @jenniferw88 Your comments are always welcome! 😉🤗 5y
Blueberry Your parfait looks amazing! 5y
Eggs Yum❣️❣️ and thanks for playing!!! 5y
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1. According to genre. I thought of arranging it as rainbows but I don't like having series apart.
2. Books by O.Henry and The Animal Farm.
3. I love the smell of books. Who doesn't smell books?
4. Nope. My idea is to buy more books with the money than different editions of the same book. I do like some beautiful covers but I don't think really buy different editions. But I live seeing the covers.

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1. Ice cream
2. No.
3. I hardly drive so nope.
4. Music.

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1. Yes
2. Netflix (although we recently started watching Goliath on Amazon!)
3. Horror/paranormal, crime, comedy, fantasy, dystopian, post-apocalyptic
4. Yes, but only when it‘s just background noise.
5. I think P&P would make a good series. We want to know what happens to Lizzie and Darcy after the marriage, and they‘re still going to have to deal with Mr. Collins, Lady Catherine, Caroline B., and Wickham, so plenty of story left!

Sace The first season of Goliath was amazing. We haven't gotten to the second season yet. 😕 6y
Ke633 I‘ve never heard of that show. I‘ll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing! 6y
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http://www.bookishbuzz.info/who-is-your-book-husband/ My book husband - but Colin Firth, please.

mabell I second Colin Firth 🙋🏼 6y
Eyelit I got Atticus Finch 😃 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Nate Archibald? Don‘t know him. 6y
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Felso @JanuarieTimewalker13 🤔 I had to google that character.... from the Gossip Girl series. 6y
Felso @Eyelit 👍🏻 Not bad! 6y
OrangeMooseReads I got Mr. Darcy as well. I‘m not a Darcy lady. 6y
sprainedbrain I‘m adore Colin Firth, but I‘m here for Matthew Macfadyen. 😍 @mabell 6y
Rachbb3 I got Jay Gatsby! 😛 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @Felso I‘ve heard of show but don‘t know him. @Eyelit , now that‘s a man I‘d want! 6y
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saresmoore Hahaha! That IS a bizarre combination! Though, I could see Anne Hathaway fitting the role... 6y
saresmoore I got Hermione Granger & Katniss Everdeen. I think they both get up to way too much brave adventuring for my tastes! 6y
LeahBergen That was my result, too. 🤔 6y
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readordierachel @saresmoore I got the same result! 6y
2BR02B I got Ellen Ripley and Princess Leia. I am perfectly satisfied with that result. 😁 6y
jillrhudy I‘m a cross between Elizabeth Bennet and a three-toed tree sloth. I lie around until there‘s witty repartee to be had, which is rare. 6y
saresmoore @ReadOrDieRachel 👯‍♀️ 6y
BarbaraBB I got the same combination as you did! (edited) 6y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore that's how I felt about Lara Croft. Though I did want to be an archaeologist for many years... 6y
Moray_Reads @jillrhudy 😆😆😆 6y
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rubyslippersreads 😂😂😂 6y
Bookzombie 😂😂 6y
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For those interested, there‘s a free online course on Jane Austen offered by the University of Southampton which has started this week. The following link provides more information:



sammisho This is so cool! 6y
Anna40 Thanks! 6y
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Re-reading one of my most favorite books of all time! #bookworm #ilovebooks #prideandprejudice #janeausten

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Unpopular Opinion: I hate P&P... sorry. #ReadingResolutions

Samplergal Me too. I am in the middle of reading it through Serial Reader. Ugh. I‘m not a fan. (edited) 6y
BeansPage Me too! 🤚🤚🤚 6y
CrowCAH Oh no! It‘s ok we can still be friends! 😉 This book is my all time fav! Have you tried anything of Austen‘s other works, you might enjoy their story lines more? 6y
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KellyHunsakerReads @CrowCAH no, I haven‘t... but I am thinking about trying Persuadion. 6y
Ruthiella Ha ha😀 I love P&P but I find it refreshing that you don‘t like it! There are other books where I don‘t understand what everyone else loves about it😁 6y
CrowCAH @Hunsakermountain that‘s a good one, too! Hopefully, you can find one you enjoy! 6y
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#AprilBookishMadness #FavoriteQuote

It‘s amazing how many photo prompts Pride & Prejudice works for; fav quote:

“You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you” -Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet

(Photo from Pinterest)

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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I‘m going with a friendship for question #3 instead of a romantic one. One of my fave relationships is that between Charlotte Lucas and Lizzie Bennet. #JaneAustenGiveaway

GypsyKat 💗💗💗 7y
Kmmsellers @GypsyKat And thank you for the opportunity 😊💕 7y
GypsyKat @Kmmsellers I‘m very happy to be doing this! Litsy is a great community full of wonderful people, I‘m thrilled to be able to give a little something back. 💗 7y
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When I was younger, Lizzie Bennet was always my favorite character. As an adult, Anne Eliot is my favorite (though much love still goes to Lizzie). #JaneAustenGiveaway @GypsyKat

GypsyKat 💗💗💗 7y
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Day 28: Weddings #150PnPCoverParty

LeahBergen Lovely! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
CrowCAH Lots of happy endings!!! 7y
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I‘ve done it ladies!

I got @Dage to read Pride and Prejudice!!! 😍

Well, he chose to start reading the book, I didn‘t even ask him to.

And of course he knows it‘s my favorite!

To re-read with him (or not) is not a question, but a must! 😉

JacqMac I‘ve never read it either. Which is kind of weird, because I think I‘d like it. I did buy a copy. 😂 7y
KVanRead Bravo!👏 7y
sammisho I will start rereading in March for the #janeaustenreadalong. 7y
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Dragon I did a reread of P&P on a plane trip and I kept laughing out loud, got some looks from the folks next door. 😂 7y
LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
readinginthedark ❤️I just reread Persuasion with my mom and niece, and we‘re rereading this next! I love how everyone‘s reading it right now! 7y
CrowCAH @JacqMac join @sammisho and the #janeaustenreadalong and you‘ll have read the book in no time! 7y
CrowCAH @KVanRead @LeahBergen I know, it made me so happy! And proud as a peacock! 😊 7y
CrowCAH @sammisho no harm in a couple days headstart! 😉 7y
CrowCAH @Dragon those are the best moments lol books!!! 😂 7y
CrowCAH @readinginthedark I know! Such great books to be read over and over! 7y
Meeko93 I have yet to read it too! 7y
CrowCAH @Meeko93 well, please, do join #janeaustenreadalong and @sammisho will lead us through a waltz of books for our enjoyment pleasure!!! 7y
sammisho @crowcah absolutely not! I already read it this month, gonna read it again! 7y
CrowCAH @sammisho a tough Headmistress I see we have. 😉 7y
sammisho @CrowCAH absolutely not..as in...absolutely no harm in starting early! 😃 7y
CrowCAH @sammisho ooooh that way! 😉 7y
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I have to use the tagged book again to talk about #love but what other kinds of love can compare to a mother‘s love of her children?
Mrs Bennet may be a noisy and irritating woman with all her ‘nerves‘, however is also a loving and caring mother, despite her obvious favouritism of Jane. Her sole purpose in life is to marry off each of her daughters to well-to-do men.

#150PnPCoverParty @CrowCAH @LeahBergen

CrowCAH Yes, love comes in all shapes and sizes! 7y
LeahBergen So true. ❤️ 7y
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“I remember the time when I liked a red coat myself very well - and indeed I do still at my heart”.

Mrs. Bennet is just as fascinated by the #militia officers just as her daughters when the officers arrived at Meryton. 🙄

##150PnPCoverParty @CrowPrincess @LeahBergen

LeahBergen It‘s that whole “men in uniform” thing. 😆 7y
CrowCAH So sorry I missed this; it‘s recorded! 7y
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My new favorite drinking glass!! #bookishchristmasgifts #merrychristmas

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I can now proudly declare that I have read Pride and Prejudice! I most certainly liked it. Not a favorite, but definitely better than expected. Some parts were slow, and others hooked. I can certainly see myself reading more Austen, but farther in the future. Just not my usual style. Glad to now be able to join the conversation. ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Also, I like the 2005 movie, but the 1995 miniseries is just too cute! & I have a soft spot for #lostinausten 💖

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The Bennett Family is full of daughters of marrying age and Mama B. is working 24/7 make sure it happens. Key to the story is Elizabeth, who is immediately taken with Mr. Darcy (as are her sisters) at a party where the Bennett women are set to meet potential suitors. But that quickly changes when Darcy‘s pompous attitude leaves them all less than impressed. More suitors follow. Then gossip and drama and a tidy ending. Rosamund is a dream narrator!

Nute I just watched this movie last night for the umpteenth time. I‘ve reread this book countless times. So now I guess I‘ll try the audiobook version. Why not? I love this story! 7y
OneLitChick @Nute you must listen! Rosamund Pike does a fantastic job! 7y
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#septembowie #letsdance
I'm always fascinated by the intrigue that takes place in Austen during the formal dances. Tense conversations, shared bits of gossip, flirtations - all while changing partners and moving through all that odd group choreography. And all the joyous anticipation for the "ball at Netherfield" ?

Cinfhen 🤣😂🤣😂 7y
RaimeyGallant I know! It makes me want to go to one of those old events. Still working on my time machine. ;) 7y
Centique @RaimeyGallant put me down to buy a ticket as soon as you get it working! 🤣 7y
batsy I know! I always think it might be fun to time travel to one of those balls, but I think it will only give me anxiety. Biggest challenge would be keeping up with gossip while keeping time with my partner 😁 7y
Centique @batsy yes! As much as they're great watching, how stressful is that whole social situation?!! 😲 7y
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Day 24 #AndItsAugust #ComfortReads Challenge catch up.😬 No surprise that Jane Austen's books- especially Pride and Prejudice-are my favorites to read, watch, listen to when I need comfort. Max🐱is a fan of the P & P audiobook read by Rosamund Pike & will come sit by my tablet (or lay on it & sleep) when I listen to it. When I listen to other books, including BBC Jane reading Sense & Sensibility, he could care less.😆😽Strange boy! #catsoflitsy🐱

JoRead Austen is also a favorite of mine 😊 7y
Caryl Austen! 💖❤️💕 7y
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Current view from my classroom door.

monkeygirlsmama Now that's a nice view! The bear is pretty cool too. 7y
kspenmoll That is lovely!!!! 7y
LyndseyReads I love those annotated versions of Austen's novels. So great! 7y
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Thank you so much, @britt_brooke ! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I love the Pride and Prejudice page flags and the lovely necklace you made yourself! #LitsyPenPals

mabell That lettering is gorgeous! 7y
JenP How pretty! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Not sure which is more impressive, the lettering or the necklace! 7y
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batsy @CoffeeCatsBooks I was going to say the same! Just lovely. So talented, @britt_brooke ☺️ 7y
Mommamanzi Wow!!!! 7y
britt_brooke @BookishMarginalia So happy you like them! ☺️☺️☺️ 7y
britt_brooke @mabell @JenP @CoffeeCatsBooks @batsy @Mommamanzi You all are so sweet - thank you! ☺️ 7y
kspenmoll Such beautiful work!! 7y
Gissy So pretty! 7y
Gissy You are a talented woman 👍so pretty everything❤️ @britt_brooke 7y
MrBook @britt_brooke is awesome!!! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
britt_brooke @kspenmoll @Gissy Thank you all so much! ☺️ 7y
britt_brooke @MrBook Thanks!! ☺️☺️☺️ 7y
LeahBergen Wonderful!! 💚 7y
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I took this quiz twice and the first time my boo was Darcy. Elizabeth Bennett was my second. I honestly was hoping for Captain Wentworth.


AmandaL I got Darcy too! 7y
JoRead I got Tinley *le swoon* 😍😍 7y
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Will forever be one of my favorite novels of all time 💗

#books #bookstagrammer #prideandprejudice #ilovereading #ilovebooks #classicbooks #bookfox #book
#bookslut #bookaholic #booklove #booklovers #bookworm #booknerd #books📚 #read #reading #biblophile

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#Characters2017 #Ravenclaw Well of course I claim my favorite literary character for my Hogwarts house! 😆👍 Although she has the courage and loyalty of other houses, Elizabeth Bennet's lively wit, intelligence, and love for books and reading are all Ravenclaw. 💙💛📚

LibrarianRyan 🤓👍 7y
Erinxx90 ❤️ 7y
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Happy dancing here! Thank you, @MyBookZleeves for the lovely surprise! I ❤️❤️❤️ my Austen-themed goodies: the 2 bookmarks with P&P quotes and most of all, my very own #bookzleeve made by you! Love it all, and the candy, and the books look fab, just the thing for summer! (Pic of books posted separately) - thank you! ☺️

Sarah83 They look so gorgeous 😉😍 @MyBookZleeves 7y
DivineDiana That book zleeve is divine! 💗 7y
Suet624 That's lovely! 7y
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LadyPotterHead Awww I'm soo glad they got to you safely and you loved it all, just a little thank you from me for organising #secretsantagoespostal ❤️❤️ @BookishMarginalia 7y
LadyPotterHead @Sarah83 Thank you 💖 7y
LadyPotterHead @DivineDiana Thank you 💖💖 that bookzleeve will be coming to my shop soon 👍🏼 7y
Sarah83 @MyBookZleeves Do you tell me, if you got P&P in your shop? 😍 7y
LadyPotterHead @Sarah83 lol yes I will, my shop is closing tomorrow for 3 weeks but when it reopens I will hopefully have atleast 1 p&p design listed, I'll let you know when I reopen 💖 7y
Sarah83 @MyBookZleeves Thank you so much 😍 7y
LadyPotterHead @Sarah83 😊💖💖 7y
CrowCAH OMG was this just a thank you or a box purchasable item? I ❤️ P&P!!! 7y
Clare-Dragonfly Wow, what a gorgeous book sleeve! I almost regret my preorder of the Hufflepuff sleeve if this one is coming to the shop... almost. 🖤💛🖤💛 7y
Gissy Love the book sleeve!! So pretty! 😍@MyBookZleeves 7y
LadyPotterHead @Gissy Thank you 7y
LadyPotterHead @Clare-Dragonfly How can you regret that!! 😱 #HufflepuffPride 😂😂 7y
LadyPotterHead @CrowCAH This was just a Thank you to @BookishMarginalia for organising the book exchange but the sleeve will be coming to my shop soon 👍🏼😊 the bookmarks were purchased separately from 2 different Etsy shops 👍🏼 7y
CrowCAH @MyBookZleeves sweet; it's a great Janeite gift!!! 7y
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I love this! #meetthelittens @maich

1. Currently NC but I've lived all over so I don't claim to be from anywhere really.
2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
3. Harry Potter
4. Le Grand Bleu (not the American version either)
5. The Big Bang Theory
6. Elvis Costello
7. Blue
8. Literary fiction
9. At home at my kitchen table (I write book reviews)
10. One dog, one cat, and one hedgehog

maich Blue💙 7y
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Today's literary tshirt brought to you by.....
#day25 #tshirtaddict

Lcsmcat No argument there! 7y
Melissa_J I'm totally going against the majority with this one, but I actually preferred Matthew MacFadyen's Darcy (runs and hides...) 7y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Melissa_J He's my wife's preferred Darcy too. 7y
Zelma @Melissa_J I have to agree with you. I like his version of tall, dark, and brooding. 😆 7y
Melissa_J @TobeyTheScavengerMonk @Zelma I'm so glad I'm not the only one 😊 7y
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Today's literary tshirt brought to you by....
#day16 #tshirtaddict

Chrissyreadit Love it! 7y
Librarybelle Love the shirt! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
LeeRHarry That's fab! 😆 7y
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An unexpected gift in the mail today!! Love it!!

Rachbb3 Pretty! 7y
JoeStalksBeck Awesome! 7y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 7y
CrowCAH Eek awesome!! 😍 7y
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Today's literary t-shirt brought to you by Jane Austen. (And @outofprint ). #day1

CrowCAH Bestest shirt ever!!! 😍 P&P!!! 7y
LeahBergen I have the sweatshirt version of this one. 👍🏼 7y
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The Bennet sisters are among my most memorable and entertaining #siblings read. Love watching the BBC drama and film adaptations too. #aprilbookshowers

RealLifeReading ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Why are the Mr. Collins' of the world the only men who attempt to hit on me. Where are the Mr. Darcys 😒 #whereismydarcy

stacybmartin I'd like to know as well! 😂 8y
MKbookworm @stacybmartin If you find out where all the Darcys hide themselves let me know 😄 8y
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The question about the number of books I read in one year has an upper limit of 20....bwahahahahaha.

amckiereads Yeah I got 97% but I call foul - if the writer thinks "more than 20" is a good upper limit they aren't qualified to be judging my book obsessiveness! ? 8y
stargazerblue49 I am pretty sure that me not being in a book club brought my percentage down... I'm just not good at reading things if it feels like an obligation. 🤷‍♀️ 8y
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Bookish goods: this is my current lunch bag! #riotgrams

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Hands down the best romantic second chance in literature. #secondchances #booklove2017

Leniverse Oh, shoot. I've been wrecking my mind trying to think what to use for this prompt. P&P should have occurred to me immediately. Now I'll have to think of something else. 😂 8y
lisakoby @Leniverse I only thought of it because I'm rereading Emma right now. 😊 8y
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