I handle book slumps by doing something else that interests me and then returning to reading when it interests me again. I always come back to reading eventually. 📚📚📚
I handle book slumps by doing something else that interests me and then returning to reading when it interests me again. I always come back to reading eventually. 📚📚📚
I have not touched a book since Saturday. 😩😩😩😩
July has been my worst reading month ever 😭
This is the 3rd year in a row I‘ve experienced a reading slump in late spring/early summer. This year was better. I DID read every month. I finished 4 books in June, even though none of them spoke to me enough to be worth highlighting for #12Booksof2023. But I clearly need to be more intentional about my reading at this time of year. Does this happen to any of you? Do you have suggestions for me about staving off these expected slumps?
I have been in such a reading slump for the whole of September and actually in a Litsy slump too. There always seems to be something else I should be doing. Yesterday was this little dudes 8th birthday. The last in a long line of events I needed to get sorted. This morning I woke up feeling excited to pick a new book, catch up with my Litsy friends and lean into my autumn reading 😊🍂 📚
Literally in one of the worst book slumps of my life. I pick up a book, and I feel nothing. Not excitement, no joy. Is this what it‘s like to lose a love?
Gosh I‘m dramatic- I‘ll be fine
It‘s been really hard to get through books lately. I‘ve got a massive tbr of books I want to read, but I‘m struggling to feel interested enough in anything. I‘ve also been experiencing issues with staying focused. It‘s frustrating because I just want to finish something. I‘ve never perfected a way to get through reading slumps so I‘m curious to hear what are other Littens experiences and advice?
I feel way short on my reading goals this past year because of a massive reading slump I fell into. I don‘t know if it‘s because the first part of the year I studied for my exam or if I was just going to overwhelms in general. But I don‘t hold it against myself, I just take it as time needed. I look forward to a great year of reading and connecting with other readers.
I don‘t know if it‘s because I‘m pregnant or if it‘s because we‘re house hunting in this horrible market or both but I‘m drained and in a reading slump and reading is my only source of entertainment at the moment, I‘m asking Litsy for help, I‘m going book shopping today, can I get recommendations?? Something easy that doesn‘t need to many brain cells? Maybe Dark fantasy/ lgbt/ contemporary, horror, anything! Maybe something not so long? Idk😢
Y‘all, I‘m in a serious reading slump. I can‘t seem to focus for more than a few minutes. I think it‘s all the stress with moving and church assignments. I just want to read! 😭
After January, which was my best reading month ever, I‘ve been in a serious reading slump for the last two weeks. I haven‘t finished a book all month. I think it‘s seasonal (I last posted this pic in February 2019) and abating, but I hate the feeling of not wanting to read.
#BFCR3 CHECK IN -- #goteam - I had a terrible workout week, too much happening and my anxiety got the best of me (even though working out is good for anxiety 😖). I can say though that this is the first time I've fallen off since the very first #bfc started, and I didn't like it at all! My nutrition did improve this week, but I'm ready for a good workout week again! #bfcr3 #bookfitnesschallenge
Guys.. I‘m in the biggest reading slump ever.. with just a week to go in March, I have only completed 10 books. And SEVEN are audiobooks that I listen to during my commute. I thought it was just my choice of books slowing me down, but I picked something Fun and light and I still can‘t stick with it. Someone needs to shake me out of this funk!
Oh man, I feel a reading slump coming on 😖
I love Beatriz Williams' books, but I find myself putting this one down more than I'm picking it up. Is it a slump? Does this book really suck as much as it's appearing to? Is it a full moon? What the hell? 😐
I seem to be going through and audiobook slump. I‘ve started 3 over the last 2 days and haven‘t been interested in a single one. ☹️☹️☹️
Due to various outside stresses, I‘m in a bookish slump. I just don‘t want to read. I‘m sure it‘s temporary, but it‘s frustrating.
Does this happen to you? Any suggestions?
So my classic sign of a reading slump is that I start numerous books, but can‘t finish any, and I dive into book reviews, blogs, videos without actually reading! This almost never happens in the new year but the signs are undeniable!! Do you all have any recommendations??? How do I stop this before it turns into a full on reading slump???
Littens. I‘m in the worst reading slump. What was the last book you read that sucked you in away from everything in the world? Genre does not matter. I‘m desperate!!
Instead of reading I‘ve been doing a lot of couch potatoing. I don‘t feel guilty today because it is a gray, rainy mess but I REALLY hope to get my mojo back this week.
Ugh! I think I'm going into a reading slump. I'm finding everything else to do including looking at recipes and I hate cooking. 🙁😟😬
I had a bad reading day today. I let life‘s annoyances get to me and couldn‘t focus. I played many games on phone and read very few pages. Wine will help. Tomorrow will be a better day.
I am in a totally reading slump. I have been audioing a little but tonight is it knitting and binge watching Riverdale.
Definite extrovert 🤗 equal sleep and doing things (I‘m a teacher so I‘m always on the go OR sleeping lol) I like audiobooks more than a movie, definitely clean I hate cooking, best advice would be to try something totally outside your comfort zone or normal genres, or ask my mom what to read lol
Do more, usually
Actually, take a break from reading. After a few days, I really miss it.
#bookslumpblues @hermyknee
Do more
Watch an episode of Gilmore Girls- that always sends me running to my tbr pile ☺
@hermyknee #bookslumpblues
Um, I don't like either but I'll go with cook. 😁
Go back to an author who hasn't let you down. 📚
#bookslumpblues @hermyknee
🌵Introvert. Though I like socializing, spending my time with a book is much better 📗
🌵Sleep, of course, never get enough of this 😴
🌵Movie. It's difficult to keep my attention while listening for a long time, so I read only printed editions
🌵I wouldn't choose either if I could, but I like cooking once in a while
🌵My bookslump needs to linger for 2 or 3 days, and then I choose some new book on a hunch and I'm back!
I‘d like more sleep, please.
Both, depending on circumstances
I rearrange my library, or read book reviews. #bookslumpblues @hermyknee
A bit of both 😄
Do more
Read some Agatha Christie 😘
#bookslumpblues @hermyknee
1. Introvert
2. Do more
3. Probably audiobook
4. Cook!
5. Give comics a try. Or reread a childhood fave!
Hope you get over #thebookslumpblues
📚depends on the situation- teaching or with close friends/family I am extroverted but it tends to take a lot of me bc I‘m an introvert at my core
📚I tend to sleep more but doing more is more effective lol
📚I‘ve never listened to an audio book!!! 😬
📚Neither- but clean if I must
📚Ride it out- stalk Litsy, listen to podcasts (about books lol), Netflix- eventually it will pass!!!
@hermyknee hope you unslump soon!!!
I‘ve been in the worst #Litsy and book slump. I‘ve been staring at this stack for like ever but can‘t get past the first couple pages of any of them.
I had the stomach flu all last week and am just now feeling better so I‘m hoping that‘s it. Also I found this game called Choices. It‘s like a Choose Your Own Adventure book. However, anything worth choosing costs money which I totally don‘t have. Anyways, it‘s wasted time. #bookandlunch
This is me lately. I still havent finished Fellowship of the Ring & then I started a new book but am only about 5% into it. My audio book has been getting more action, but I have to rewind a lot when I start listening again bc I keep forgetting where I left off. I'm in a slump & it sucks but I think it's bc my house has been battling strep which means at the end of the night, 1 pg & I'm out for the count.
Last year I read 14 5 star books. This year so far I have read 2. I admit I‘m stingy with my stars but lately I haven‘t read anything that I‘ve really loved. The last few books I‘ve read have high rating on Litsy and on goodreads but I didn‘t enjoy any of them! 😞 I don‘t know what to do! Reread something I love? I‘m getting frustrated!!
This week has really not been a good reading week, and I can‘t say it‘s because I‘ve been busy because I really haven‘t! But tomorrow is a new week so hopefully I can get something new started and get back into reading mode
Look at this stack of greatness! That's a Circe arc that I've had for over a week and haven't even started. How can I be slumping this hard?
This has been an awful week!
My son has chicken pox, im in a horrible reading slump and i've been binge watching Brooklyn 99 and now i have a crush on Andy Samberg 😣😁😆
Everyone seems to be going into book slumps, you poor souls! ❤️ There really is nothing like wanting to read but not having the desire to 😑
I've been in one myself for the past month or so, that's why I've been somewhat vacant from Litsy. Hoping to drag myself out of it soon!
This is what a book slump looks like for me. In the middle of too many books and feels like zero progress on any of them.
I think I finally need to admit to myself that I'm in a slump. I know that ditching all my current reads and starting fresh will probably help but I'm more than half way through some of them! 😩 I really need to stop reading so many at once. Just going to battle my way through my current read pile then possibly take a break. 😧
This is how I feel right now. I now have 4 books on the go and can't pay attention to any of them. I've been neglecting my #litsypenpal @Melissa_J (I promise I'll have something out soon!!) and I'm even getting #shopblocked on Amazon for the upcoming #potterheadswap. I don't know what is going on....but I think I need a vacation 😔
#lifeslump #cantfocus #stupidsquirrels
Omg I think I am officially in a reading slump 😢😢 Everything I have tried to read today I have hated. I am sad because today is the only day this week I have actually had time to read. What do you do when you fall in a reading slump/rut?
Ugh..I guess I‘m definitely in a reading slump. Or just a general slump....I‘ve been lounging around all afternoon pretty much doing nothing at all, kind of like the past few days! 😩😩😩
We fly to NY tomorrow, and all I want to do is lay on the couch and veg. Sorry to #LMPBC, I won‘t be mailing on the next book till at least Jan 5, and I hope the #dystopiantravellingbook is where it should be, because I am really flaking right now. So sorry!
These lyrics - I think we've all been there...
🎶I can't read shit anymore
I just sit back and ignore
'Cause I just can't get it right, can't get it right
I can't read shit, I can't read shit 🎶
Angsty complaint rock for reading slumps 😂
#ICantRead #SeptemBowie
Slumpy slump sluuuump. Grrr 😡
Reading slump? Is that you??
Feeling a little slump creeping on me since finishing Gone With the Wind.
It's official. I'm in a reading slump.
This smiley audiobook is mocking me. For the first time since my audiobook conversion, I'm in an audiobook slump. Nothing is working for me. New narrator, trusted narrator, or even my favorite genres are coming up dry. I've suffered through many print reading slumps, so I know this will pass. That being said, audiobooks are my traveling companions and this feels unnatural.
I plan on not forcing the issue. I'll listen to music, etc. Still, BOO!