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Dr. Spalding LAE 3414 UCF
We're All Wonders | R. J. Palacio
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I just wanted to share my only Black Friday purchase this year. We‘re all Wonders was on sale at target, and I‘ve been wanting it so I didn‘t hesitate to go pick it up! I‘m so happy to now own the picture book and chapter book versions of Wonder. Whether I teach upper or lower elementary, I‘ll be able to share Auggie‘s story with my future students! #choosekind 💙

WendyP I have been wanting to read this and asked for this book for Christmas! 7y
DominiqueL After I saw your post that day, I immediately check the book on the site and ordered it along with Auggie and Me. Thanks for sharing! (edited) 7y
Juliemorell Awesome! 7y
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Water | Seymour Simon
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This NF book is a great example of Simon‘s work and is perfect for IR. The book discusses everything a child could ever wonder about water including the water cycle, precipitation, why we need water, and more! The photographs and diagrams in this book are beautiful and the end even includes a glossary and index. It is from 2017, so there are not many resources for the book, but www.seymoursimon.com is a great place for kids to explore his books.

CaseyL UDL 7.1 optimize individual choice and autonomy would be used when students choose this book about water from your classroom library because of their natural curiosity on the subject. EL 30 encourage the use of diagrams as aids to identify concepts and relationships is used with the diagram of the water cycle that is included in this book. The diagram can help ELL understand the cycle clearly. #ucflae3414f17 7y
KayleeC The picture really caught my eye! Having NF books with beautiful pictures like this in a classroom library would be a great way to show students ow interesting NF can be! 7y
Samantha.K This would be a great NF book for the classroom. Especially since Florida usually gets a lot of water through rain. It would be a great continuation of a science lesson. 7y
JanaLL Great informational book, especially for us Floridains! 7y
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One Crazy Summer | Rita Williams-Garcia
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This HF Scott O‘Dell and Coretta Scott King winner is great for LC. Delphine, Vonetta, and Fern (Afua) travel from NY to CA to visit the mother who abandoned them. She is not a very motherly figure and she treats them like the complete strangers that they are. The girls spend their summer in a Black Panther camp learning about their rights and struggles as African Americans. The girls and their estranged mother truly have a crazy summer.

CaseyL http://files.harpercollins.com/PDF/TeachingGuides/0060760885.pdf this discussion guide includes extension activities that can be used when teaching this book. UDL 7.1 optimize individual choice and autonomy can be used to let students choose their own extension activity to complete when the book is over. EL 10 teach think, pair, share strategies in cooperative groups can be used when students discuss the questions related to the story. 7y
CaseyL One of the coolest things in the Scott O‘Dell award winner is that the main character, Delphine, is reading Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O‘Dell throughout the story! #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding I had totally forgotten that Delphine was reading that book. So ironic! Thanks for the reminder. This is an excellent example historical fiction as are the next two in the series. 7y
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This TL sequel to Humpty Dumpty is one of my favorite books and is great for S (hint hint). The story of how Humpty Dumpty persevered past his hardships is inspiring and the plot twist ending is so heartwarming! http://www.stemread.com/after-the-fall/ this website includes activities and discussion questions that introduce students to failure and determination. #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL UDL 5.2 use multiple tools for construction and composition can be used when creating a storytelling for this book and during the activities on the stem reads website. EL 17 provide contextual support through audio, visuals, models, demonstrations, realia, body language, and facial expressions can also be used during the storytelling and STEM activities. 7y
DrSpalding A wonderful new book. I believe the copyright is 2017. After having one the Caldecott for Beekle, this author has become quite notable. 7y
AndreaC I think it is so cool how nowadays there are sequels to classic favorites! Definitely would be great to share the original and then this one to children! 7y
KayleeC After seeing your retelling if this sorry in class, I have wanted to buy this book. I think it‘s important to teach children not to give up! 7y
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The Giver | Lois Lowry
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This SF, Newberry award winning book is a good option for LC in upper elementary school. The story of Jonas‘ community where there is no choice and no individuality is a page turner. I never wanted to put the book down. I won‘t spoil the ending, but it left me very unsatisfied and wondering more. Although I can see why this book is a Newberry, I would still be cautious when using it with children who are too young because of the mature concepts.

CaseyL http://thegiverlessonplans.com/ this is a great resource for LC and activities associated with this book. UDL 2.1 clarify vocabulary and symbols could be used with this lesson plan during the vocabulary crossword puzzle activity. EL 45 use Venn Diagrams to contrast and compare can be used through the story to compare Jonas‘ thinking now that he has memories with the rest of the community‘s ignorant thinking. #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Another classic read. You could also use the venn diagrams to compare the book to the movie. 7y
ChristinB I read this in 8th grade. I loved it and when the movie came out I had to go see it! Still one of my favorites 7y
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Dear Mr. Henshaw | Beverly Cleary
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This RF, Newberry award winner is a great choice for AS because students can write to an author just as Leigh Botts does. Leigh‘s favorite author,Mr. Henshaw,encourages Leigh to keep a journal where he is able to reflect on the challenges of his life such as his lunch being stolen, his parents divorce, having no friends at a new school and much more. Beverly Clearly is a phenomenal author who writes about real childhood experiences. #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/dear-mr-hensha... the scholastic website provides multiple classroom activities related to this book. My favorite is having students create their own lunch box alarms just as Leigh did in the book! 7y
CaseyL UDL 7.2 optimize relevance, value, and authenticity can be used if students create their own journals like Leigh. Keeping a journal is relevant to students who like to write, and keeping track of the challenges and events in life can be valuable to students. EL 42 have students use timelines to arrange and sequence important information, can be used if students use the dates on Leigh‘s journal entries to put his most important ones in order. 7y
DrSpalding Scholastic is a fantastic resource. What a great idea to use this book in an author study and have the students write to the author, just like in the book. Fantastic! 7y
AJones Look at that beautiful seal. Love it! 😍 Just added it to my stack. Thanks. 7y
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This book is the first collection of P by Shel Silverstein. It is a hilarious, Outstanding Book Award winner perfect for IR. The poems in this book are goofy, fun, and relatable for children. For example the poem “Jimmy Jet and His TV Set” is a fantasy story that warns of a child turning into a TV from watching too much TV. The language that Silverstein uses in his poems is engaging and enticing for children. #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL http://www.shelsilverstein.com/media/learning/resource_files/2016_Shel_Silverste... this link has activities for students to learn to write their own wacky poetry! UDL 1.1 offer ways of customizing the display of information is used in poetry because poems can be displayed in many different formats with different structures. 7y
CaseyL EL 38 assign short readings for homework can be used with the short poems in this book. Students can read the poems and find the main idea of them as homework assignments in order to discuss in class the next day. 7y
JordanD My sister and I loved this book and read this, a Light in the Attic and Falling Up all the time! We would laugh endlessly and see what wacky things we could find in the pictures! Love the resource- great review! 7y
DrSpalding These are the types of poems to share with young children so that they will foster a love of poetry at an early age. Independent reading yes but also read aloud! Poetry helps to teach phonological awareness skills that young children need to know to be proficient readers. 7y
DrSpalding Assigning short readings for homework is perfect. Sending home poems with young children to practice assists in fluency and comprehension and does not overwhelm them nor their parents.🙂 7y
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This B of the first African American child to desegregate schools in New Orleans is a RA for all grades. This story is powerful because of Ruby Bridge‘s passion to learn, compassion for those who hate her, and strength during a hard time in her life. This event happened only about 57 years ago and Ruby is only 63 years old today. The events/challenges of Ruby‘s life are important in the history of public education and equal rights in schools.

CaseyL http://www.storyboardthat.com/teacher-guide/the-story-of-ruby-bridges-by-robert-... these activities are great comprehension builders for students after they read. UDL 3.2 highlights patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships is perfect for the activities related to this story. EL 7 show students how to use graphic organizers is also used in these activities in the form of character maps, vocabulary boards, etc. #ucflae3414f17 7y
DrSpalding Excellent post for an excellent book. A character map to complement a biography is a wise choice. 7y
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The Gingerbread Man | Jim Aylesworth
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This NYTB illustrated children‘s book, TL story is perfect for CR because of the repetitive lines and songs that the gingerbread man sings. The classic story of the cookie who runs away and tricks many people/animals only to be tricked and eaten by a fox in the end is one that children will enjoy for the humor and repetitive language. It is also great around the holidays when many families may be enjoying these cookies at home! #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL http://www.ayles.com/gingerbread2.html the author‘s website includes many classroom applications for this TL. UDL 1.3 offer alternatives for visual information can be used with this story because of the descriptive language and the fact that the students are CR aloud with teacher support. EL 34 de-emphasize speed and emphasize accuracy is used during this CR as the whole class reads slowly and accurately to support students in their fluency. 7y
JordanD Wow I haven't seen this book in a long time! I love the idea in the resource for changing the setting- that would be great to use in a classroom to help students understand the story and apply it to a setting they know well! Now I really want cookies- great review! 7y
LaurenR So fun, especially around the holidays! The website provides many techniques of how you could use this book for setting & characters. Another thing you could do is make cookies with the book on the week you use it. (edited) 7y
DrSpalding I want cookies too! 🍪I enjoyed cooking with my students. This is also an excellent book for storytelling however choral reading is a good strategy to note. 7y
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This Newberry HF is great for a LC. The story of a young Native American girl, Karana, who is left alone on the Island of the Blue Dolphins for 18 years is a classic. The many challenges that she overcomes and the love that she has for the earth and the animals who inhabit it is inspiring. This book is a great addition to any classroom library because children will be able to imagine themselves in these hardships and discuss Karana‘s bravery.

CaseyL https://www.teachervision.com/island-blue-dolphins this link provides so many amazing enrichment activities! I would love to use these creative projects while teaching this book in a LC. The link also provides the current weather for San Nicolas (The Island of the Blue Dolphins) so children can see the climate now. These resources are so fun! 7y
CaseyL UDL 4.2 vary the methods for response and navigation is used in the enrichment activities because the children are able to show what they know in multiple formats. EL 24 incorporate the culture and language of students into the curriculum can be used when discussing Karana‘s language/culture vs. the Aleut‘s language/culture. Students can then be encouraged to share differences in their own language/culture. 7y
MadisonCarter Wow, what a beautiful edition of this classroom staple. I‘ve gotta keep an eye out for this cover. Great post! 7y
DrSpalding Oh yes, you told me you were reading this classic. Excellent example of historical fiction. Nice job stating the UDL principle related to culture. So important to include this in our classrooms. 7y
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This N PB is a good IR for students to explore this fun, factual information. This book is one of many in the “What If You Had...?” series by Sandra Markle that allows readers to image if that had chameleon, eagle, dragonfly, and many other animal‘s eyes. It provides scientific information about the animal‘s eyes along with a fun illustration of a child with those eyes. It is a great way to engage students in quality nonfiction. #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL http://sandra-markle.blogspot.com/2017/08/eye-spy-what-if-you-had-animal-eyes.ht... this will bring you to the author‘s blog where she provides a great lesson on choosing and writing about your favorite animal eyes. UDL 6.2 support planning and strategy development can be used to help students plan out essay responses to Markle‘s prompt. EL 5 teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts is used to help with the scientific vocabulary. 7y
Madiwright97 I feel like there are so many activities you could do with this book, love it! 7y
JaymeeKendall Looks like a fun activity for students! 7y
emily_minnear This book seems like such a fun book. I love that the author has made something that could be boring into something fun for children to read and enjoy learning about! 7y
If I Had a Robot | Dan Yaccarino
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This SF could be introduced to a class as a S. If I had a Robot is the fun story of a young boy who imagines life being easier with the help of a robot who can do everything he doesn't want to. The incredible imagination of this boy is one that should be shared with your students. You can use this resource https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Robot-Writing-Freebie-809893 to allow students to create their own robot using their creativity.

CaseyL EL 32, use student pairs for team learning, can be used as students help each other create their robots and what they would use their robots for. UDL 7.1, optimize individual choice and autonomy, is also used in this project as students use their own imagination and creativity to create a unique robot that they choose. #ucflae3414f17 (edited) 7y
DrSpalding Yes! Encouraging creativity in science and technology is something that school districts are focusing on currently. This would be a great book to read prior to a STEAM lesson. 7y
AndreaC I think this is an awesome concept and a SF story that would be really interesting to elementary students. I know when I was a kid I wouldn‘t have minded a robot who could clean my room for me etc...! 7y
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Litwin's animal F, Geisel award winning PB is great for an AS. The interdisciplinary book incorporates literacy, math, and music to create fun learning for young children. This book is one of the four original Pete the Cat books and serves as a great hook into other books that incorporate music, dance, and fun and are also written by Eric Litwin. The book also shows a great message on positivity and always seeing the bright side. #ucflae3414f17

CaseyL http://edu.glogster.com/glog/eric-litwin-59e3fc6f6c526/2r2b4i4lieb this link brings you to my author study for multiple resources to learn about Eric Litwin. UDL 5.1 use multiple media for communication is evident in this glog because of the many different formats to see the information. EL 29 offer a variety of reference materials at the student's instructional level is also evident in the AS that is provided b/c of videos and info in links. 7y
DrSpalding You cited your Glog as the resource! I love it! Excellent alignment with EL and UDL strategies. 7y
amyqualk I've heard so many good things about Pete the cat books! I definitely want to read this! It's a great book for introducing math to the students. 7y
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Grace for President | Kelly S. DiPucchio
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This RF, NYTBS contains factual information and is great for RA. Grace thinks that it's crazy that there has never been a woman president, so she decides that she'd like to be president one day. Her teacher uses this as an opportunity to teach about running for president and the electoral college through an election simulation at their school. The message that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to is important for all children!

CaseyL https://www.islma.org/pdf/monarch/Grace%20for%20President.pdf this resource offers discussion questions that can be used during RA. EL 28 provide biographies of significant men and women can be used to highlight people in power/presidents from around the world and their "election" process. UDL 1.2 offer alternatives for auditory information can be used with the picture book being easily visible as you RA. #ucflae3414f17 7y
Dbenford Wow, looks like you have a lot of different activities and lessons that can go with this book. This book is definitely one to empower our young female readers. I liked your EL standard for this book, I'm sure you could not only use that standard for your ELL students but with the rest of your future classroom as well. Great post. 7y
DrSpalding Casey, excellent job aligning number 38 providing biographies as your EL strategy. This works for all biographies and to understand that providing them to second-language learners can be impactful, is something all of your peers need to know. Well done. 7y
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Guess what? This RF, New York Times Bestseller is great for IR or GR for grades k-5. 'Cause it's an easy read for older students and a great transitional chapter book for younger students. That's why! In Junie B.'s first adventure she hates the bus, experiences her first day of kindergarten, and causes quite a commotion at the end of the school day. Junie's outlook on life is humorous and fun for all ages!

CaseyL http://juniebjones.com/teachers/stupid-smelly-bus/ this website provides activities and pre reading discussions. UDL 7.3, minimize threats and distractions can be used in the activity on this website where the K teacher takes students on a tour of the school to ease their minds about the new environment. EL 11, place language in a meaningful context can be used to help students become familiar with new terms at school such as "media center". 7y
Dbenford I love Junie B. Jones books. I would read them all the time when I was younger. I liked the UDL standard that you used for this book, I would have never thought about that. Great post. 7y
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MorganH This was always my favorite book as a kid! My first grade teacher read it to us, and it stuck with me ever since. I love your idea of using it to help students become familiar with new school terms! 7y
Juliemorell Junie B. Jones is a classic series! I always loved these books as a kid. I never would have thought about using these books for teaching but the resources you provided show me that this series can be utilized. Love it. 7y
DrSpalding Nice hook Casey! I myself read this classic series to my first graders. I love the idea of touring the school to set the children's minds at ease. Obviously you aligned the UDL and EL strategies nicely. 7y
MakennaK Junie B Jones was one of my favorite book series as a kid! I think that these books are perfect for first graders which is the grade that I want to teach! I will definitely have this whole series in my classroom one day 7y
KatherineBeckham I love these books! I read an entire Junie B. Jones book in one day when I was younger and I remember how proud I was of myself. I think these books are favorites because kids can relate to the main character! 7y
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This F 2017 Newberry Honor book is rich in possible discussions and is great for a LC. Every year the people of the Protectorate abandon a baby in the forest because they believe a sacrifice will please an evil witch. In reality, Xan (a good witch) brings the children to safety in the free cities. One year, Xan safed Luna, and accidentally enmagicked her with moonlight. Xan raises her as her own along with the consequences of an enmagicked child.

CaseyL http://www.floridamediaed.org/uploads/6/1/4/2/61420659/ms-girlwhodrankthemoon.pd... book trailers, discussion questions, and interviews with Kelly Barnhill. UDL 3.3, guide information processing, can be used as the group members discuss the story and make sense of the relationships between the characters. EL 1, teach questioning for clarification, will also help LC groups question and understand motives of the characters in the story. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding Excellent post and excellent alignment to UDL and EL strategies. Obviously, I think it makes for a great literature circle. Your resource shows the importance of questions in your LC groups to better help them understand the text. 7y
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The One and Only Ivan | Katherine Applegate
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Applegate's Newberry honor book is a F based on facts, and would be the perfect opportunity to PR. This book is the story of Ivan, a silverback gorilla who lived in a shopping mall cage for most of his life. His outlook on his captivity changes when a baby elephant, Ruby, shows up as a new attraction. Ivan makes a promise to save Ruby and give her a better life. He feels it is his duty to protect her because he is a mighty silverback.

CaseyL https://www.teachingbooks.net/media/pdf/HarperCollins/OneAndOnlyIvanGuide.pdf this teaching guide includes discussion questions and extension activities that can be used during a PR. Since the chapters are short, the students can take turns reading the chapters aloud to each other, discussing the questions,and recording their answers. 7y
CaseyL PR supports EL 16, integrate speaking, listening, reading, and writing, because the students are able to accomplish all of these as they read and discuss. UDL 7.3, minimize threats and distractions, is taking place in a PR because the student to student interaction is less threatening than reading to the whole class and with only two children in a partnership there are less distractions. 7y
DrSpalding I am thrilled that you enjoyed this book. I just had a previous student order 25 copies for her classroom library. This shows the love for Ivan. I like that you moved beyond LC and thought to use this as a PR. I couldn't agree more. 7y
AJones My son and I just recently finished this book, and I have to say I almost cried. I also like your PR strategy because the students are working more independently with a partner. I just added this link to my favorites--with plans on implementing it in the near future. I love when websites like this have it all mapped out for you. Thank You! Ashlie 7y
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Knuffle Bunny | Mo Willems
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Knuffle Bunny is a RF, 2005 Caldecott honor book that I would love to use for RT. This book is the story of toddler Trixie and her daddy as they go to the laundromat and lose Trixie's stuffed animal, Knuffle Bunny. Since Trixie cannot speak yet, it is almost impossible for her to get out her concerns about the lost toy. This book would be fun for RT because of the language (ex: "Wumby flappy!")that Trixie uses when distressed about Knuffle Bunny.

CaseyL https://youtu.be/Xocyc_j3rOg this video shows an example of RT using the sequel to Knuffle Bunny, and you can learn more about RT and it's importance in fluency here http://www.readingrockets.org/article/readers-theater-giving-students-reason-rea... 7y
CaseyL UDL 5.3, build fluencies with graduated levels of support for performance, is part of RT because of the oral language requirements. EL 11, place language in a meaningful context, is being done in RT with this RF book because learners are given the opportunity to see the story acted out in front of them. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding Oh my! Two fabulous resources. You are the first to use the RT strategy. It is highly beneficial and a lot of fun for your students. Use this! 7y
AJones What a great idea! Last semester my students and I did a RT on "Where the Wild Things Are." It was fabulous and they absolutely loved it! And like you said it get students involved physically. Your RT strategies incorporates all MI theories. Great job and thanks for sharing. -Ashlie 7y
MorganH I love Knuffle Bunny! It‘s even better since Trixie cannot talk and so you can have the class predict what she‘s actually trying to say! EL 11 is a good choice for this book because of the language! 7y
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Chrysanthemum | Kevin Henkes
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This F, ALA notable book is perfect for RA with primary grades. Chrysanthemum is a young mouse who loves her name until she goes to school and the other children make fun of it. They say it is too long and they tease her because she is named after a flower. Chrysanthemum wants to change her name until, Mrs. twinkle, a beloved teacher shows support to her for her unique, beautiful name. This book is a great lesson about staying true to yourself.

CaseyL http://www.scholastic.com/browse/collateral.jsp?id=32395&eml=&affiliate_id=21181... this scholastic link is a great tool for discussion topics before and after RA to your students. UDL 3.1, activate background knowledge, can be used during the before section of the discussion to help students relate to Chrysanthemum's feelings. EL 14, simplifying/slowing speech, can be used during the RA to aid in comprehension. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
DrSpalding This book is a classic by Henkes! Children and adults can't get enough of his mice characters. Excellent job aligning appropriate principles and strategies. A common read aloud during the first weeks of school. 7y
AndreaC I really enjoy the concept of this book, I think it‘s great to teach children to celebrate what makes them unique! 7y
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Wonder | R. J. Palacio
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This RF, #1 NYTBS is a great option for upper elementary school students during LC or IR. Wonder is the story of fifth grader August Pullman who was born with a facial difference. The book is from the point of view of several characters (including August) as they share their insight on Auggie's life and challenges as he starts school for the first time. It is a powerful story with a strong message to #choosekind.

CaseyL http://rjpalacio.com/for-teachers.html this link will bring you to LC discussions question written by R.J. Palacio. UDL 7.1, optimize individual choice, can be used to allow students the choice to pick Wonder as an IR based on interest from the movie trailer. EL 22, giving enough wait time after questions, can be used during the LC discussion to ensure that all learners are able to respond. #UCFLAE3413F17 7y
DrSpalding As you can see from your peers' post, this book can teach a great deal to your students. Your application of encouraging students to understand multiple points of view is excellent. Wait time is also crucial to assist your students with processing information. 7y
JanaLL I am currently reading Wonder with my (almost) eight year old and we have trouble putting it down when it's time for bed because it's that good! I feel the life lessons this book teaches are crucial for children read about and Auggie's humor makes all the while. Great for LC for sure. Great post! 7y
Dbenford Sounds like you really enjoyed reading "Wonder" I think that we should have more books like this, to help students understand that we literally come in all different shapes, colors, sizes, etc. I also like how powerful a message this sends to not only children but adults too. The power of self love. You did a great job. 7y
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Out of My Mind | Sharon M. Draper
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Out of My Mind is a RF, 2011-12 SSYRA winner that is great for literature circles and independent reading. It is based on the life of an 11 year old girl, Melody Brooks. Melody has cerebral palsy which brings physical and verbal limitations but no mental limitations. Melody is very intelligent, she just has a hard time showing it. The obstacles of Melody's life make this book an eye-opening read for children and adults alike.

CaseyL http://sharondraper.com/bookdetail.asp?id=35 this link has LC discussion topics and additional resources. EL 2 promote cooperation and UDL 8.3 foster collaboration and community will be used during LC. #UCFLAE3414F17 (edited) 7y
DrSpalding Your principles and strategies are spot on. This book is a must read for all educators.❤️📚 7y
AJones I just started this book and I am glad you didn't reveal too much. What a great website! I like how it has Sharon Draper's notes on how she wrote this award-winning book. This RF novel would make a excellent teaching component in a LC. 🙂Readers learn about Melody's disability and the obstacles she must battle each day. Hopefully I can finish it real soon and create my own post. -Ashlie 7y
LaurenR Love this book! It provides great insight into a world some people will never experience or understand. 7y
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