They all came at once
Loving this book
Happy today lunch with a book. Heard about it in lit up podcast #lituppodcast #therefugees
Found this at our local indie bookstore only an hour and a half away! Fairhope Alabama. #pageandpallette
I have most of this. I can identify with Loveday wanting to read instead of talking to people. I do wish she would forgive more and hope she will in the end 50 pages to go. Love Nathan the poet and her boss. Also all the British slang is fun
The Lido in the wild. Loving this book. #book depository #thelido #libbypage #bookworm #outsidereading
Looking forward to starting this. I am so into families who own restaurants and the dynamics behind the scenes
Looking forward to reading cooking and eating. I love books about books. Any kind!
Found this by chance at my library. Four stars on Amazon. Loving it so far. But I also am an Alaskan fan!#alaska
I loved this book and This is Lucy Barton. Both were so insightful into human nature and people‘s thoughts and feelings. Was wonderful to read them back to back
Book mail today. From U.K. book depository #mysteries #british islands.
I received this book from my niece in Alaska! I love it already. I am a bird nerd and love travel books. Perfect
I think this is such an important book. I so admire her attention to people in our culture. I love watching people and trying to figure out what they are thinking and she does such a good job at that
I am loving this book. Reading non stop til done. So good
My friend brought this book and mug from malaprop bookstore Asheville NC. It was a blind date book
I️ absolutely loved this coming of age book. Loved the little drawings. Loved it all
Trying to learn more about fiction from this book. Any other good suggestions ? I love any kind of book about 📚
I love these books. I have read three this is my fourth. Started with the bbc series on Netflix.
Looking forward to reading bits and pieces of both
Found this at Walmart for five dollars. I love her books. Make me want to get in the kitchen and make something wonderful
Austen did not see that growing up had anything to do with knowledge or skills but everything to do with character
Came from dragon con this month and wanted a steam punk book. This fills that need. So good already
Spent the day finishing this. Loved all the Sherlock info - quotes , history , secret club