Absolutely loved it. 100 recipes based on books and lots of personal stories of the author that makes it feel like a friend recommends this to you. The only problem is: It makes my tbr-pile as well as my to-be-cooked one grow.
Absolutely loved it. 100 recipes based on books and lots of personal stories of the author that makes it feel like a friend recommends this to you. The only problem is: It makes my tbr-pile as well as my to-be-cooked one grow.
First time I‘ve ever read a cookbook cover to cover. I‘m part way through now and really enjoying it. Makes me hungry though. The blurb says “Perfect for literature lovers and foodies alike , this book is as much fun to browse through as it is to cook from. “ Sounds like the perfect book for you @MrsMalaprop
While I can I am. Sitting outside in the warmth. Such beautiful weather for winter . Soft clouds in the sky. Little or no breeze. Gentle warmth from the sun. Perfect. This book came today. Looks good. Would be perfect for the stay at homes. Not us anymore. Gym is open and I can go back to my volunteering. No community transmission at all here. Fingers crossed. @MrsMalaprop
I got this awesome cookbook for Christmas. I haven't cooked anything from it as of yet (#isolationgoals?), but I love reading it!
Today's #IsolationInteractions discussion: is there a book-related food you'd love to try? Any you have tried? Loved? Hated?
Personally I remember being extremely disappointed by my first taste of Turkish Delight. What was Edmund thinking?!?!
Rarely do I hold paper books in my hand (or photograph them), but the physical copy was the only way to get it from the library. This is a delightful book with stories from a woman who both loves to read and to cook. Definitely worth a Sunday afternoon flipping through stories and recipes. And I have added a few books to by TBR list.
If I actually make any of the recipes, be shocked. I am a 5-ingredients or less woman.
Look what I got yesterday- recipes from 100 different novels. 😍😍😍
Look, @saresmoore ! It even has the Ice Pudding recipe from Cold Comfort Farm. 😆😆
Thanks again, @hermyknee . I‘m LOVING this book. 😍😍
Ohhh, @hermyknee !! 😮😮😮
Thank you SO much for this very generous gift, Liz. It‘s absolutely gorgeous and far more than I was expecting from your #90DayGiveaway!
Hmm... what shall I try first? Marmalade Roll from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? Sausage Rolls from Harry Potter? Perhaps Chicken Casserole From Barbara Pym‘s Excellent Women? 😆😆
Thanks again, my friend; I love it! 😘😘😘
Reading this delightful book tonight while dinner cooks. I find cooking relaxing and it was a long day at work today so I am really enjoying a nice glass from this month‘s Wine Gallery box. It‘s National Cleaner‘s Day today and my cleaner has left the house sparkling. Never mind that she broke one of my jewellery dishes! I do hate making the kitchen dirty after she has been though but one must eat and I sure do love to eat. How was your day?
Yay for bookish cookbooks!! I need to bookmark like crazy - I‘m definitely planning some Harry Potter treacle tart in my life and I have some Christmas baking plans from this! And yay for #LitsyPenPals mail from @shellleigh33 I forgot how much fun real letters are! ❤️ Life right now is hard and little things are such a lifesaver.
Looking forward to reading cooking and eating. I love books about books. Any kind!
I was perusing the guardian as per usual and found a column of food from books. Then I realised I owned said book from a previous kindle deal and I now want to recommend this to all book lovers who are cooks!
I don't know how good the recipes are (yet) but they do look great so alongside the bookclub cookbook I think I may try to read and cook my way through this beauty. #cookingthebooks