I realize it‘s been...a while since I‘ve been on here. But I had to come say how great this book was. Quick, terrifying and great read! Favourite of 2018 so far. (Well...tied with The Heart‘s Invisible Furies). Love love loved it!
I realize it‘s been...a while since I‘ve been on here. But I had to come say how great this book was. Quick, terrifying and great read! Favourite of 2018 so far. (Well...tied with The Heart‘s Invisible Furies). Love love loved it!
Just starting this book. I‘ve heard so many rave reviews about this, I‘m really excited to start it!
It‘s been a while since I‘ve posted, but I had to post to recommend this book to anyone who has even the slightest interest in wine. This book was a delight to read; it‘s funny, intelligent, interesting and educational! So, pick up a glass of your favourite wine and cozy up with this wonderful book.
I didn‘t think I would like this book nearly as much as her first fiction novel The Enchanted, but I was wrong. A dark tale filled with hope throughout. Read it. Please.
I've been in a reading slump all month, hoping this book will kick me out of it.
Hated it, maybe I just didn't get it but I only finished it so I could count it for my Popsugar challenge. Unlikeable characters, jumpy story and boring finish. Hard pass.
I really wanted to love this book, but I ended up almost hate reading the last quarter of it. I found the characters unlikeable and that they made decisions that didn't make sense with their personalities. It is well written, and it seems to accurately portray struggles immigrants face, I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of the characters.
I adored The Memory Painter, so I was understandably excited for another book by the author, and I didn't like this one nearly as much as her first one. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it and spent much of my weekend being lost in it, but it most likely won't stick with me like The Memory Painter. Pick it up if you liked her first one!
I will need time to digest this book, but it is 100% true to the hype I've heard about it. A dark, heartbreaking and well written book about a town that loves hockey so much it doesn't want to face the darker side of its players. Read it now. Everyone!
It was so great diving back into the world of Harry Potter, even if just for a short time. Great little stories and commentary, recommended for anyone who likes Harry Potter.
I'm in love with this book and the gorgeous cover.
I loved this book so much, I'm sad I didn't pick it up sooner! After reading a few books that I wasn't a huge fan of, it was great to pick this one up. The way it's set up (3 different times-before, during and after a pandemic) could have made it feel like so many other dystopian books, but somehow this one managed to feel fresh-highly, highly recommend it!
I really enjoyed this book, and would recommend it to anyone who likes darker dystopian books. There was something about it that I didn't like, but I can't put my finger on exactly what that is. But, everyone should pick it up and give it a read!
Nothing like a road trip to help catch up on my reading. This book was alright, kept me hooked and wanting to know what happened! I'd recommend it for people who like slow burn suspense!
So hooked on this book right now, I don't want to put it down - my family doesn't need supper right?
I've been trying to read this book for years, and finally finished today. It's well written, and it's about a topic I love, but it just didn't do it for me. I think it was mostly the writing style I couldn't get into (too textbook). I wouldn't recommend it unless you're really into the art market.
Here I am again, trying to snatch a few minutes to read! I've been reading this book for years and now I'm really trying to finish it.
Have to take whatever chances I have to read for a few minutes, and bath time usually gives me a couple of minutes. So far this book is good, not great but so far a nice early summer read.
I devoured this book in a couple of days. It's an amazing read, informative and heart wrenching all at once. The awareness her story brought to an under diagnosed disease is very important. I think everyone should read this, her way of writing and her story captivated me. 5 stars all around.
Using my lunch break to keep reading this amazing book. It's by far the best book I've read this year!
I didn't really get the hype/love that surrounds this book, but it's also not really in a genre that I typically read, which may have something to do with my feelings on it. I did love all the descriptions of the physical places, he is a very good writer, just wasn't for me.
Working my way through this one. Not quite sure what to think yet.
Just finished the 4th book in the Cainsville Series and I liked it. The whole love triangle is definitely more at the centre of this one, and while I liked that, I'll be happy when it's (hopefully) resolved in the next (and last) book of the series.
Jut starting this, along with a bowl of spicy, peanut noodle soup! Can't wait to dig into both!
I really enjoyed this book and found it to be a really well written police thriller. It's quite a big book for the genre (almost 500 pages) but it didn't really ever feel like that long of a book. I did find the direction it went in to be a bigger stretch then I expected, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it, but I loved that it kept me guessing until the end. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes mysteries. Looking forward to the sequel!
Still working my way through this book. Still really enjoying it and wish I had more time to read in a day.
Enjoying this book so far. Intriguing mystery, fleshed out characters and gorgeous location. Can't wait to continue to dive in.
This book. I need time to process it before giving too much of a review, but seriously, everyone should read this. One of the most thrilling, terrifying and surprising books I have read in a long time.
Just started this book and I want to ignore all other responsibilities to keep reading t! It sucked me in right away, and I've been in a reading slump, so this is great!
This was one of the most odd, confusing and wonderful short story collections I have ever read. I wasn't crazy about her other books, but some of the stories in here were absolutely magical. I don't know anybody else who has read this book, so if you have let me know, I would love to discuss it!
I tried, I really did, but it's been two weeks and I haven't even made it 150 pages in. I will try to pick it up again another day.
Having a hard time getting into this book-I'm on week 2 of reading it! The story intrigues me, but it's not captivating my attention yet-if only I didn't have to work!
I'm not a big poetry reader, but this book was one of the best books I read last year. It made me actually cry real tears (something that doesn't happen often) and gutted me to my core. A powerful read and I recommend it to pretty much everyone!
I was really disappointed by this follow up to one of my favourite books. I found the characters started to fall flat, and let's not get started on the whole lame "pregnancy makes women go crazy" trope he seemed to have introduced in this book.