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Station Eleven
Station Eleven | Emily St John Mandel
A National Book Award FinalistA PEN/Faulkner Award Finalist Kirsten Raymonde will never forget the night Arthur Leander, the famous Hollywood actor, had a heart attack on stage during a production of"King Lear."That was the night when a devastating flu pandemic arrived in the city, and within weeks, civilization as we know it came to an end. Twenty years later, Kirsten moves between the settlements of the altered world with a small troupe of actors and musicians. They call themselves The Traveling Symphony, and they have dedicated themselves to keeping the remnants of art and humanity alive. But when they arrive in St. Deborah by the Water, they encounter a violent prophet who will threaten the tiny band s existence. And as the story takes off, moving back and forth in time, and vividly depicting life before and after the pandemic, the strange twist of fate that connects them all will be revealed."
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I was not expecting to love this book as much as I did! I couldn‘t put it down! And then when I did go to sleep I dreamt about it! Fantastic book about a post pandemic world. It was quite eerie reading it and keeping in mind that it was written in 2014 ie pre our pandemic! Very clever concept, great characters that interweave in unexpected ways. Highly recommend this one!

MrsMalaprop This was an unexpected ‘loved‘ for me too. So good. 1d
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I can‘t agree that these are the 100 best books since I absolutely despised two of these books I‘ve read on the list. The tagged book was my favorite of the ones I‘ve read. Here‘s the link to get past the paywall:


TheKidUpstairs I have to know, which were the two you hated? 2w
Texreader @TheKidUpstairs Wolf Hall and Oscar Wao. (edited) 2w
TheBookHippie This is me “I‘ve read all these but didn‘t like soo many”!!! Not impressed with the list. 2w
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Lcsmcat I‘ve read 23 1/2 (I bailed in Oscar Wao) and while I liked some, they weren‘t my top picks, other than Demon Copperhead. But still, these lists are fun to peruse. 2w
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I've read 6 and just started The Underground Railroad. I have a few others on my TBR. I've read 3 of the same books as you, but neither of your worst. (Strongly considers removing Wolf Hall from my shelf) 2w
sblbooks You can tell I'm not a fan of literary fiction. I've read five, dnf'd two and want to read four. 2w
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Kind of surprised by the choices on this list but as many pointed out on here, there‘s a great many more years to be had to call this list the best of the Century. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I‘m surprised there was no Gone Girl! Or YA titles? Seems…odd considering the impact on publishing. All of the above I would recommend…other than perhaps The Road, which I read for school.

Bookwormjillk Yeah it seemed like they only chose books that were Serious with a capital S. 2w
Melismatic @Bookwormjillk 100% - on par for The NY Times I guess lol 2w
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Some of these I loved, others I didn‘t care for at all. Interesting list.

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Ok so the NYT and I do NOT share the same taste in books! 🤣 I do have 26 of their books that I have not gotten around to reading (will consider getting to some of those sooner than later) while the remainder of their list is composed of books I have either deliberately not read or have never heard of. 🤷‍♀️

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Well. This is kind of pathetic. #NYTTop100

BarkingMadRead I only had 5 🙈 I had 4 or 5 more on my shelves 2w
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel

It‘s very hard to read this and remember it is not real, because it feels so real, so plausible, like a foretelling. I am scared of what is to come. I am glad I didn‘t read this in spring of 2020, although part of me wishes I had read it then.

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Eggs Perfect ⛺️ ! On my TBR 1mo
Shawna One of my favourites 😍 1mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On@my shelf 💫 1mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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A flu decimates the world‘s population. This book is a pretty realistic description of what happens next, which we can all imagine from our own experiences when Covid-19 came along. It follows multiple characters and how their lives intertwine despite the inoperable modern communications and transportation, as infrastructure breaks down for decades. I appreciated how the storyline about the “bad guy” was resolved and the hint of hope at the end.⬇️

Texreader An excellent read. So glad I decided to keep reading books by this author after my disappointment with The Last Night in Montreal. I‘ve put The Glass House on my tbr list. #authoramonth 2mo
Mimi28 Cool 😎 I know it‘s too late for the author a month but I am reading this next, lol. Great review 😊 2mo
Texreader @Mimi28 Thank you! I hated I missed finishing it in May by 3 days but it was worth the three extra days. I only had about 10 minutes left of the ebook so I finished it this morning at breakfast 2mo
Mimi28 Awesome!! I need to start listening to more audiobooks. I get emails from Chirp but I don‘t always have the funds I need to get them from the library 📚 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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From the three books I read by this author, I will say I liked more this one. There were still parts I found repetitive or unnecessary. But wow! at the beginning it was like a flashback to the pandemic situation😳 There were sad parts as expected due to the pandemic situation. I think it was well integrated those elements of what happened in the past and the present through those interviews with Kirsten. I like post apocalyptic topics in novels⬇️

Gissy I liked the way the author described that chaos we expect in this type of topic.
Is there a movie based on this novel? If not, it will be a good for a screen adaptation. 3.8/4⭐️
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2mo
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5feet.of.fury @Gissy it is made into a TV show! I think it‘s on HBO. 2mo
Gissy @5feet.of.fury Thank you, 🤗 2mo
DieAReader 🥳Great! 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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An excellent way to explain the multiverse #authoramonth


Soubhiville I like it. 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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My favorite book of May was Station Eleven which I read for the #AuthorAMonthChallenge hosted by @Soubhiville

Melismatic Me too! 💖 2mo
TheSpineView @Melismatic Great minds! 🌞 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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May #AuthorAMonth #AAM #ReadAway2024 I read another book by this author in May and both were impressive and entertaining. I don‘t necessarily believe that everything happens for a reason and I don‘t believe that is the author‘s intended message. But I do believe that we are all connected. I believe the author communicates this quite eloquently. I‘ll be reading more of her books in the future. Strongly recommended.

CBee I loved this one 😊 2mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 2mo
CatLass007 @tpixie I read that this month also. I loved it! 2mo
tpixie @CatLass007 Oh Good! yes!! 🙌 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Easily my favorite of the month! #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Awesome! 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Loved the way this post-apocalyptic story was told, integrating before, during, and after and examining the ripples of human connection. St. John Mandel‘s imagination of what it must be like to have known all our modern conveniences and then live another whole lifetime without them is so vivid and convincing. I‘m not much of a re-reader but can see myself re-reading this book. Glad #authoramonth finally got me to read it!!

eskoch28 This is a book I've never read. I've actually given away two copies of it because I hadn't read it, but it keeps haunting me. It's just always hanging around on the periphery of my life. Based on your review I need to just read it! 2mo
LeafingThroughLife @eskoch28 I fear this book will just keep seeking you out until you read it. Best just get it over with. Resistance is futile. 🤪🤣 2mo
eskoch28 😂😂😂😂 ok you've talked me into it *opens Libby* 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Hoping to squeeze in this last book for #authoramonth


Karisimo I just started my #authoramonth last night too! 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I read this for the first time in the fall of 2020 and while it was surreal to read about a fictional pandemic while we were still working through a real life one, I found reading it this time around to be much more emotional for some reason.
This is an amazing, moving novel about the human condition throughout tragedy. SJM weaves a compelling tale about a group of survivors and the interconnections of a life.

peanutnine So glad I finally revisited this book for #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville 2mo
Soubhiville 📚🩷 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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My least favorite of “the 3”. It reminded me of The Walking Dead but without the zombies, &the Corona Virus lockdown obviously.
I didn‘t find it as engaging or thought provoking as Glass Hotel or Sea of Tranquility

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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BarkingMadRead Sooooooo cool! I just got to this part! 2mo
Soubhiville That‘s wonderful! I‘d stop to see and hear them. 🩷 2mo
tpixie @Soubhiville yes! What a surprise treat that would be to see this in person! 🎶 2mo
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tpixie @BarkingMadRead 🖤🎶🖤 2mo
Gissy Nice😍 2mo
tpixie @Gissy yes! Fun! 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This week I finally started this book. I had more anxiety while reading the ‘buy everything you can at the grocery store‘ scene than I did during our actual COVID pandemic. I‘m excited to see how this book plays out. Thanks @Soubhiville for hosting #AuthorAMonth and finally getting me to read this book I‘ve had on my shelf since 2017!! I do wonder what it would‘ve been like reading this BEFORE our pandemic.

quietlycuriouskate The airport scene properly freaked me out. 😱 2mo
Velvetfur That book actually sounds scary, as it's a bit too close to real life for comfort.... Oh and that mug in the pic is so cute too 😊 2mo
tpixie @Velvetfur thanks!! I should have held it in my other hand to show the logo! It‘s from a (sadly) now closed indie bookstore, Bluebird books. I‘m only 1/4 thru. Interestingly the post- apocalyptic part doesn‘t bother me- probably since THAT is different from our reality. But it goes back & forth in time, like indicated by @quietlycuriouskate , so you may want more comfortable reads! 2mo
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Soubhiville There are several parts that can be triggering. The scene with the MC and the brothers in the high rise was hardest for me. In the series as well, I found it tough to watch. 2mo
Mimi28 Uh oh, I am only on page 7. Thanks for the info about it everyone 😊 I will still try to finish it though 2mo
tpixie @Mimi28 🩵🩵🩵 2mo
tpixie @Soubhiville I bet! I‘m waiting to go back to them. I‘m with the Symphony after leaving St Deborah by the Water 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks This has been in my shelf forever! 2mo
Eggs Stacked 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This was an amazing book! Dystopian, but hopeful. It bounces back and forth, pre and post pandemic, but follows a group of people whose lives are intertwined throughout. (24)
⭐️: 4.75/5

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Name sighting! It‘s always nice to see it in print, even though the audiobook narrator pronounces it the “other” way 🤷🏻‍♀️


AmyG Ha! 🙌🏻 2mo
Soubhiville Fun! 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This was phenomenal. While I toggled back and forth between 4.5 and 5 stars (the ending felt too neat for me), I ultimately decided it was my first 5-star read of the year.

I‘m curious if folks who have read it pre-pandemic vibe with it differently, but man - post 2020? This and Parable of the Sower hit where it hurts. #AuthorAMonth

RaeLovesToRead I three starred this when I first read it, but since reading The Glass Hotel I feel like I finally clicked with the authors writing and I'd love to read it again. The atmosphere was haunting, but I don't remember much plot. 2mo
Melismatic @RaeLovesToRead I‘d def recommend a re-read! 💖 I found it well nuanced and very human in a way that few authors seem to do well. 2mo
Prairiegirl_reading I read it in 2016 and gave it five stars. Couldn‘t put it down. I‘m sure it would hit differently now. 2mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I really liked this book. It was an unnerving read with the pandemic still fresh in my mind. I liked the back and forth between before and after to weave all the different narratives together. The ending felt rather abrupt after all the buildup, but that didn‘t take away from the story as a whole.

#authoramonth @Soubhiville

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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This book, I love it so much. This is my third time reading. It all comes together beautifully, and it only gets better with each re-read. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Started my #AuthorAMonth pick. My library copy is pretty beat up — it was apparently part of a school assignment. I‘m just a few chapters in and I‘m getting why this book would be pretty relatable for kids in school right now. 🥺🫣

Soubhiville Such a great book! 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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My favorite hour of the week is about to begin ❤️

Chrissyreadit 🎉💛🎉💛 3mo
tpixie This also works for @Soubhiville ‘s #AuthorAMonth ! 3mo
Soubhiville 🩷📚☕️ 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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#AuthorAMonth my first ESJM book and it was so good I will be starting Sea of Tranquility tomorrow.

I like the way the novel focuses on survivors with a common past and how it looks at rebuilding civilisation rather than just showing anarchy and lawlessness.

Loved the idea of a touring Shakespearean troupe after the end of the world as we know it.

Also loved all the crossovers from past to present.

Great story with hopeful ending.

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Finished this on the train from Prague to Berlin today. Very good and so glad I finally read it! #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Soubhiville Yay! 3mo
JuniperWilde I loved this. I read it when it came out. Pre CV19 so it had a totally different context. 3mo
JenReadsAlot @JuniperWilde I bet! I was thinking about the difference of those who read it prior to that. 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Is there ever a bad time to reread your favorite book? My answer is definitely not! #AuthorAMonth was a great excuse to pull this out again. 💜

A strong flu outbreak from Georgia 🇬🇪 wipes out over 99% of the population in a matter of months. Mandel expertly moves between the outbreak and a time 20 years later when a traveling symphony/Shakespeare company encounters a dangerous doomsday prophet. Just read it!!

Bookwormjillk I‘m planning on re-reading this too. Last time I read it was February 2020 😷 3mo
DHill Love this book. Love this author. 3mo
AmyG My favorite of hers…..hands down. 3mo
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Soubhiville Yay! 3mo
JenReadsAlot I'm reading this now for the first time (finally)! 3mo
Cathythoughts Great book ♥️ 3mo
BarbaraBB I thought you would reread this one 💕💕 3mo
Megabooks @AmyG @DHill same to both of you!! 👍🏻👍🏻 3mo
Megabooks @Bookwormjillk yikes! I had not reread it since the pandemic, so it was interesting diving in again. I probably read it 4 times between 2014-2020. It hits different now! 3mo
Megabooks @Soubhiville I looked back in my all-time tags in the storygraph, and I‘ve completed 60 aam books since I started the Frederick Backman month! 🤯 3mo
Megabooks @JenReadsAlot awesome! I hope you love it too! 3mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB you thought right dear friend!! 💜🫶🏻 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I don‘t know if I‘ll manage to read a new one of her‘s for #AAM or not, but I‘m really glad I decided to start by rereading this because I found it much more affecting the second time, and I also found I was better able to to approach it inquisitively several more years post pandemic as life is actually snapping back to normal. I also think her books may work better for me in print than on audio. @Soubhiville

mcctrish I just heard a reference to this book and how post pandemic the author doesn‘t feel like this story could be a possible dystopian reality - we are so not in a collective mindset anymore ( or so many people aren‘t ) I loved this book, my heart is broken 3mo
IndoorDame @mcctrish that‘s so interesting! I‘ll have to think more on our collective mindset and this book. But I was definitely thinking about how the pandemic changed my perception of what the actual scope of something like the flu in this novel (and other apocalyptic esque fiction) would actually be, how many orders of magnitude more than something like Covid, how would we actually react to something that frightening?… 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Station Eleven | Emily St John Mandel
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repost for @Soubhiville:

Welcome to May #AuthorAMonth readers! Time to pull out our Emily St John Mandel books. What are you planning to read?

#AuthorAMonth is a no-pressure, no-commitment Litsy challenge. The goal is to celebrate the works of a particular author each month. Authors were chosen through polls by Litsy participants. Read as many as you like, skip months when needed, it's entirely up to you!

LitsyEvents more details on the original post:
Decalino I will take this as a sign that I should read Sea of Tranquility this month! It has been sitting on my TBR pile for too long already 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I liked this well enough—it's thoughtful with interesting character studies, but not enough to get the total hype that surrounded this book upon its release. I guess my main issue was that it seemed like it was about the power of art, but not enough about that power was conveyed through the narrative, & it seemed to be about the menace of the unexpected end of the world, but not enough menace was conveyed about that. I wanted to be unsettled.

batsy It's still a pick because I enjoyed the experience of reading it and didn't want to bail, but I think because of expectations I kept waiting for something more to happen. 3mo
batsy Certain bits stood out: Jeevan's mad rush felt eerily similar to our pandemic lockdown panic; Miranda's obsession with her art. Other parts felt flimsy, cryptic, or underdeveloped. Like the prophet! I wanted to know more about how he came to be that kind of person, and how Elizabeth produced a son that would be that kind of person. Also, you get the sense his reign of terror was immense, but he was dispatched with pretty easily. 3mo
vivastory I agree. I liked this one, but I didn't fully get all of the hype around this #unpopularopinion I did love Mandel's Glass Hotel & plan on reading her other works 3mo
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batsy @vivastory I'm glad to have someone on team #unpopularopinion 🙂 Have you watched the TV series? I'm interested to see how it's been adapted. I am curious about Glass Hotel & Sea of Tranquility and do want to get to those eventually. 3mo
vivastory @batsy I remember liking the adaptation, although feeling like it was a bit too long. I have also heard very good things about 3mo
Ruthiella I liked the Glass Hotel of the three books best, but was also nonplussed by the hype around this book. My favorite thing about it is that it quotes an episode of Star Trek Voyager. (edited) 3mo
LeahBergen I felt the same. It was an enjoyable enough read for our bookclub but it didn‘t blow me away. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3mo
Lesliereadsalot Lola Quartet is excellent. Also tv series of Station Eleven is very good. @vivastory (edited) 3mo
BarbaraBB I agree Suba, this was my least favorite. I think I liked The Glass Hotel best too. 3mo
Aimeesue The first time I read this one, I was . . Nonplussed. I reread it after reading The Glass Hotel and Sea of Tranquility and enjoyed it a lot more because of the resonances between them and characters popping up in different books. 3mo
batsy @Ruthiella I see Glass Hotel coming up a lot so will definitely check that out. 3mo
batsy @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB Glad to know that I'm not alone 😊 3mo
batsy @Lesliereadsalot Looks like I'll be checking out her other books, including Lola Quartet! Thanks for the rec for the TV series; it does look good. @vivastory 3mo
batsy @Aimeesue Your comment helps, so thanks! She's got a way with structure that I enjoy, so it's nice to know there's resonance between these books. 3mo
Leniverse I've read the following in this order, almost back to back: Station Eleven, The Glass Hotel, The Sea Of Tranquility. I thought the first was overhyped and unrealistic, I liked the second better but it's the one I remember the least, Sea of Tranquility was really good (maybe especially because I had all the links to the other books). 3mo
batsy @Leniverse That definitely helps! I appreciate seeing everyone's comments on the other books, I'm very keen to read it. 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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April has barely started, but I‘m getting ready for May. I‘ve wanted an excuse to read these three all in a row for a while now. #AuthorAMonth

Soubhiville I really love Station Eleven. 🙂 4mo
Bookwormjillk @Soubhiville Me too. This will be my third time. My second time for the other two. 4mo
Lesliereadsalot Loved all three! 4mo
MaureenMc Ooh, that‘s a great idea! 3mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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#hyggehour #hyggehourreadathon #litsolace
I'm #currentlyreading Station Eleven and I'm a little lost. I find it hard to read with all these characters.
Tonight was reading on my sofa.
@AllDebooks @TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit @jenniferw88

TheBookHippie I couldn‘t read this book. Bravo for trying. 5mo
maich @TheBookHippie I saw it everywhere and it is popular and then I try it. Will see maybe become better I'm only on page 118😄 5mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Flying to LA today, so I had to pick a good airport book!

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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A pandemic fueled apocalypse as told by a few people that were connected through the main character. I wonder if this is what people on the front lines of the Covid pandemic thought were happening. The book was kind of choppy and went back and forth through time periods of before and after, but it‘s not chronological. A very odd book. Book #16 in 2024

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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1. Evelyn Hugo from the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Luisa Clark from Me Before You

2. William Price from Lost&Found and Four from Divergent trilogy

3. Just started Station Eleven. Also reading The Secret of a Heart Note and Mango and Peppercorns.


UwannaPublishme Evelyn Hugo! 🙌🏻 Loved that book! 5mo
maich @UwannaPublishme me too🥰 5mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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I cannot believe the daffodils are already this high! 🤯

So this is a ridiculously huge #bookhaul! My @AardvarkBookClub choices came! 🎉🎉 I had two to pick up at the library and somehow three more jumped in my bag. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 Plus I finally have a hardcover copy of Station Eleven! 🤩 Plus three more from Amazon. Kids Run the Show is a #blameiton @Reviewsbylola 🥰👍🏻


britt_brooke Love this photo! 6mo
AmyG Oooooooo 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 6mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 to the books and daffodils! 6mo
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Aims42 This is one gorgeous looking photo!! Happy Reading!!! 6mo
marleed Those daffodils give me hope! And all the books! 6mo
monkeygirlsmama I frequently have that problem. Such sneaky, bag hopping books! 🤭 6mo
BarbaraBB Kids run the show is so good! What a great haul 🥰 6mo
squirrelbrain I agree with @barbarabb - Kids is so good! 6mo
sarahbarnes I‘m excited to read Kids Run the Show due to @BarbaraBB ‘s review! 😁 That is a great haul! (edited) 6mo
youneverarrived 😍😍 I have Kids Run the Show waiting to be read - hopefully soon! It sounds really good. 6mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain didn‘t realize you had both read and enjoyed kids! Yay!! 🎉🎉 Steph recommended it to me over on instagram, too! 6mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Have wanted to read this for quite a while. I'm sick currently so can't concentrate on a physical book-- giving an audiobook a try.

BookmarkTavern Hope you feel better soon! 6mo
Graciouswarriorprincess Hope that you feel better soon! Hugs! 6mo
perfectsinner Thanks, me too! Hope this is a good choice. 6mo
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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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10-3 Dec 23 (audiobook)
I have loved all this author‘s books and wish I had waited to read this in text but I was impatient and it was in the Audible sale.
Set largely in a post-apocalyptic world devastated by global pandemic, it does not dwell on the immediate extreme havoc but on the world 10-20 years afterwards and the question of whether recovery is possible. The interconnected stories of survivors and victims are wonderful and heartbreaking.

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This is my first time rereading this since the pandemic. Obviously that added a whole extra interesting layer to reflect on. It remains one of my top 10 books of all time. Technically it‘s about a post-apocalyptic world. But do not let that deter you from reading this if that's not your thing. This book is one of the most well-written connected character sketches that I've ever found. The stories are all connected, woven together beautifully.

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Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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This one has been on my list for a long time, and I enjoyed it a lot. If anyone would ask me what this book is about, I probably would struggle to tell, as it swirls together a post apocalyptic society, memories, regrets, and flashbacks. But in the end it works and puzzle pieces fit together. I guess it‘s just about life, how it goes on, despite everything . I know I will be thinking about it for a while. Has anyone seen the tv show?

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel

This book brought back a sense of anxiety I haven‘t felt in close to 10 years. I really enjoyed the story, but it‘s eerie similarities to the Covid-19 pandemic and how bad it could have been made me both eager and anxious to read. The ending definitely relieved a bit of that anxiety and replaced it with hope. Overall, the characters were complex and interesting, and the world building was well done.

Station Eleven: A novel | Emily St. John Mandel
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Up next from my @AmyG Gallery of Great Reads 📚 It feels like it may be be a stay in bed and read kind of day.

#Litsylove #Readinbed #HideandRead #ReadaJourney #BlanketsandBooks

AmyG Enjoy 😘 (edited) 12mo
dabbe 💙🖤🩵 12mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The best day!! 12mo
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