The audiobooks for this and for The Gentleman‘s Guide of Vice and Virtue are fantastic.
The audiobooks for this and for The Gentleman‘s Guide of Vice and Virtue are fantastic.
Won a Goodreads giveaway. Got this in the mail today from the publisher. Thanks Berkley Publishing!
I‘ll be reading this with my work book club this month. Should be fun.
This arrived in the mail today. Don‘t know too much about it. Only that it‘s good, and funny. Have you read it?
Just finished this and loved it. What a beautiful love story.
Ended up loving this much more than I was expecting.
Started this tonight. It seems to go back and forth in time. Don‘t know how well I‘ll be able to keep up.
For a hate to love book there hasn‘t been enough hate.
I‘ve heard it ends abruptly. I hope it at least answers some questions. This story feels like a mash up of so many different things. World of Warcraft, The Matrix, etc. I‘m not entirely sure how I feel about it.
Everyone should read this.
I can‘t wait to jump into Strange The Dreamer. It was a pleasure seeing Laini Taylor again at #YALLFest.
“Sisters in battle, I am shield and blade to you. As I breathe, your enemies will know no sanctuary. While I live, your cause is mine.”
Haven't started this yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Currently hosting a #giveaway for this middle grade fantasy book on my #BookTube channel. https://youtu.be/aI_7jmYv2cs
Found this fascinating and immediately though of Bran Stark from Game Of Thrones.
My husband selected my #BTAT17 TBR and this was on the list. I'm close to finishing it but it seems to be part II to Stalking The Wild Pendulum. I'm not fully grasping all the concepts he presented but am hoping to after reading the first book.
Behold! Books I wish I could afford to buy. Lol
This book. OMG. I fell in love with it. I had a hard time finding something to follow it up with. I laughed. I cried. I didn't want it to end. More details here: https://youtu.be/68XrpyTXgn8
This was such a great book. Everyone should read this to learn more about introverts and extroverts. More details here: https://youtu.be/M7oF2na7Deo
This book is so amazing. Everyone should read it. Especially extroverts and parents and teachers raising introverts.
I've been reading #Quiet by #SusanCain. I've been learning a lot about myself and my extroverted friends. I'm only 60% done but I highly recommend it. #SusanCainQuiet
I'm giving away a signed copy of The Ghost In The Curve by Violet Howe. Check out my video for details on how to enter. https://youtu.be/0sHmeR-iQfY #giveaway #bookhaul #romance #indieauthor #booktube
Listening to the audiobook. I'm 5 hours in and I feel like little has happened so far. I hope the ending is worth it.
The story is interesting so far but I'm having trouble just accepting the way things are. Hopefully they explain more before the end.
This book included lots of dick jokes and descriptive awkward first time sexual encounters. I read a lot of YA but often with female protagonists. I can't think of many descriptive sex scenes. I'm wondering if this was written for a male audience. This is neither good nor bad, it's just got me thinking.
I don't read graphic novels much but have been enjoying this one.
Got this on release day. Has anyone else picked this up? Nicola Yoon will also be at #yallfest