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Joined June 2016

just another bookworm, trying to escape real life. Instagram: khadeja.reads
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The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
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Bag Of Bones: A Novel by Stephen King
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Moggerhanger: A Novel by Alan Sillitoe
The Girl Before | Rena Olsen
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What a disturbing, unsettling, sad book! I need to gather my feelings, very mixed feelings for this book!! I loved the writing, I loved how they moved from past to present. I felt sorry for some characters, but also disgusted for what they have done. The ending was beautiful, and perfect. Such a heavy, and important topic. It's sad how kids can grow up to believe what they have been told just to survive.

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The Girl Before | Rena Olsen
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Finally reading this book, and I cannot be more excited. It was recommended by one of my dear bookish friends so I have high expectations for this one!

1984 | George Orwell
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Yes. I'm finally reading this book. Now that my finals are over, I can't possibly think of anything else I would rather do. What a beautiful, strange, dystopian fiction. So far I have only read chapter one but oh woow!

BookishClaire It's chilling. I love that cover. 7y
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The Muse: A Novel | Jessie Burton
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You must pick this book! Mysterious, gripping, art novel. The novel talks about two women one in 1936 trying to become an artist, suffering from her father's disapproval. The other woman in 1967 dealing with life in London. Her dreams of becoming an author, work, and sometimes even race. When somehow these two characters' lives connect all because of a mysterious painting from the past. Odelle's life (the author) is no longer the same.

The Muse: A Novel | Jessie Burton
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I'm starting this book today, and I can't be more excited. For now though I have to go to college, I'm mourning cause I'm stupid and I hate myself for not studying *sigh* I'm stressed af
P.s: I'm in love with the cover 😍

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The Angel's Game | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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"I stepped into the bookshop and breathed in that perfume of paper and magic that strangely no one had ever thought of bottling." -The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
Oh gosh I sometimes forget how much I'm in love with this book. Rereading it will be one of the first things I will do next year. What's a book that was so good that you want to reread again?

Donna_sBookMinute I am so attracted to a book cover that shows the back of a subject walking to . . . wherever. I always have to read the flap or synopsis in hopes of being pulled in to the point of reading the book. 8y
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Americanah | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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I'm loving this book. The easy, beautiful writing. The idea. Reading about America, and race from non-American perspective. It makes everything different. This book is very honest, and detailed in the every day life of a Nigerian woman. I recommend it and I'm not even have done yet.

ReadingEnvy So good 8y
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Elizabeth Is Missing | Emma Healey
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Personally, I thought it was a little confusing, between the present and past, and Maud's dementia. The writing was a little slow, and boring so that didn't help. But as we come closer to the end, things start to connect, everything makes sense, and it's not so bad!
The book was not one of the best crime novels I have read so I wouldn't specifically recommend it, but it wasn't bad so I wouldn't stop you from reading it if you wanted to

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"We call them feelings because we feel them. They don't start in our minds, they arise in our bodies."
Love this ?☹️


#currentlyreading : "The happening and telling are very different things. This doesn‘t mean that the story isn‘t true,
only that I honestly don‘t know anymore if I really remember it or only remember how to tell it. Language does this to our memories, simplifies, solidifies, codifies, mummifies. An off-told story is like a photograph in a family album. Eventually it replaces the moment it was meant to capture."

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I have been trying to read this book for a while now. I'm loving it so far, but midterms took all my time. Now midterms are over and I still can't read it 💔🙄 I'm afraid that's turning into a reading slump

Megabooks I love this book, but it's a hard one to read intermittently and probably not the right one to get you out of a slump. Maybe a short story collection? 8y
Khadeja @Ebooksandcooks you're right ,_, I don't find it a very complicated book, but at the same time it's not a book I want to read right now. I have done this a lot this year tho lots of books that I'm still not able to finish. I want to finish this one at least 😭💔 8y
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After Dark | Haruki Murakami
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So far it's the best book I have ever read by this amazing author. Woow. I'm blown away
One thing though. I wanted to know if Eri Asai gonna wake up in the end. She didn't? The last chapter was so beautiful with her and her sister. I really thought she might wake up. That breaks my heart *cries in a corner*

An Unnecessary Woman | Rabih Alameddine
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"We rarely consider that we're also formed by the decisions we didn't make, by events that could have happened but didn't, or by our lack of choices, for that matter."

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An Unnecessary Woman | Rabih Alameddine
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Reading, and not sure loving this book. I don't mean that I hate it either, I just don't know how to feel about it

Essential Rumi | Jalalu'l-Din Rumi
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#currentlyreading : "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, languages, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense."
After a very long day The essential Rumi felt like the right book to spend my evening with.
So simple, so beautiful, so deep.
Definitly one of my fav poems in this book

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Throne of Glass | Sarah J. Maas
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My current read. Another book I had to buy because of ppl on the social media (bookstagram especially) . Not that I'm complaining :3 I'm so excited to start this

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"Neither Hort nor Agatha had noticed there was a third person by the pond the whole time, sitting behind a tall oak. The blond prince never moved from his spot, even when the sun rose the next morning like a golden ring and cast him in precarious light. Instead, he lay against the tree and listened again and again to the echo of everything he's just heard, a single tear shining on his face." ??? Tedros has never broken my heart like this :(

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Say hi to my #tbr books. I'm waiting to buy more for my birthday couldn't be more excited
P.s: it's so nice, and easy reading Harry Potter. Especially before college starts... Tomorrow ,_,

Hobbinol Good luck tomorrow and have a happy birthday! 8y
Khadeja @Hobbinol thanks a lot 8y
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#currentlyreading "She had always found villains more exciting than heroes. They had ambition, passion. They made the stories happen. Villains didn't fear death. No, they wrapped themselves in death like suits of armor! As she inhaled the school's graveyard smell, Agatha felt her blood rush. For like all villains, death didn't scare her. It made her feel alive."

I'll Give You the Sun | Jandy Nelson
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I'll Give You the Sun | Jandy Nelson
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Loving my current read. Loving Noah and his invisible museum I wish I could visit it one day 🙄💔

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I'll Give You the Sun | Jandy Nelson

Loving my current read. Loving Noah and his invisible museum I wish I could visit it one day 🙄💔

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It's not easy reading more than one book at the same time. I still haven't even finished A Brief History Of Seven Killings. Didn't expect it to be such a long book

Vintage Detective Stories | David Stuart Davies
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Enjoying my adorable book. I like how it's a collection of different authors. So far I have read half the first quarter only, but omg. Also I'm excited to read the story by Conan Doyle (dancing men) Hope it doesn't disappoint

MrBook That is cute 😊👍🏻👌🏻. 8y
Khadeja @MrBook wait and see it without the paperback cover. It's velvet and stuff 🙄 8y
MrBook Ohhhh! Really?! That is awesome right there 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻! 8y
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Every Day | David Levithan
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I'm more than just loving my current read! It's so unique, it's so different. And you don't get bored of it cause it keeps on changing from different story to another with each chapter, still without changing the main character. It's just getting into different lives, different minds every single day. Trying so hard not to change anything. don't know how this book might end which make more excited! Definitely going to finish it by tomorrow!

BookMusings I really enjoyed this one too! 8y
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We Need New Names: A Novel | NoViolet Bulawayo

Almost done with this book. It's nice, and so easy to read like just what I needed right now. But I'm reading the last two chapters and nothing happened. Like nothing major, or a twist, except for a tiny one in the very chapters. So is it a book that I would recommend? No. Is it a book I would stop you from reading? No.
I'm neutral about this one

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My current read is longer than I have expected. It's not that I'm not liking it's just that I feel like the author is taking too much time with the characters than the story itself (and there are too many characters!)
P.s: the pic was not suppose to be this dark ._.

Karen.reads I am halfway through this and had to take a break. It's a tough one. 8y
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The Angel's Game | Carlos Ruiz Zafon

"Night falls on the city and the streets carry the scent of gun-powder like the breath of a curse."

The Angel's Game is my fav book ever. I love every part of it, the characters, the stories, the lines, the pages. It's only book that I really want to re-read it again. And will soon.

SarahKay I should get this. I loved The Shadow of the Wind. 8y
Khadeja @SarahKay it's actually the second book on the trilogy, so ya I bet you're gonna love it! 8y
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I'm loving this book. True the events are a little too slow, and I found myself not interested in some of the characters but I'm loving the book! I love May (a character) she's so weird, and creepy. And like always I love the weird, crazy story. I love Murakami's weird, and crazy, and awesome writing. & Ik in the end of the book & just like all his other books It's Open ending, and "what are u trying to tell us exactly?"Feeling All. Over. Again :)


'We're prisoners of war,' Chacko said.'Our dreams have been doctored.We belong nowhere.We sail unanchored on troubled seas.We may never be allowed ashore. Our sorrows will never be sad enough. Our joys will never be happy enough.Our dreams never big enough.Our lives never important enough.To matter'

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The God Of Small Things. A man booker prize winner, published in 1997 (as in the year I was born x3) Which means I'm so very excited about reading this book! That's why I NEED IT TO BE GOOD! Why? Because I was excited just as much about The waves, and was so very disappointed with that book!

The Waves | Virginia Woolf

I'm not really liking this book so far 💔☹😞

BookBabe 😕 8y
kdwinchester Even as a die-hard Woolf fan, I fought to finish this one. I feel ya. 😞 8y
Khadeja @kdwinchester glad I'm the only one! Too many people liked this book, but I just really can't!! 8y
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The Waves | Virginia Woolf
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I do not dream

MrBook Nice. 8y
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The Waves | Virginia Woolf
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LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL COVER!! Makes you wanna go there, doesn't it!? The Waves by Virginia Wolf is a book that I have wanted to read for a while now so I couldn't be more excited!! Especially after hearing so much about her, and not only about her books, but ABOUT HER!

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Wonder | R. J. Palacio

Half way through this book already, and I'm loving it so far! I love how this is a different story than what I usually read. And how we know about someone's life from different perspectives (like right now with his sister) how about you? what do you think about the book?

she_barks My son did a book report on this in 4th or 5th grade, and I read it too. It was so well done, and I loved the lesson on empathy he got while reading a great story. 8y
Khadeja @she_barks it is great! This book is for all ages, especially kids it's so heart-touching, and you really can't help but fall in love with the character 8y
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Moggerhanger: A Novel | Alan Sillitoe

I just officially received my ebook copy of moggerhanger from @Litsy giveaway! I WAS SO EXCITED when I know I have won! I never in my life won anything, it's such a good feeling! I'm so happy, and so excited to read this! I seriously can't wait!

pppooraikul Congrats! 🎉 Lucky you. I've always dreamed of winning a giveaway. 8y
Khadeja @pppooraikul well, believe me if I have. Then you will one day too :) and thanks 8y
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Burial Rites | Hannah Kent
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Reading BURIAL RITES and it's nice so far! Finished the first 5 chapters, it's kinda slow, but doesn't change the fact that the story is quite interesting so far

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern

What a lovely book, what a lovely ending. The Night Circus is definitely a place I would like to visit if it was real. Especially the mouse-shaped chocolates hehe

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I finally bought the third book of this Trilogy! The school of good and evil is on the top of my TBR list. So now that I bought the third book I cannot wait until I read this!

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern

My next read. I wanted to read Burial Rites first, but I've decided to keep it aside for awhile. Which is funny! I would usually go for it, and leave a book like Night Circus for a month or two, cause it's Romance! So I've heard, but I've also heard it's great. & not the YA romance, but 19th century

SarahKay It's a love story but it's not your typical romance. I loved it! 8y
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Burial Rites | Hannah Kent
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These are books I've read in two years time. Most of them are this year. Burial Rites is what's left for me to read in this picture. I'm so EXCITED it's on the top of my TBR list

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Finally reading "thirteen reasons why" After all the long books on my TBR list, I imagine this one will be a light, and fast read!

Juwi One of my fave books! 💔💔💔 8y
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I just finished reading this book, and I totally 100% loved it! Every part of it!
I give 🌟🌟🌟🌟 to this book! Highly recommended if you want to read a good thriller, with an unexpected ending!

AliReads I'm so glad it's out in paperback now! May finally see what the buzz is about 🙌🏻 8y
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So excited for my next read #thegirlonthetrain !! I have wanted to read more thrillers this year, so hope this one won't disappoint! For those who have read it what did you think??

Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami
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If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.

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Norwegian Wood | Haruki Murakami
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After reading Kafka on the shore I had to read another book by Murakami. And that's why Norwegian wood is my current read

Ammar25 Do you have Goodreads ? 8y
SarahKay I loved this book! It was really different from his other stuff, though. 8y
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Khadeja @SarahKay so far I enjoyed Kafka on the shore more :( 8y
SarahKay @Khadeja I've never read that one. I liked After Dark best of all of his, but I haven't read too many. He's pretty prolific! 8y
Khadeja @SarahKay you should! Kafka was so good! And great that you liked After dark! :D it's actually on my TBR list 8y
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Winter | Marissa Meyer
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"We think that if we choose to do only good, then we are only good. We can make people happy. We can offer tranquility or contentment or love, and that must be good. We do not see the falsehood becoming its own brand of cruelty. "

Invisible Monsters | Chuck Palahniuk

If you want a mind-blowing book in a literal meaning. Invisible Monsters is your book. Everything you didn't expect, anything you didn't know will happen happens. Even normal parts, turn out to be not normal somehow. Chuck kept on shocking me until the last page of this book.Definitely my fav by him

Victoriahoperose This is one of my absolute faves of his. Awesome book! Love it!! 8y
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Winter | Marissa Meyer
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My second day with WINTER. I couldn't read this much, since I have a lot of things to do these days, but it's nice so far.

paige84 Love the picture! 8y
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Winter | Marissa Meyer
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I'm still not over what happened in #CRESS yet in the end, but at some point I'm gonna have to read this, and finish this series, right? Might as well be now 💔😭 #currentlyreading #winter

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