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Joined September 2016

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Textkritik by Paul Maas
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Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger
Untitled | Unknown
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One of my favourite bookstore in the world. It sells second-hand books and sometimes you can find amazing deals for great editions of classics.

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I'm so excited to finally start Call Me By Your Name, I heard a lot about it and I'm really curious. I chose to read the book before watching the movie, even if I know I will be bugged by the differences. I hope I will not end up crying my eyes out.
Anyway, cat, book, cozy socks, warm room: a great night awaits me!

Beachesnbooks I just saw the movie today and loved it; curious how the book is! 7y
Lachesis @Beachesnbooks I'm looking forward to see it too! I read some really positive feedbacks, when usually you can find just people who remark the differences with the book. 7y
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Autoboyography | Christina Lauren
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I finally finished my exams for the winter term and now I have a lot of free time to read (and I love it).
I have mixed feelings about this book so far: I like the setting, the characters (beside Autumn, she is so annoying) and the premises, but I feel like the "oh cute guy => I can't breathe" part was a bit too momentary.
Anyway, I still have time to read and change my mind.

(#riotgram #currentread)

Quidditch Through the Ages | Kennilworthy Whisp
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A really, really light reading, good for an evening of trivia and curiosities about the Harry Potter World. But when It comes to HP I would probabily read also McGonagall's grocery list. (Everything BUT The Cursed Child).

Not_Hardly_Alice We don't talk about The Cursed Child... 😂 7y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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The idea of this book is sooo cool and creative: there's an original, printed book by a mysterious author and in the margins of this book there are A LOT of notes from two college students, who pass the book back and forth between them. It's a bit difficult to read, but I really really love the idea.

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I really should read something else, but I couldn't resist sassy-Harry.
Also, some homemade macarons, because sometimes life is good.
#currentlyreading #harrypotter

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I received this as a gift some Christmases ago. Yesterday I saw it in my bookshelf and decided to give it a try. I love Leopardi's philosophy and his way of seeing the world. I hope I'm up to the challenge of reading it without any explanation from a professor.
(If I'm not I can always try to forget the disappointment with some cheesecake)
#currentlyreading #italianliterature

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I love this quote.I can see a lot of myself in the way Chiara always put her hopes in the paper men and not in the flesh ones.
(Really bad) translation:
"Why do you women do this? Why do you pretend everything it's okay when it isn't?"
"I don't know, actually. Maybe it's because we are waiting for a man who sees it without being told."
"And when you find that man what do you do?"
"Usually", she said, " we congratulate the author who created him".

Nebklvr 😂😂 7y
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After years I finally bought this in the paper-ink-and-glue version. And obviously I couldn't resist and I'm rereading it. Whoops.

Love & Gelato | Jenna Evans Welch
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I started this one yesterday evening and I've almost finished it. I think it's a great summer read, quick and easy, filled with good characters and a sad/mysterious backstory for spicing it up a bit. For sure it isn't going to leave me something (besides a great craving for gelato), but it was a fun way to spend a lazy afternoon.
P.S. in Italy we usually have fast internet connection, hot water in the shower and regular non-Gucci clothes. I swear.

My Lady Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand
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I am currently on holiday in Sweden (and a bit of Denmark & Norway) and thanks heaven I don't suffer of any kind of motion sickness, so I could read a lot in this past week. I started this yesterday, following the advice of @ninergrl6, and I've almost finished it. So far it's been a lot of fun, I love the banter between Jane and G, and the whole idea of a fantasy story set against the Tudor period is really interesting.

ninergrl6 Hope you enjoy it! I read it last year right before I visited the UK, and I got so emotional at the Tower of London thinking about Jane and G. 7y
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Do you know that feeling when you desperately want to slow down and savour every page because you don't want a book to end and once you've finished it there's no going back, but at the same time you can't put it down because you really need to know that it's going to be alright for the characters? Well, this is me right now. I started it yesterday afternoon and I'm almost 3/4 through and aaaaaaaah. So good.

ninergrl6 Same. Forced myself to slow down & still finished it in 4 days. 7y
Lachesis @ninergrl6 Exactly. And after I finished it I wanted something similar, but I couldn't find anything. Do you have any suggestion? 7y
ninergrl6 Gentleman's Guide is a kind of a combination of My Lady Jane (historical/fantasy/adventure/romance) and Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (contemporary teen angst with a humorous male narrator). I tore through both of those books too 😊 7y
Lachesis I've never read or heard about either of them, I'm gonna check them out as soon as I can! Thank you for the advice 😊 7y
ninergrl6 You're welcome! Happy reading 📚 7y
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After hearing about it here on Litsy I finally started this one. I'm really intrigued so far, by both Evelyn's story and the reason behind her choice of Monique as her interviewer. I just don't understand the focus on what the character are wearing in every scene, but maybe it has a purpose.
And now I'm so gonna take a break from studying and allow myself a few more pages and a snack!

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Crying, crying, a lot of crying. How on earth this came out 20 years ago?
Harry Potter gave me so much: laughter, values, ugly-crying moments, amazing characters, friends, a whole world.
And, until the very end, "Whether by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home".

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I read "The map of time" a long time ago and I loved it: victorian England, time travel, intricate stories. Then I found out it was part of a trilogy, but the last one was never translated in Italian, so I forgot about it. Now that I can read in English I'm very excited to start this one (and I hope there will not be a lot of references to the other books).

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Into The Water | Paula Hawkins
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New thriller and chocolate cheesecake in a cup for me today. I have an exam tomorrow, but I'm so sick of studying I had to take a break. I hope Hawkins's novel is good; I didn't like The girl on the train a lot, but let's give this one a chance.

All the Bright Places | Jennifer Niven
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At the moment I can't judge if I like this one or not. Sometimes I think it's great: the wandering, the quotes, the road trips. Sometimes however I find it so predictable, so clichéd that I want to leave it there. Bah.

HeatherBookNerd Keep going. I felt the same way, and then it became unputdownable. 7y
Lachesis @HeatherBookNerd I finished it yesterday! It was for sure a quick read, but I'm a bit disappointed by the ending. Maybe it was the comparison with John Green that gave away Finch's death and so I was expecting it, but it didn't move me in the least. Anyway, now I want to read Virginia Woolf 😂 7y
HeatherBookNerd @Lachesis I was not surprised at all by Finch's death, and frankly would have found it a cop out if he had lived. But I have several family members that have bipolar - some who have done much better with treatment and some who have not gotten treatment and are doing really badly. So what really pulled me in was watching his disintegration and the truth in it. and I appreciated the author clearly offering options for help at the end of the book. 7y
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Finally I start this book. I heard so many mixed opinions about it I really don't know what to expect from it. Also, I love the cover art.

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I really like the style of these author, it's refreshing and fun to read. And I see a lot of myself in the main character of this series of books. I read this in about 24 hours and I enjoyed it a lot.
Plus, I'm so proud of my colorful snack of fruit and yoghurt.

Amphitryon | Plautus
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So, this pretty much sums up my afternoons: tea and translating Plautus for my next exam. And eating chocolate cake, sometimes.

Eyelit Great pic! 7y
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Canti di Castelvecchio | Giovanni Pascoli
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"Dei fulmini fragili restano
cirri di porpora e d'oro"

This is one of my favourite Italian poems. Reading it I can almost be there, watching the sunset and listening to the birds. I really love the texture created by the sounds and how all the words perfectly fit in with one another. And I'm a huuuge Italian literature nerd ??

The Song of Achilles | Madeline Miller
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I had The song of Achilles on my tbr for ages and now I'm terrified. I hope I will not end in a blob of tears.

I-read-and-eat It will 😉 And those pastries look delicious 😀 8y
Marchpane I sobbed. 8y
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American Gods | Neil Gaiman
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My edition of this book has such an ugly cover I had to conceal it in some way. Anyway, I'm enjoying the reading so far.

Ci che inferno non | Alessandro D'Avenia
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After almost ten years I'm finally reading the last one of this series (and enjoying some great tea).

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Il labirinto degli spiriti | Carlos Ruiz Zafon
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Perfect afternoons.

Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy
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My battered copy of Anna Karenina for #photoadaynov16: today's theme is #setineasterneurope. And what other book could I choose, since 106 years ago, on 20th November 1910, died Leo Tolstoj.

valeriegeary Cute nesting dolls! 8y
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Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse
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I bought this because I couldn't resist the appeal of a historical novel settled in renaissance Florence after watching the series I Medici. Maybe it isn't great literature, but surely it will be entrataining.

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I finally found a #headlesscover for #photoadaynov16. This wasn't so bad, but generally I don't like remaking and sequel of Pride and Prejudice.

Matilda | Roald Dahl
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Matilda is maybe my favourite #childprotagonists ever. I read this a thousand times, she was - and is - one of my best inspirations. #photoadaynov16

The Secret Garden | Frances Hodgson Burnett, Jan Fields
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I-read-and-eat Beautiful 💗😍 8y
Marchpane Lovely picture! 🍊🍊 8y
Lachesis @I-read-and-eat @Marchpane Thank you! (: 8y
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I forgot how great this book was, I read almost 500 pages in two days. Note my worm bookmark, perfect for a bookworm, and my delicious spiced tea. I'd love to do this all day long.

Sarah83 @Lachesis What is it about? 8y
Lachesis @Sarah83 it's a fantasy/gothic novel settled in a university city. There are vampires, demons and dark creatures, but also a love story and a lot of funny sequences. It has a great atmosphere, I'd love to be able to visit the Studium! 8y
Sarah83 @Lachesis Sounds interesting. But there is no german translation, right? 8y
Lachesis @Sarah83 no, I don't think so. She is an Italian author, so there isn't even an English version. Maybe in the future someone will translate her books, they're great. 8y
Sarah83 @Lachesis I hope so. 🖒 8y
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Eragon | Christopher Paolini
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#herebedragons for #photoadaynov16. I've never finished this series, too fantasy for my taste now. My best friend would not be proud.

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The Golden Compass | Philip Pullman
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This is my #publishedinthe1990s for #photoadaynov16. I reread it last year for the 2015 book challenge and I would like to reread also the other two books. The furry one sleeping is my lazy, spoiled and antisocial cat, Amelia, so also #catsoflitsy.

La spia del mare | Virginia de Winter
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Starting a new book with a hot cup of tea is definitely my favourite thing to do in a rainy autumn afternoon.

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Cuttlefish Bones | Eugenio Montale
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This is one maybe my favourite #readinschool: I studied it for a contemporary literature class at university and I really, really loved it. #photoadaynov16

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I don't know how I finished this without actually #threwitacrosstheroom. I hated the protagonist so much, I loathed the abusive relationship between the two main character and I found it so clichéd and useless that I still wonder how I managed to read it all. Ugh. #photoadaynov16

BookishMarginalia I hated it too and am surprised as well that I finished it. 8y
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La spia del mare | Virginia de Winter
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I'm looking forward to read this, I brought it yesterday and I'm impatiently waiting to fall in love with Virginia's characters another time. I hope my expectations aren't too high. I also hope to be more constant with #photoadaynov16 ! #novembertbr

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I don't know what to expect from this book. I hope it's good because I struggled through the last one I read. For now I enjoy my chocolate tea and my pane dei morti (I don't know if this cake/cookie/thing exist abroad, the name translation would be "bread of the deaths").

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I see - with obvious adjustments - a lot of myself in this book. Maybe it's not my #favouritefriendship ever, but the relationship between Charlie, Sam and Patrick is realistic and beautiful and full of great things. #booktober

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Sherlock Holmes is one of my favourite character ever. I really like old style detective stories and Conan Doyle's are always intriguing and funny. Today is #shortstories for #booktober and Sherlock & Watson are in great ones.

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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Today is #greatfirstlines for #booktober and I really love Jane Austen's wit and sense of humour. I read this a hundred times and I every single time I fall for Darcy.

I-read-and-eat Great picture! 8y
Lachesis @I-read-and-eat thank you! (: 8y
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I'm finding it less engaging than the other one, even if I read 200 pages in one day. It's not a proper mystery, that's the thing, I think. In any case my breakfast will be great in this company.

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This is an absolute pick. It's not short, but it's well written and it has a wonderful rhythm. Every time you turn a page your perspective on the story changes. Plus, the advices for writers at the beginning of every charter are great. So, a well deserved #awardwinning for #booktober.

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Wow, I am finally able to post something for #booktober! This is my choice for #outofthisworld, I really loved all the seven stories as I was a kid and I still reread them sometimes. Narnia is definitely a world I'd like to visit!

swishandflick Great pick! 8y
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Speak | Laurie Halse Anderson
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A moment of distraction during the researches for my thesis. Speak was in my TBR list for months, I hope it's good.

AlwaysForeverReading I can‘t wait to read this book. 6y
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Really good, even if sometimes I couldn't stand Therese and/or Carol. There are some good points that make you think about the differences between our society and theirs. 3,5/5.

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Perfect relax moment. I'm enjoying this one, for now.