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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
The chronicle of two readers finding each other, and their deadly struggle with forces beyond their understanding--all within the margins of a book conceived by Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams and written by award-winning novelist Doug Dorst.The book: Ship of Theseus, the final novel by a prolific but enigmatic writer named V.M. Straka, in which a man with no past is shanghaied onto a strange ship with a monstrous crew and launched onto a disorienting and perilous journey.The writer: Straka, the incendiary and secretive subject of one of the world's greatest mysteries, a revolutionary about whom the world knows nothing apart from the words he wrote and the rumors that swirl around him.The readers: Jennifer and Eric, a college senior and a disgraced grad student, both facing crucial decisions about who they are, who they might become, and how much they're willing to trust another person with their passions, hurts, and fears.S. contains 22 inserts and will be delivered in a sealed slipcase.
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S. | J J Abrams
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The COOLEST of concepts. The execution made me want to cry I was so frustrated with the lack of sense this book had. A book within a book including notes and inserts to help along the mystery of the author of the fake book Ship of Theseus

Clare-Dragonfly Glad it‘s not just me 😅 I thought I just didn‘t have enough patience with it. 3mo
PurpleyPumpkin Ugh so disappointing! I have this one on my shelves and was looking forward to it. Oh well. ☹️ 3mo
451Degrees @Clare-Dragonfly ok I thought that was me too!! I was like I have to be reading this wrong I‘m just so frustrated with it😫 3mo
451Degrees @PurpleyPumpkin I think if you‘re looking for a different reading experience that it‘s worth giving it a shot! But I did not favor either of the stories unfortunately 😢 3mo
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst

You seek a world populated by trick-monkeys who dance to your tunes for the empty promise of coins.

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Can't wait to start this book!

S. | J J Abrams
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Photo Prompt Day 1:Black #Scarathlon #TeamWhoYaGonnaCall

FlynnDewey Very cool cover! 12mo
Clwojick Woohoo! 🖤 12mo
bthegood 🖤 12mo
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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#bookmail !
Bookmail from me to me lol

I went down a rabbit hole and watched a Youtube video about ergodic literature (think House Of Leaves, which I also brought LOL ) and was hooked by the concept. In the video S was mentioned and sounded the most interesting so snatched it up- thanks Thriftbooks!

Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Very cool concept, 2 stories in one. The book itself, and the 2 scholars communicating in the margins about the mystery of who the author and editor truly were. The book itself wasn‘t all that engaging to me but the pair in the margins, I absolutely loved them, and all the extra letters and postcards folded in from them to each other. The different color ink to convey time passage and different read throughs, so good.

LoverOfLearning Similar concept to the tagged book! With the seperate stories in the margins of the book! 1y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Definitely one of the coolest books I‘ve ever read! The “main book” itself was kind of dull but the “side story” of the characters writing to each other in the margins and scrutinizing about the book and the mysterious author was AMAZING. So fun to follow these characters through months of their lives as they get to know each other and see the postcards and notes they leave each other between the pages.

KristiAhlers I also thought this one was a fun and totally unique read. 1y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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So the two mystery books were Ship of Theseus, and The Pisces 😊

Well done @Soubhiville for guessing The Pisces!

These were ordered to my table with a cup of tea and a ginger beer. Literally all cafés should have books to order...

Thanks for guessing @Meshell1313 @DaveGreen7777 @Ruthiella

Ruthiella Mystery solved! 😀 2y
Liz_M Ooooh, The Ship of Theseus is a fun, odd book! The typography is right up there with H(A)PPY and The House of Leaves! 2y
RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M I'm not exactly enjoying House of Leaves 🤣🤣 I must be a glutton for punishment. Will have a look at h(a)ppy too... not heard of that one... 2y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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This book, which is a novel within a mystery & two love stories, is entitled S.. 2 college students use the novel to communicate, writing in the margins & leaving emphera throughout the novel.
The book was interesting, the novel was boring. I enjoyed the story of the students and the mysteries but wished that there has been more from the college students. All the little pieces of paper & things are cool but irritating to keep in order.
3/5 stars

PageShifter Sounds cool, I love the idea. I think I have never read something like this 🤔 But I am sorry that it didn't work for you 2y
iread2much @PageShifter it was fascinating to read, and a really unique experience, but I really dislike the whole “high brow” literature thing and this totally fed into that circle. Being stuck as I am in a painful academic job, I recognize that the setting for the story might be painful for me and influence my opinion 😅 2y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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First I‘m not sure how to describe this book. It‘s a story within a story within a story. Got it? Yeah neither did I until I started to read it. I have to say all the storylines held my attention but it was difficult to read at times. Read the notes on the book page. Or read the page and then the notes. Yeah I switched back and forth. J.J. Abrams wrote it…so…it‘s going to be different. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #springread #impulsebuy

lumbricuslibri I've had this since 2014 but still haven't read it. I find it daunting, don't know how to start. 2y
KristiAhlers @lumbricuslibri I finally settled on reading the “story” and then reading the side notes. As a lot of those address the “story”. But it took me a chapter or so to settle on a routine of that. 2y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I am ecstatic to finally own this beauty, a Christmas present from my husband & daughter. Someone on here recommended it to me (sorry, can't remember who but if it's you thanks for that!) and I've coveted it ever since. Can't wait to get stuck in but it's the bookworm's eternal dilemma - put it on the TBR pile or read straight away?

readingjedi @MandaMT It was you! Thanks for this recommendation. 3y
wordslinger42 I read this several years ago, and I've been thinking about reading it again! 3y
jlhammar Wow, great gift! The concept on this one sounds so cool. Been curious about it for years. 3y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Going to try and give this one another go! Love the concept! I‘m also trying to start a discord book club if anyone is interested in checking it out the link is https://discord.gg/neCDqqwqj5 would love to have you!

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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This was a pick for me, but only because of the format, NOT the content/story. Truthfully, I found the central story in this book within a book pretty boring, and the secondary story somewhat (but not a lot) better. But I really enjoyed the experience of it (including the ephemera incorporated throughout). If you like unique formatting in your book, this is worth checking out!

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I thought I'd try giving this a go again, but I'm not sure I'll be able to read it. Finding tracking the conversation in the margins hard - I can't get into a flow with either story. Maybe I should try reading the book story first, then the notes?
Anyway, regardless, it's a thing of beauty. All the inserts, like postcards, a map on a napkin. Gorgeous.

squirrelbrain Looks very confusing. 🤔 3y
TrishB Wow 😯 looks great! 3y
Oryx @squirrelbrain I don't think my brain works in the right way to take it in. I think I'll just have to admire it as an object, and admit defeat in the story side. 3y
DivineDiana Such an interesting concept! 3y
Reagan It is so beautiful but it was a challenging read. I think I ended up having to read the notes as I went, and the side conversations I read at the end of the corresponding paragraph but it was 😳 work. 3y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams

Beautiful 😍😍😍

Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 3y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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A very wise friend said it‘s never too early to start celebrating your birthday, so I‘ve opened my gifts! SO AMAZING @BarbaraBB THANK YOU XXX Tagged book is SO COOL!!!! It‘s going to get a separate post!!! And I‘m SUPER excited to try my FIRST Ali Smith and another Russo🙌🏻 Thanks for these fabulous gifts 🎉🎉🎉VERY EXCITED ♥️

BarbaraBB I‘m glad you like them! The Smith is from your tbr list, the Russo is my favorite, it‘s hilarious! Happy early birthday 🤍🤍 3y
Cinfhen @vivastory are you good to start this week? How should we break up this book?? How do you plan on reading? Footnotes, inserts or just chapters ?? I‘m a little anxious 😬 3y
vivastory I'm planning on starting it on Tuesday. I'm probably going to read all of the material, unless it's repetitive. It should be interesting! 3y
Cinfhen I‘ll probably start tomorrow or Tuesday as well @vivastory I think I‘m gonna start with the basic chapters and ignore the margin notes for now / we‘ll see how it goes 3y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Next up. For those in the know...do I read all the notes along with the chapter or after each chapter?
Looking forward to this. I still don't know why the cover and true title are different 😆
Reading with @NataliePatalie

starlight97 I read the notes along with each chapter and I think it makes sense that way! 3y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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1. The Lost City of Z.
2. The above for movie/bookclub and then "S.".
3. Michael Tolliver Lives

#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain @Nataliepatalie

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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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@TheAromaofBooks I took this quote from the _review_ on your blog (https://bit.ly/2T6tCOi) because I find it so apt. I can perfectly see those two:

“In some ways, I guess Eric and Jen come across as authentic stupid college students who need a decade or so of real life to realize that maybe their parents weren‘t as dumb as they always thought.”

Thank you for your review. 🙇🏽‍♀️

TheAromaofBooks haha glad you enjoyed this quote! In some ways this book made me feel kind of old - Eric & Jen were SO harsh on their parents with no concept of empathy or understanding for their parents' perspective on life... but I think that's often something that comes with time, as we get older & realize that some of our ideals aren't as easy to hang on to as we thought they would be. 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I kind of aaaalways wanted to read this book and the review @TheAromaofBooks wrote on her blog (https://bit.ly/3kseIhv, screenshot also from there. ☺️) is the _first_ I ever read. Everybody keeps telling me the book is too complicated to summarise. – Well, maybe. But one _could_ offer some basics. Sarah did way more than that. And now that I‘ve engulfed her review, I need some time to think over if I really still wanna read this book. 🤷🏽‍♀️

TheAromaofBooks Glad you enjoyed my review!!! It is a super fun & complicated read that I just wish had a little more story to make it more worth the effort. The other thing is... you can't read it as a Kindle book... most libraries don't have it because of all the inserts... which means you have to buy it & it's expensive. I was thrilled to find mine on Book Outlet for only $12 - I usually see it for around $30. So basically... if you can score it cheap, I ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks think it's worth it just for the fun of the experience, but I definitely wouldn't pay full price for this one. 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I never actually got around to reviewing this book when I read it back in September, but I finally wrote a lot of thoughts about it over on my blog - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/2020/10/19/s-by-j-j-abrams-doug-dorst On the whole, I did enjoy it, and the level of detail & immersiveness (new word haha) is spectacular. But the story itself felt a little flat - both the text story & the margin story - partially because Eric & Jen's ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) tendency to whine about their horrible, selfish parents began to grate on my nerves. Jen's parents wanted her to get a job with her college degree!! The horror!! Eric's parents were EVIL HYPOCRITICAL CHRISTIANS! They DO NOT UNDERSTAND SCIENCE because they believe in FAIRY TALES & A SKY DADDY! Eric is SO SUPERIOR IN EVERY WAY! It just got old & didn't feel like it was necessary to give them such melodramatic backgrounds.

BUT overall ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) there was still a lot to enjoy here & the level of detail for the inserts for this book was just amazing. Several pics on my blog review for those who are interested. 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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☕️ Indeed, though I am trying to make tea more of a go-to for me...
☕️ I‘ve tagged a book I want to read with coffee ... because I think I‘m going to need the extra focus!
☕️ @Mommamanzi @SamHeartCoffee @MaleficentBookDragon to name a few... and of course @Chrissyreadit and @CoffeeNBooks who tagged me (thanks! 😘)

Chrissyreadit 😘😘😘😘 4y
Blackink_WhitePaper Thanks for playing 💐😍☕️ 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I've finished the base story, but not the footnotes, handwritten notes, and inserts (which I've started). I'll possibly review when I finish the bonuses. More importantly, I think I'd like to reread sometime when I have better concentration (not after >6 months in isolation and during multiple pivotal crises beyond the pandemic).

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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#BookReport - Really slow reading week - so many other things going on between bookshelf building, other home projects, and work (only 2 days this week, but they were long ones!!). Plus, I'll admit, we've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 in the evenings a lot. We've completed the main story twice; now I'm doing things like riding around & collecting all the dinosaur bones whilst harvesting wild herbs. I may need a hobby! 😂

Tagged book is ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) really good so far but very slow reading. I've also been trying to catch up on Pride & Prejudice - I'm still about ten chapters behind, but got about ten chapters caught up this week, so that's something!!

Clare-Dragonfly Collecting bones and wild herbs sounds like a great hobby to me! 😄 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - That's good, because I've been doing more of it today! 😂 4y
TheLudicReader S has been on my shelf forever. I really should get to it. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @TheLudicReader - it's kind of a trippy read because so many layers are unfolding at once (unless you are stronger than I am and can read one layer at a time haha) but I'm overall enjoying it! 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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#WeeklyForecast - Last night I randomly picked up the tagged book, pictured here as Ship of Theseus, as this book is a book within a book within a book... and now I'm completely hooked even though this one wasn't remotely on my radar OR (more importantly) my #BookSpinBingo board! 😂 Ah well, what can I say?? Anyway, I'm reading that one & Time Out for Happiness currently. Hoping to get one of my #LMPBC books read this week along with a few other⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) bingo books... almost halfway through the month but NOT halfway through my list!! We are doing a big remodeling project this week (husband is off & doing MOST of the work haha), plus work is still crazy so not sure exactly how much reading will get done, but still really hoping to hit my goal of 9 books for #SuperSeptember!!

@Cinfhen @Andrew65
Read-y_Picker I‘d been wondering about that one! 4y
Cinfhen Funny how that happens!! Glad you‘re enjoying the book and good luck with the renovation 4y
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Andrew65 Where is September going! 😳 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Read-y_Picker - I was super excited to find it on Book Outlet for over half off because I've been wanting to read it but it was SO expensive and the library didn't have a copy. It's kind of trippy to read but super fun. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Cinfhen - Thank you!! It's going to take us a long while to finish, but with Tom off this week we are hoping to get a big kickstart - he's already taken down one wall and is putting another one up so that's something! 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Andrew65 - Right?? This month is going way faster than usual!! 4y
Read-y_Picker @TheAromaofBooks Friggen LOVE Book Outlet lol. Can I ask is it in the same vein as House of Leaves? I‘ve somehow categorized them together in my mind. I finished it but found it to be a real slog. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Read-y_Picker - Book Outlet is ruining my budget in some kind of backwards way! 😂 I've never actually read House of Leaves, so I can't say for sure. S. is full of “handwritten“ notes in the margins in various colors as the two people reading it pass the book back & forth. There are also loose inserts, like newspaper clippings, postcards, & “photocopies“ of letters & such. I looks like HoL is horror/thriller? This one so far is not. 4y
Bette I started this a while ago but didn't know if I should read the chapter and then go back and read the notes...or read each page as I went along. How are you doing it? 🤔 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bette - There seemed to be multiple options/opinions for reading this book. But I know myself - I'm not going to be able to ignore stuff on the page. So I'm basically reading everything at the same time - reading the story, and reading marginal notes & inserts as they appear, even though that means that I'm getting some of the story ahead. Some people seemed to advocate reading just the printed text, then certain colors of handwritten notes... ⬇ 4y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) Too complicated for me!! I'm just reading it all as I go, which does make it a little confusing because I'm trying to take in all the different layers of story at the same time, but I'm enjoying it!! 4y
Bette Yeah, it did get complicated when I was starting it. Thanks. I think I‘ll give it another shot. 👍😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bette - It seems to be a book that has a bit of a cult following, so there are various resources & ideas about reading it. I found this page helpful because it had suggestions for how to get started. I saved it because it also links to other pages to kind of “digest“ the book after I read it - https://whoisstraka.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/the-ship-of-theseus-by-v-m-straka-a... (edited) 4y
Bette Wow. Thanks! I like JJ Abrams so I really looked forward to it when it came out. This is great. Thanks a lot! 😊 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bette - I get nerdy about stuff like that haha Hopefully you can get back into it!! 4y
Chrys I have this, really should start it 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Latest haul from Book Outlet came today!! That website is DANGEROUS! 😂 I was especially excited to get the tagged book better than half off. Someone on Litsy read it and I was completely enamoured with the story-within-a-story concept that is so involved that it has various postcards and clippings throughout the book, and its own slip cover to keep it all together!

marleed Ohh, have you read the Griffin and Sabine books - the letters inside the pages are so fun. It just makes you slow down as you reach into envelopes for more to the story! There is 6 or 7 books in the series - I‘m missing just one of them. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @marleed - Um NO I have not heard of these and now I need them ASAP!!!! 4y
Clare-Dragonfly I really liked the idea of this book but it didn‘t quite work for me. 4y
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VeganCleopatra Did it take longer than usual to get to you? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Clare-Dragonfly - I've heard mixed reviews, but it's one that my library doesn't have (and will probably never have because of all the extra inserts) so buying it on the cheap was the only way to read it! 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - Actually, this was the fasted I've ever gotten an order from them. I ordered the books late on August 8 and they arrived yesterday! 4y
VeganCleopatra Thanks for letting me know! That's interesting that it was faster, that is definitely faster than I ever get them as well. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Vegan Cleopatra - I've ordered from them a few times the last couple of months, and it usually takes closer to 2-3wks, but the last two times have been much more prompt, which is fun because the hardest about ordering from Book Outlet is waiting for the goodies to arrive!! 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Having a fun time rereading this book! Need to do some research on cyphers to keep up!

#s #reread #shipoftheseus #mystery #jjabrams #scones #sundaymorning

starlight97 Loved this one 🤩 it's so unique 4y
emz711 @starlight97 yeah any thoughts? 4y
starlight97 I think apart from the creative format the story itself is really good too 😊 4y
emz711 @starlight97 see the story is harder for me to get into. i feel like i'm just enjoying working out diffrent parts of the story. i tried reading just the story and then the comments in order but i get too distracted! 4y
starlight97 I read the story and the notes at the same time. Maybe you should read the notes all over again once you're finished to put it all together. 4y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I borrowed this from my friend today. I guess now is the perfect time to take a deep dive into this crazy book with all the margin notes and extras!

Anyone read this? What did you think?

Mitch That looks like a really interesting project! 4y
Kangaj1 I loved this book! 4y
emz711 I'm not sure that I loved the story but I found the whole thing intriguing and a really fun way to move through a story. Have you checked out some of the cypher websites? It's pretty cool 4y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Book mail! Sqeee!!! So excited for this one! And here‘s to hoping that it‘s not as difficult as “House of leaves”

wordslinger42 I should read this one again! I remember absolutely loving it! 4y
emz711 How was it? 4y
Tianarose @emz711 I still haven‘t read it! 😬 lol. Too many good books out there. 4y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Wow this book. It contains a story within the story: on the margins of the book are the handwritten notes & messages of two students who are trying to analyze the novel, discover the true identity of the fictional author, and at the same time get to know each other better. There are also letters, postcards and photos between the pages - and even a napkin with a map drawn on it! If you love unconventional books, then this is definitely for you!

hike.read.repeat Loved this one! Even without footnotes and clues the story itself was cool. The extra story of the students just makes it better. 🙂 5y
starlight97 @hike.read.repeat agreed! 5y
TheAromaofBooks This just looks SO fun! 5y
starlight97 @TheAromaofBooks it really is! 5y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Catherine_Willoughby Omg . I buy it just for this ! 5y
TheAromaofBooks I think I have to stack this despite the faux-cloth cover! 😂 5y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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Tagged book cost a bit more in itself than all the others combined. But it does look quite awesome! There's the printed story, and there are the notes of two people scribbled on the margins, creating their own story within the story. Sounds intriguing! 🤩


TheAromaofBooks Plus I'm a sucker for cloth bound editions! 5y
Reagan It‘s a neat read. 5y
starlight97 @TheAromaofBooks I'm afraid it only looks like cloth bound 😅 5y
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starlight97 @Reagan I'm sure I'll love it 😄 5y
TheAromaofBooks Tragedy!! 😂 5y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I loved the experience and appreciate the effort that went into this book! For that I'd recommend it and would give it 4 stars, but the story itself didn't do it for me.

Reagan It‘s a crazy read that really stuck with me, but I didn‘t love it. I think I liked the presentation more than the story. 5y
tessavi @Reagan yup, my feelings exactly. I liked the House of Leaves story a bit more. 5y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Day 3 #7days7spines

Join in if you‘d like! 😄

wordslinger42 I LOVED this book! 5y
Dyslexicon13 That‘s a great book. One of my all time favorites! 5y
shadowspeak17 @wordslinger42 @Dyslexicon13 Sounds like I finally need to get around to reading it. 😄 5y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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One of my favorite literary loot items is this HPA mug! I love the design (and the quote, of course), and it makes a great bookmark container. #24in48

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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vivastory S is on my TBR. So is the following which has a similar format 5y
madamereadsalot1 @vivastory cool! Sounds interesting, added it to my tbr! 5y
RealLifeReading S is on my TBR too 5y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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S. was recommended to me because I loved House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. I didn't previously know what ergodic literature was, but now that I do, I'm seeking more! Like House of Leaves, reading this book was an EXPERIENCE, one I enjoyed immensely. I can't wait to find more ergodic pieces to read. #ergodicliterature #shipoftheseus

wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 great review. 👍🏻 5y
Smrloomis Welcome! 🥳 5y
ajacks Thank you so much! 😊😊 5y
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Schnoebs I just bought this the other day and can‘t wait to pick it up! 5y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 5y
Ericalambbrown Welcome! 😊📚🙏🏻 5y
BethM Welcome to the family! 5y
LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! #LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
SW-T Welcome to Litsy 😊 (ps-use the @litsyname so folks see your replies) Happy reading! 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
jpmcwisemorgan Welcome to Litsy!!! 5y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🌸 5y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Welcome to Litsy 💖📖💖 5y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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I decided to treat myself this weekend and picked up a copy of Ship of Theseus. I‘ve been wanting this for a while now and I am so excited to dive in! #shipoftheseus #jjabrams #dougdorset

aeeklund *excited Ed and Ein gif* 5y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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I should not be allowed near a Barnes & Noble. I couldn‘t find the Funko Pop I wanted, but I gave a gnome a home, which is even better. 😉

#bookhaul #bookbuyingbinge #buyallthebooks #sorrynotsorry

Lovesbooks87 I shouldn't be allowed near a Barnes & Noble either. They know me by name there! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
LaraReads Awesome! Lol. ‘Give a gnome a home‘ should definitely be a future #litsyswap 6y
rachelk That gnome is the cutest! 6y
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TrishB Cute 😁 6y
Karkar That gnome is too cute!!!! 6y
Reagan Excellent book! 6y
UwannaPublishme Love your new gnome! 🙌🏻 6y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I love this book layout! 😍

Sarah83 Ich liebe dieses Buch 😍 6y
Buechersuechtling Das hab ich auch (immer noch) auf meiner virtuellen Wunschliste/meinem virtuellen SuB, aber die Bücherei hat‘s einfach nicht. ??‍♀️? @Sarah83 6y
Moony @Buechersuechtling Das ist auch absolut kein Buch für eine Bibliothek. Es sind Karten, lose Bilder etc. enthalten. Ich habe es mir jetzt mit den Prozenten bei Thalia gegönnt. 6y
Buechersuechtling @Moony Okay. Das wusste ich noch nicht. Aber … Es erzählt ein Geschichte … oder wie oder was❓? Verwirrung … 6y
Moony @Buechersuechtling ja genau! In den Bildern auf Litsy siehst du die Inhalte ganz gut :) 6y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I EFFIN LOVED THIS BOOK. I could not put it down once I started...I‘m talking would rather read than sleep. I was engaged from the very beginning, I fell in love with Eric and Jen‘s story along the margins, and the Ship of Thesus book itself was full of weirdness, murder, espionage, mystery, and even a little of the paranormal funkiness. Read the margin notes as you go!! It really helps bring the whole thing together!!

Schnoebs I‘ve been trying to find this at my bookstore for awhile. Still no luck! I know I can buy it online but I feel like if I‘m meant to read this, I‘ll find it on a shelf at a local store 6y
SweetAngst The margin notes were neat, but I found the ciphers and hidden story even more engaging once I started to see all the pieces come together. 6y
brittanythebookdragon @SweetAngst YES!! I was so glad they figured it out for me because I saw a couple of them but was too engaged and knew they had already figured it out! 6y
SweetAngst @brittanythebookdragon It's been a while since I read it, but I don't think the margin notes alone give you all the ciphers in the book. There are blogs dedicated to it! There is still at least one that is assumed to exist but is still unsolved. I'm *pretty* sure I know what happened in the older timeline and it's SO GOOD. I may need to re-read it soon :) 6y
brittanythebookdragon @SweetAngst OMG! My mind has been blown! I had no idea. I am going to have to do a deeper dive on this book!! 6y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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I saw this on Litsy and immediately bought it simply because of the formatting! Super excited to get into this and see what it‘s actually all about!!

I positively LOVE all uniquely formatted books! They always add a little something to make the journey extra special I think!

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Finally tackling this one. I‘m reading Ship of Theseus first and then going through the notes.

alysonimagines I was curious about this concept book but haven‘t gotten around to reading. Interested to know what you think after you‘ve read it! 6y
Owlizabeth I really liked this! I read the book and the notes simultaneously. 6y
MandaMT I really enjoyed reading this book. I liked having to think about HOW I was going to read it. Started off by going through everything on the page before moving on. That was a real mess... I eventually figured out a system. I‘d be interested in hearing how you tackle it. 6y
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mcipher Years ago, I read more than half of this book and then it got away from me. Do you like it? I have thought of returning to it but it seems like such a challenge to start over. 6y
WanderingBookaneer @MandaMT : How did you tackle it? 6y
WanderingBookaneer @mcipher : I‘m one chapter in, but I am intrigued. It‘s hard not to be distracted by the notes, especially when the notes are related to the text. 6y
mcipher I remember the notes interested me far more than most of the “actual” book. 6y
MandaMT I read the text first. I agree with @mcipher - that part is way denser and less interesting than the notes. You can probably skip it. After that there are multiple “rounds” of correspondence written in different colors of ink- 3 if I remember correctly (when in doubt, the internet will tell you). So all told I went through the book cover to cover about 4 times. 6y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Some people would say I have too many books; they would be wrong.

This is essentially my xmas/bday book haul. And now I will go on sabbatical I definitely to finish my TBR.

S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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My husband just got this beautiful and unique book and he is so excited about it. He says he knows what he will be doing the rest of the night. He also said I am making him a book nerd 🤓

WanderingBookaneer I‘ve had that for a while, but I‘m not sure how to tackle it. 6y
Nessavamusic I have also had it for a while and have yet to tackle it 6y
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jillannjohn I‘m fascinated by this book as well. Huge fan of J.J. Abrams. 6y
Craftylikefox There are a lot of theories on how to tackle the book. I read the main story first then I went back and read the margins and the extras. 😊 6y
JoScho @WanderingBookaneer @Nessavamusic @Craftylikefox yeah he has been researching the best way to read it and he keeps telling me how he thinks he is going to read it then changes his mind and says something different 😂 6y
JoScho @jillannjohn yeah the idea behind it is very cool! 6y
JoScho @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks for adding the hashtag 🥰❤️ 6y
Kaye That book looks so cool. Tell him it‘s better you‘re making him a book nerd than a drunk. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JoScho you‘re welcome!! 😍😘 6y
JoScho @kaye lol so true!!! 6y
kspenmoll Beautiful! 6y
Lisaw13 I put sticky notes with the page numbers on the inserts since I was afraid if they fell out I wouldn't know where to put them back in! Still too intimidated by this book to read it though. 6y
JoScho @Lisaw13 oh that is a good idea! I will pass it along. ☺️ 6y
SaturnDoo I got this a couple years ago for my birthday and my oldest son started reading it first and now I don't know where it's at. 😢 6y
WanderingBookaneer @Craftylikefox : That was my plan too. @Lisaw13 : I‘m going to steal that idea as well. 6y
Sarah83 It's such a gorgeous and unique book 💓 6y
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Ship of Theseus | Doug Dorst, V. M. Straka, Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
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So excited for this one

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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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While buying S of a friend of mine he offered me some other free books. Would have been rude to say no 😉

MStew That's a pretty awesome book haul! I own S it's a used copy I hope all the little mementos are in it and I'm not missing anything 😂 I have to see how many it comes with and see if I'm missing some 😧 6y
BruceWalken Oh yeah the guy I bought it from is a comic book collector so all his stuff is mint! Really excited about reading it 😁❤️ I‘ll have to add them up and tell you 👍 6y
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S. | J. J. Abrams, Doug Dorst
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Day 18: Book You Never Finished—I started reading S. soon after it was released in October of 2013. There were so many features that appealed to me: the bibliophile strangers bonding over the book within the book; the artifacts interspersed in the pages; the mystery. Sadly, I couldn't finish it within the loan period, and I never got back to it, even after NOS lent/gave me his copy. Someday, I shall return to it! #RiotGrams #BookYouNeverFinished

Clare-Dragonfly This took me months to finish. I might have liked it more if I‘d been able to read it more quickly. 6y
JoyBlue @Clare-Dragonfly That makes me feel better—thank you! 6y
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