I fell off on these about halfway through. Where does the time go? Here's a recap of the second half of 2024.
July - Burial Rites was quiet, based on a true story, and had a great sense of place.
August - The Labyrinth of the Spirits was my favorite of the year & my only 5-Star book in 2024. (I'm very stingy with those). Being the fourth in a series of interconnected books, I was leery of following a new character, but it ended splendidly. ⬇️
October - The Flight Portfolio gave me a glimpse at those helping notable, artistic Jews to escape WWII Europe. It was a bit slow, and I really didn't need party of the storyline, but I thought it was overall enlightening and a different take on what was happening ⬇️ 2mo
November - Alex Grecian's novels have become auto-buys for me, and I'm glad to have picked this one up. Probably in my top 3 of the year, this was a genre-blending folk-horror epic, supernatural-western story that I thoroughly enjoyed. His writing is easy, but he does well to set the scene.
December - I had to squeeze something holiday-ish into the month, and this YA novel set in December was a joy. ⬇️ 2mo
#12Booksof2024 @Andrew65 2mo
Thanks for playing along, it‘s been great seeing everyone‘s books. Hope to see you on the First day of Christmas later this year for #12Booksof2025. 👏👏👏😊🎉🥳 2mo