Many quotes are wrong are wrong but for this book this seems quite appropriate.
Many quotes are wrong are wrong but for this book this seems quite appropriate.
I adored this book, Holmes is hounded by a journalist who thinks he is the ripper.
My favorite series when I was younger. did anyone mange to find out what was going on before our sleuths did?
Not my favorite book, I found the ending confusing. Was Don Quixote faking the entire time or was he really insane?
Loved this book, but it dragged so much that it was twice as long as it needed to be.
Great book. Very sad at the end.
I hated this story, had to read for high school. It made me very depressed
I love the TV series for this book series and the movie is supposed to be coming out soon. So Excited!!!!
Poor Marguerite! And Sir Percy as well. Though for the beginning of the story I thought him a heartless brute.
this story was hard to get through because we see our favorite dashing hero get captured and starved in order to break him.
I haven't been able to find a good movie version of this book, any suggestions? Anyone? 😩
I think the musical is much better than the book. You are free to agree or not as you see fit.
This story is very long and seemed to drag slightly, especially with regards to janes school experiences. But it is still one of my favorite classics.
Lousy book. Thought it would be really good but it flopped.
This poor horse can never seem to have only good masters. instead he goes from good to bad and back again.
Excellent Series. Very heartwarming!
These poor kids they can never seem to get a break that lasts very long. SCREW COUNT OLAF!!!
Some stories are hard to follow, but overall a great book.
Almost the entire Bennet family is killed at the beginning 😅. It does get better however.
Starts out sad but with a great ending. Cut out the last chapter if you don't like smut.
Great Book. I did not like all the sex scenes though.
Loved the book, but was anyone else a little disappointed with the movies?
Excellent Series, would recommend them to most middle school kids.
I loved this book, but I was disappointed as Rachel seemed extremely selfish and narrow minded. She blames her sister for their fathers decision that they both marry the same man.
Excellent Writing!!! I cannot imagine the amount of research that went into writing this fantastic story. Please check it out; you will not be disappointed
Extremely sad story, but the author has made Holmes' character much more rounded and human than Arthur Conan Doyle ever did.
I loved this book, certainly way more relaxed than any of the previous ones in this series. I just wish it was much longer.
I hate Ianthe. She is a selfish priestess, I thought religious people were suppose to be above such things.
Very sad book. But I was happy to finally figure out how our favorite assassin was betrayed and captured. Excellent wrapping up of her story.