A must read for true crime fans that followed this case in the news!
A must read for true crime fans that followed this case in the news!
If I had to write a review on the first 95% of the book, it would be about a beautifully and thoughtfully written story. Unfortunately, the last 5% really needs to be included when you review a book and the slapdash ending of the book left me angry that I had invested so much time and emotion in reading a book with such a BS ending.
Very well written but I feel the exploitation of an autistic woman is a bit dark to be labeled a cozy mystery. I felt for Molly and, though I think the book was intended to be heartwarming, it made me sad because I know that many people on the spectrum in real life are victimized because people think they are easy targets. I will read the next book so the author has done a great job creating a protagonist and world to which I want to return.
Irony is that I finally get down time to read but the pain pills from my foot surgery make it hard to stay awake longer than a couple pages. Where is Alanis, I need her to add some middle aged lady probs to her song. What rhymes with bunionectomy? 😂
Begin with the end in mind. Why do we discipline our children? Is our goal to punish or to teach them the skills they need to be safe, kind, and successful humans?
Loving this book but I am so frustrated! How are you going to tell a person that they aren‘t safe and need to leave and never come back and then not tell her why because you “don‘t want to frighten her?”. Just freaking tell her, man!!!
Coffee on the porch with my new devotional. The calm before the boymom storm. ❤️
A great way to start a morning. A new book and cuddles from my oldest.
Cuddles with my oldest baby boy while reading about how to navigate the three-nager stage. I love this sweet, imaginative, silly and, yes, strong willed child #boymom #parentingreads
Ironic cup to choose on the day I start my new book on toddler/preschooler behavior. #mischiefmanagedihope #threenager
Loving this book so far. Unlike many faith based books about anxiety, it doesn‘t treat a medical condition as a lack of faith. It even addresses that fact specifically in the book. It is the first faith based take on anxiety that i have read that has actually addressed the sometimes toxic attitude of some churches towards anxiety.
Stealing a few moments to read while we enjoy coffee, cartoons, and chocolate milk cuddles. Being mama to a two year old with another baby boy on the way, I take the time to read where and when I can.
This book was depressing pointless crap. I had heard so many great things about it that I read the whole damn thing waiting for it to get better or for it to have a turning point where it wasn‘t so terrible. I am literally angry with the book store clerk who told me I would “love this” because I loved Eleanor Oliphant. I bought this and the sequel based on her recommendation. She is now dead to me, as is this book.
Bookish habit 104: arriving early to all appointments so you can have time to read. Bonus points if your salon serves wine.
That moment when you can‘t start the car until you read a few more pages.
Wow! As I read this book for my own personal use as the mother of a soon-to-be toddler, I am finding so many nuggets that apply to me as a teacher librarian of Kindergarten- 8th grade students. Seeking “first to understand” this upcoming year school year is my goal.
How can it already be time to think about potty training?!
I really wanted to love this book but after countless times of picking it up and putting it down over the last few years, 20 chapters in, I am calling it. I just can‘t invest in the lost love angle they present. She left him to be in an open marriage! Had it been a book about the book barge, I would have loved it. 😂
This book was a lovely read and I thoroughly enjoyed it BUT...I felt like it ended in the middle of the story and should have had at least a third more chapters than it did. I wish there was a sequel.
My assistant helping me choose my next read from my TBR stack. #readyourbookshelf
A wonderfully funny and sweet read. My only complaint is that it wasn‘t long enough!
My Saturday night is booked
This is one of the few books that I feel like the movie might have been better. It was okay but after reading and loving The Rules of Magic, I was disappointed. Also, I found inconsistencies in the aunts‘ storyline and Maria‘s story between the books irritating. Since the same person wrote both books, there shouldn‘t have been such large holes even if Rules was written after Practical Magic.
Traveling back home with my honey and our little man. Read the prequel on the way here and now this on the way back. Have to say, this book barely resembles the movie and is a lot more crass than the prequel but it is interesting so far.
This was a beautiful book of magic, heartache, and love. Those who were fans of Practical Magic will not be disappointed.
“Books are uniquely portable magic” Stephen King. Thanks to Paw Patrol in the IPad, mommy got a few minutes reading in on the flight.
Post-miscarriage has been rough on my mental health. I have talked to the doc and will be doing some counseling for anxiety and grief. One of the things I am striving to do is find little ways throughout the day to rebalance my emotions. Stolen bits of time, like this time before my sweet boy wakes up or while he is napping, that I do the things for me like drink coffee while it is still warm, reading, journaling, yoga, etc. matter. #selfcare
Wore the baby boy out so now it is mommy time. Pulled this off my TBR pile and am looking forward to diving in while he naps. #libraryladyland #readyourshelf #tbr #therulesofmagic
Found my baby reading in his new big boy bed while I was making dinner. Melted mama‘s librarian heart right there. ❤️❤️❤️ #raisingareader
When the perfect song that speaks to our soul comes on people sometimes say “God was my DJ this morning.” This time though, God was my librarian. I had this book on my TBR shelf for two years and picked it up to read after my miscarriage two weeks ago. This book made my heart smile with its beautifully complex characters and story. It is a story of more than survival, it is a story of learning to really live.
As a K-8 librarian, who hand sanitizes after every round of check-ins/check-outs, I feel this description of library books in my soul. lol 😂
Took a spontaneous trip to Barnes and Nobles today and ended up with a “few” new books for little man. Hey, we had a gift card and one thing led to another...you know how that goes. Things my little reader is into; school buses, dogs, and his daddy. #raisingareader #whenyourmomisalibrarian
He is sweet and silly and 21 months old today but soon we will be in for those volatile boundary pushing years of 2-4...or 2-40 in some cases. 🤣 I want to be a responsive and proactive mom and teacher not a reactive mom that yells first and asks why later. Great book study for me and the hubbs.
Coffee and a good book in a house silenced by nap time = bliss #themugwasagiftfrommyson #myhusbandhasjokes #boymomlife #coffeeandagoodbook
When Harry meets Malfoy. Ugh...that kid is the worst!!! #everyteacherhastaughtamalfoy #beautifulillustrations #wineandharrypottet
Watching Florence bring in the rain. The flooding is supposed to be worse than Matthew two years ago. #hurricaneflorence
Robert Galbraith is the pseudonym of none other than Harry Potter creator, J.K. Rowling. I would have never known it was written by her but is a well written piece of crime fiction that I am glad is the first in a series.
With a 4 month old, the only time I get to read is at 2 and 5am when I‘m pumping and he is sleeping. Currently, I‘m halfway through this awesome book that tells the story of Dan Harris, a TV news reporter, and how he has used meditation to deal with anxiety, stress, and life in general. It is a very well written and funny take on an important topic.
Reading an awesome book with my sweet baby asleep in my arms.
Cute book. A perfect fun distraction to keep in my phone for nighttime nursing sessions.
What a lovely story! I can‘t really describe it without giving too much away but it warmed my heart and made me smile.
My first non-baby related book since giving birth to my little baby boy three weeks ago. I started having contractions at the library while teaching my middle schoolers. I thought they were Braxton-Hicks so I taught the whole following day as well as my labor progressed. He wasn‘t due for three more weeks after all! After school on the 2nd day I went to the hospital and 11 hours later our boy was here! Glad momma finally went to the hospital!
When your middle school readers tell you they are having a hard time finding books that interest them and you offer to pull "a few" books to talk about with their ELA class. #libraryladyland #ilovemystudents
Definitely one that keeps you interested throughout. It starts out being told traditionally for the first couple chapters and then shifts to being told backwards in chronology. I think the way it was told led to a more interesting and twisting plot line than if the same story was told in a more linear fashion.