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Oh Crap! Potty Training
Oh Crap! Potty Training: Everything Modern Parents Need to Know to Do It Once and Do It Right | Jamie Glowacki
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Jamie Glowackipotty-training expert, Pied Piper of Poop, and author of the popular guide, Oh Crap! Potty Trainingshares her proven 6-step plan to help you toilet train your preschooler quickly and successfully. Worried about potty training? Let Jamie Glowacki, potty-training expert at OhCrapPottyTraining.com, show you how its done. Her 6-step, proven process to get your toddler out of diapers and onto the toilet has already worked for tens of thousands of kids and their parents. Heres the good news: your child is probably ready to be potty trained EARLIER than you think (ideally, between 2030 months), and it can be done FASTER than you expect (most kids get the basics in a few daysbut Jamies got you covered even if it takes a little longer). If youve ever said to yourself: ** How do I know if my kid is ready? ** Why wont my child poop in the potty? ** How do I avoid potty power struggles? ** How can I get their daycare provider on board? ** My kid was doing so wellwhy is he regressing? ** And what about nighttime?! Oh Crap! Potty Training can solve all of these (and other) common issues. This isnt theory, youre not bribing with candy, and there are no gimmicks. This is real-world, from-the-trenches potty training informationall the questions and all the ANSWERS you need to do it once and be done with diapers for good. And check out OhCrapPottyTraining.com for more informationincluding expert advice, support from parents just like you, and instructions for how to take part in the next Great Potty Challenge!
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After day one of potty training:

“If you partake in alcohol, please have some wine at the end of this day. It is also acceptable to have wine in your cereal when potty training. You deserve it.”

#currentlyreading #humor #children

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Shopping Scavenger Hunt: Something that Makes You Laugh (I was in a mood afterschool and this made me smile.)

#WinterGames #TMSkellington @Crimson613 @StayCurious

coffees 1pt! 12-11 I need this!! 😂😂 5y
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There are some helpful tips and methods, but the narrative struggles between a guide book and reference book. It‘s very repetitive, only occasionally on purpose, and every explanation of ‘why‘ boils down to ‘because I‘ve done this a lot‘. Which is fine, but also somewhat hollow after a while. Lastly, mom reader assumption is especially irritating. She acknowledges this problem, but clearly can‘t be bothered to edit it out in subsequent editions.

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How can it already be time to think about potty training?!

AkashaVampie How old is ur little one? Mine just turned 2. I'm trying to get it started slowly! Haha 5y
Librarylady3 Turning two in September! This book recommended training between 20 and 30 months old. I am not ready to start just yet but doing the research so that I will be ready. 5y
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A quick read & I appreciated a lot of Glowacki's logic & common sense. Her potty training advice has proved spot-on, & my daughter has demonstrated so many of the behaviors Glowacki discusses. On the other hand, the author's writing is incredibly repetitive & her personality drove me crazy. She plays it off as humor, but her attitude was aggravating & borderline offensive at times. So short version: a fan of the method but not the attitude.

readingjedi The Pied Piper of Poop ?!? 🤣🤣🤣 5y
jmtrivera @readingjedi Oh, yeah. Some of the humor is on point.👍 5y
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Sorry to be MIA lately. I've been preparing. I may likely be missing for at least the weekend. Wish me luck!

readordierachel Good luck! 🍀 5y
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Oh dear. What is going on with my carefully cultivated Goodreads shelves?!? So many zeroes that shouldn't be zeroes 😨 a negative one! So confused. Anybody else have this going on? #mommyreads #goodreads

ReadingSusan Yes that happened last night but this morning it was fine. Hopefully just a glitch? 6y
mrozzz My read books is still at 0 @ReadingSusan 6y
TK-421 This happened to me too! All shelves are 0s except a couple with a puzzling -1! When I go into the shelves, the books are there, it's just that the numbers are messed up. I hope they fix it soon! 6y
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ohyeahthatgirl I did panic just a little. My books seem to be there, but still says 0. 6y
Bookzombie Mine is also showing zeros. ☹️ 6y
alanacristin @mrozzz @TK-421 @ohyeahthatgirl @Bookzombie I'm glad to know it's not just my account! I couldn't find info online. Hopefully it's in the process of getting fixed given @ReadingSusan 's news! Thanks 😊 i don't organize there as well as i used to but after so many years of doing it, i can't imagine if it all disappeared 😖 6y
ReadingSusan I saw a post on twitter saying Goodreads is aware of the problem, it‘s just a glitch, nothing is lost and they are fixing it. 6y
alanacristin @ReadingSusan bless you! 👼 that's great news! 6y
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Ugghh not ready for this. #mommyoftoddler #saveme

MarriedtoMrT Good luck!🍀 7y
bookelf221 @MarriedtoMrT thanks!! We've been trying to guess if she's ready and my gut says she is, so I'm librarian-ing it up and researching before we begin 7y
MarriedtoMrT @bookelf221 There are a lot of good strategies out there! I bet you‘ll get a vibe from her when you start. I had one that was super easy and one that wanted to stay a baby until the bitter end. 😏 7y
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#moose doesn't know it yet, but this is her last weekend in diapers. We used this book when potty training #goose and it was invaluable! What tricks, tips, or reading suggestions do you #parentsofLitsy have?
#raisingreaders #momlife

Yes, she is playing with a pen. She wants to "write" and pretends she's making important notes ??

LornaDH Isla loves her tie-dye underwear. She used to want me to hold her hand, but now she vants to be alone. 7y
Reviewsbylola My daughter is 3 at the end of the month and has been VERY opposed to PT. If you ask her to use the potty, she yells and refuses. I got her to go last weekend and then put panties on her and haven't looked back since. She doesn't get it 100% but I'm amazed at how well she is doing. She is even out of diapers at nap time. 7y
Reviewsbylola She uses a little potty so if I want her and her old sister to go potty I tell them to go have a pee pee race. 😂They run to the bath room and race each other. It's quite entertaining. 7y
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rachelm @Reviewsbylola I'm stealing the race idea!! That will be perfect for getting ready for car trips! 7y
Reviewsbylola My husband told me today that I'm a genius for thinking of that. 😂 Both my kids are huge complainers when I force them to go potty. It's not a huge deal with my 4 yo because she can at least tell me when she has to go, but my 2 yo hasn't quite mastered that yet. 7y
Bks4Wrms For my twins I kept a special toy in the bathroom that they were only allowed to play with when sitting on the potty. I also had a special tiara and wand they wore while on the potty (potty princesses). I also had a reward sticker chart. 7y
Bks4Wrms If they went #1 a set number of consecutive times they got to pick out a small toy from the store. If they went #2 a set number of consecutive times they got a bigger toy from the store. 7y
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"Shell, at least I pooped in the bathroom, Shell. That's progress."

FairyHighRoad 😂I do not miss house training days! My dog would poop right in front of the door that we needed to go through to go outside. 7y
cathysaid 😂😂😂💩 7y
LeahBergen Oh no! 😂😂 7y
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AlaMich Awww...I'm sure she's super-sorry! *snort*🤣🤣 7y
MicheleinPhilly @LagerthaShieldMaiden I had high hopes that it would be an accident free day but alas, it was not to be. It was a good, 12 hour run. 😉 7y
MicheleinPhilly @cathysaid @LeahBergen @AlaMich She was actually really sorry. She gave me this face like, "I know you've taken me out back every 15 minutes for the last hour but I really had to go. I sorry!" 7y
AlaMich Plus, that face. 7y
Joybishoptx Sweet puppy. She'll get the hang of it! 7y
ValerieAndBooks Aww. How old is she though? 7y
Cinfhen That's why God gave them such adorable faces🐶 7y
MicheleinPhilly @ValerieAndBooks She's anywhere from 4 to 6 months old. To her credit, she was found as a stray 😔 so the world was previously her bathroom. ☺ 7y
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I'd recommend reading this book if you're a parent, even if you're not potty training. Jamie has a great tone and attitude. She's firm but positive and encouraging, practical and also optimistic. She's just cool. And she's got some great parenting insights that go way beyond potty training. (Choices WITHIN boundaries...what? You mean there's a nice middle ground that's the best place to be?) Good stuff. And really enjoyable reading.

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BookishMarginalia May the force be with you! 8y
Serotonin @BookishMarginalia thank you! I will need the full strength of the Force on my side 😆 8y
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Look what arrived in the mail today! Da da dum!!! Gonna read this and start the training next week 😆 I am scared 😨 Wish me luck 👍 #toddlerlife #mommylife #toddler #toddlebooks #pottytraining

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We'll be staying at my parents' place for 3 weeks before our new home is move-in ready. My mom suggested that we take advantage of that transition time and potty train the kid. I'm scared 😨

But yes, this book was used by our friend to potty train their daughter - and we may end up using it very soon 😆 #toddler #toddlerlife #mommylife #pottytraining

bookishkai Adding to my to read stack. My nanny kid is almost 3 and not even close to trained, and I suspect all of us adults are too scared of her tantrums over it to push too hard. 8y
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