Seriously?!? I was so excited about the big mystery in this story and it let me all the way down! Ugh. I knew this wasn't fantasy or anything, but it was such a let down when everything was decoded.
Seriously?!? I was so excited about the big mystery in this story and it let me all the way down! Ugh. I knew this wasn't fantasy or anything, but it was such a let down when everything was decoded.
This was a bit disappointing. It took me nearly 100 pages to get into it. What I thought was cute and endearing about Lara Jean in the first two books seemed a bit immature and annoying. I still love Lara and Peter but Kitty has been my constant favorite. I kind of was hoping for a less expected ending, but o well still a cute story.
I'm so sad this was such a quick read. I loved it. As all King's work it was unique and made me think on some level about our actions and their impact. This a great collaboration between father and son and would love to see more.
This was a reread for me. I read this a couple of years ago, but remember nothing about the story. I remember liking this more than I did. I got a bit bored and annoyed with the story and characters. I generally LOVE Rowell, but this fell a bit flat for me. I still liked it, but not the greatest in my opinion.
This was so slow and eventually not even interesting. I found Arthur so back and forth. By the 4th charm how are you still confused on what you want to do?! I just found it dry. It was cute in the beginning but in the end I was just happy to be done with it.
This was cute. Not spectacular but, it was an okay read. I think what annoyed me the most was Will, the main character. I have never been blind or had a handicap, but I didn't really like him a lot of the time. He could be a bit of a brat. Once again, I've been fortunate in many aspects of my life bit, I found him to be annoying at times. This was insightful on aspects of being blind I never considered. Cute story and characters.
This book was so adorable. I loved the characters especially the brotherly love between Genie and Ernie. It had a great message about family and forgiveness and I loved every moment of it.
I had no idea what to expect from this book. As always Patrick Ness delivers a totally unique and great story. I loved the characters, especially Tomasz. I don't like getting answers to things, which is basically how this ended, but that seemed to be the point. Overall, this was just fantastic.
Really crappy day out so am making my way through More Than This. This book is blowing my mind! I absolutely ❤️❤️ Patrick Ness! So good!!
I liked this way better than Six of Crows. I loved the characters and felt sympathy for Alina. I can't wait to read the rest of the trilogy.
I really wanted to like this more, but I didn't. I listened to the audiobook, which is probably the only reason I even finished the book. There is a chapter about scrabble! What?! Based on the intro I had a certain idea of what I expected and did not get that. There were many chapters I enjoyed, but some that I was just like oh lordy! If anything this book definitely made me think.
I found this story pretty boring. I did not like Kalid or Shazi. I felt like everything was made more dramatic and secretive for no reason. I found Tariq annoying and impulsive. The only person I liked was Desphina. I enjoyed her humor and wit. I guess I didn't understand the love between Kalid and Shazi when they didn't know anything about each. Just wasn't my cup of tea.
I'm so glad I gave this a second chance. This was a really fun read. The only thing I wish was that was more back story explaining the changes in the world. I'm glad I read Fairest first as it gave me more insight. I was also thankful for the minimal love/relationships. That usually ruins a story like this for me. I'm excited to read the other books.
Just as sweet and cute as the first one. I absolutely love Lara Jean and Kitty. Such fun and loving characters. Watching Lara Jean grow and change is so heartwarming. I can't wait to read the final book!
I'm so conflicted in my feelings. I feel bad for Levana yet, I hate her. Her parents and sister were beyond cruel to her. I am a believer that our environment shapes us, so on one hand I feel her feelings of fear and doubt and need for power are explained, but gosh she is horrible! I haven't read Lunar chronicles and am glad I started with this for a bit of background.
I enjoyed this book. It was funny and entertaining to a certain extent. Around the last 50 pages or so I just was annoyed and ready for it to be over. What I originally found funny and endearing about the book become an annoyance. There was just too much crazy and outlandish events. I think it could have been shortened. I will be reading her other books I just hope to like them more.
To much teenage angst. Not the cutesy stories like Jenny Han's writing (which is what I was going for). I found the main character annoying and stopped reading around page 85.
This was so great. I loved all the diversity and characters. Simon was wonderfully awkward and seeing him blossom in the end was just so realistic and Wonderful. I can't say enough about this adorable story.
I thought this was hilarious and great! I think if I read the physical book I wouldn't have liked it because of the statistics etc. It was hilarious with Aziz doing different voices and the jokes. It was a great delivery and hilarious. There were a lot of interesting facts, especially about online dating I found interesting being that I met my husband on OkCupid. This was just a great look at our current views on romance.
I really loved this. It was definitely darker than the first one, but still humorous and a light read. You definitely see character development in Apollo and Meg. I'm excited for the next in the series. They are bringing back Grover! Can't wait!
I did not realize this was a romance. I'm not a fan of them. I find them predictable and boring. I really enjoyed about 70% of the book. She was living out my dream of opening my own little bookstore. I also felt that it just abruptly ended. The romance part was such a sudden part of the book then simply ended. I really wished I liked this more.
This was such a fun read. Apollo definitely had me chuckling throughout this story. While I am new to Riordan, I am a fan for life.
This book was so funny and just a great read/ listen. I loved her narration and cadences. There were plenty of LOL moments for me. I think because we are so close in age a lot of her style and music references were nostalgic for me. There was a great flow to the story and not choppy and scattered like other celebrity books I've read. I absolutely love Issa Rae!
I liked this book. It was fast paced and an interesting and original concept which I appreciated. I spent part of the book pretty frustrated. I think more of a character introduction would have been better. It just jumps right into the action which was a bit disorienting. Overall it was a great story. I think now that I have an understanding of the story and characters I will enjoy the rest of the trilogy more. Also, the covers are gorgeous!
So sad it has taken me this long to read this! Rick Riordan is amazing and I am going to read EVERYTHING he has written! This was such a fun read.
I really wanted to love this book. I love southern tales from the POV of adolescents. This story really fell flat I liked the narrator, but I expected much more drama and discussion about Brown Vs Board and the Civil rights movement This story was more about the crappy father and her mother, who was confusing because she appeared racist at times but at the same time would defend their black help. It was an okay read, but I was hoping for more.
I really enjoyed listening to this book. The narrator was great and really made the story come alive. This was an interesting retelling of Rumplestiltskin. I liked that there were aspects of the fairytale but it wasn't exactly the same. I feel that they were trying to hard to keep harping on the fact that the heroine wasn't skinny and loved treats. It became annoying after a while. Overall it was a great story.
This was so cute! I absolutely loved this from beginning to end. It was such a fun light read. I cannot wait to read the next two books in the series. This is my first Jenny Han book, but I will definitely be reading more.
My heart! I was not expecting to get watery eyed. I really enjoyed this storyline! This book definitely brought up thoughts and feelings of first love. My heart ached for Eleanor. I liked that this wasn't just teenage angst and hating parents. Overall just a great story! I just wish I knew what the three words were she wrote!
This was not at all what I expected. I thought this was going to be a murder mystery. Nonetheless I enjoyed the story and seeing everything from different POVs. The one thing that I didn't like were the characters. This was a family of selfish jerks, mainly the parents. It was so frustrating! I felt so bad for the little sister, she was all but forgotten by the family. Since all of that played a part it fit, but yuck they were not so nice people.
This was a great story line and very unique, but I didn't like any of the characters mainly the children. This was written so long ago so maybe that was my issue, but many times I felt they were bratty. I couldn't understand why Calvin kept calling them morons like it's okay to insult people. This just wasn't my cup of tea.
This was so good! I enjoyed every part of it until the end! WTF! It was such a quick ending. I kind of suspected it was coming but it just was so sudden. I really loved the story line and the characters. Other than the end, I loved and devoured this story.
Despite this being over 500 pages it was a quick read. I finished it under 24 hours. I thought the writing structure unique, but I found this did not give much in character building. I didn't really understand what drew her to drugs, but with a backstory I felt I could have connected better with the characters. I felt at times tid bits were thrown in with not much explanation. I think with some changes I could have given this a higher rating.
I really wanted to like this more. Mindy Kaling is my best friend in my mind so I was super excited to read this. I chose the audiobook and found it funny at times, but kind of boring. There was the chapter on her weight and Hollywood which was my favorite and then there were many that I didn't care for. I did giggle quite a bit. At times I felt she was just rambling with no real purpose. This was just a so so kind of read for me.
This was such a great and touching story. The idea that a 5 year old could survive on their own through such poverty is mind blowing. The love of a mother is so beautiful. To think that she waited 24 years for him to return is incredible. This story also raised the issues in the adoption process and the poor state of India and its millions of children. I'm new to non fiction and am so glad I read this.
I really enjoyed this. I've always enjoyed multi generation books. This really highlighted the Korean War and things I never knew, particularly about the racism many Koreans faced. The novel highlighted how the world changed and you see the racism kind of evolve yet stay the same. The novel was well written but would suddenly get raunchy and vulgar. I'm not a prude but I felt it took away from the writing at times. Overall, it was a great story.
Initially I was not really sure what to expect with this book, but I was pleasantly surprised by all that was inside. I found Marin's words of loneliness to be so relatable. There were twists and turns I was surprised to find as well as the unexpected tears I shed. The story was only a little over 200 pages but it was just enough to fall in love with the different characters. This was such a great read.
I really enjoyed this story. I absolutely loved August's character. He was so mild, while it usually annoys me I even liked his angst. I could not stand Kate though. I thought she was just a brat throwing tantrums to get her way. I understand she had a rough time growing up, but I found it a bit hard to understand her desire to be like her father. I really didn't care for her until the end. I am looking for the next book in June.
I really wanted to like this, but I did not. I got about 50 pages in and quit. Maybe another time I will try again, but for now I had to move on from it.
I think I'm just sick of this series and need to step away for a while. I was just feeling annoyed by the book and decided it was best to stop.
I couldn't decide if this was a "pick" or "so-so". I really enjoyed when I read it, but had to force myself to pick it up. I had to remind myself to turn on ny Kindle and read. It didn't draw me in as I had hoped. Even though Celaena was the main character I found myself way more interested in Nehemia. I do plan to pick up the second book in the series and am hoping to feel more engaged and connected to the characters.
I really enjoyed this story. I never read The Taming of the Shrew, but I still will say I enjoyed this adaptation. I loved that Kate was kinda going through a feminist identity crisis in wanting her independence and desire for a husband. I liked that they spoke about a world where men can't express themselves because of society. I felt like the immigration aspect could have been explored further but overall this was a fun and engaging read.
I absolutely loved this! I haven't read Aristotle and Dante yet so this is my first of his work and I thought it was so great. It was so well written and such a honest look on coming of age. I loved the diversity as well. Initially, I felt that Sal was going to be boring with his "perfect" life, but I really enjoyed his voice. It was a great POV. I loved all of the characters. I highly recommend this book.
This story was so well written. I finished it in a day and it just tore my heart to pieces! By the end the tears we flowing. To think of a child's grief always breaks my heart. The relationship between him and the monster was so beautiful as well. I read an illustrated version and the pictures really complimented the tone and feel of the story. done Mr. Ness!
This is technically a re read for me. I read it years ago and decided to listen to the audiobook. Still a great story. The only thing was the narrator. I enjoyed the voice and accent in the beginning but towards the end it started to grate on my nerves a bit. Other than that, I enjoyed this audio.
I love these books! They are so entertaining. I am feeling a even stronger love story emerging which I'm hoping doesn't take away from the story, but so far am still loving this series.
This was so good!!! It is definitely a book that can make people cringe, but it was very well written. I loved how it ended. Surprisingly the ending wasn't what I expected, but I found it fitting. I would definitely recommend this story.
This story was absolutely adorable. Death is something I never think about affecting kids so young, which is definitely BS because death happens everyday. Suzy is such a relatable character. I remember that awkward stage of not knowing where you fit in. This story was beautifully written and definitely sends the message to all ages that pain doesn't last and things will get better.
This book was amazing! This is not the kind of book I would normally read, but wow I absolutely loved it. I would highly recommend it and make sure you keep the tissues near.